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The Common Rites
The night before the saà skä ra proper, one begins with the establishment of the ghaö a, Viñ ë u pü jä, and adhivä sa. The next morning, one should recite the Svasti Vä cana, Saë kalpa, establish the ghaö a, worship Lord Viñ ë u, worship the paramparä ä cä ryas (Sä ttvika Vå ddhi Ç rä ddha), and perform Cedirä ja Pü jä (Vasudhä rä). · Svasti Vä cana @ TRANS from Pratistha Vidhi book Three brä hmaë as should chant: oà punantu mä m devajanä ù punantu manasä dhiyaù punantu viç va bhü tä ë é jä tavedaù puné hi mä m One brä hmaë a chants: oà asya karmanaù punyaham bhavanto bhruvantu At least three brä hmaë as throw akñ ata in the air three times, while chanting: oà punyaham oà punyaham oà punyaham Together they chant: oà udgat eva ç akune sä ma gä yasi brahma putra iva savaneñ u samç asi vå ç eva vä ji ç iç umatirapé tyä sarvato naù ç akune bhadramä vada viç vato naù ç akune punyamä vada One brä hmaë a chants: oà asya karmanaù svasti bhavanto bhruvantu ayuç mate svasti The brä hmaë as throw akñ ata in the air three times, while chanting: oà svasti oà svasti oà svasti Together: oà svasti na indro vå ddhaç ravaù svasti naù pü ç ä viç vavedä ù svasti nas tä rkñ yo ariç ö anemiù svasti no bå haspatiù dadhä tu One brä hmaë a chants: oà asya karmana å ddhim bhavanto bhruvantu The brä hmaë as throw akñ ata in the air three times, while chanting: oà å dhyatam oà å dhyatam oà å dhyatam Together: oà å dhyä ma stomam sanuyä ma vä ja mä no mantram sara thehopa yä tam yaç o na pakvam madhu goç vanta rä bhü tä mso aç vinoù kä mamaprä ù oà svasti no govindaù svasti no ’cyutä nantau svasti no vä sudevo viñ ë ur dadhä tu svasti no nä rä yaë a naro vai svasti naù padmanä bhaù puruñ ottamo dadhä tu svasti no viç vakseno viç veç varaù svasti no hå ñ ikeç o harir dadhä tu svasti no vainateyo hariù svasti no ’njanä suto hanur bhä gavato dadhä tu svasti svasti sumaì galaikeç o mahä n ç ré kå ñ ë aù saccidä nanda ghä naù sarveç vareç varo dadhä tu The brä hmaë as should throw the remainder of the akñ ata. The maì galä caraë a prayers may be recited at this point. Saì kalpa Saì kalpa should be performed using a small copper vessel. Silver, stone, clay, conch or bell metal should not be used, nor should saì kalpa be performed using only the hands. One should fill the pot with water, and add sesame, three blades of kuç a (with root and tip intact), flowers, and haritaki or banana. One should chant the saì kalpa: oà viñ ë ur oà tat sat Adya _______mä se (lunar month) _______pakñ e (lunar fortnight) _______tithau (lunar day) acyuta gotraù (name of sponsor) dä sa (name of function) karmä bhuyadayä rthaà ç ré kå ñ ë a prityä rthaà ç ré bhä gavatä rcana vasudhä rä sampä tanä yuñ a sü kta japä bhyudaika ç rä ddha karmä myaham kariñ ye @translation: One should then throw some of the water in the North-East direction, pour the balance water on the ground (or into a visarjana pä tra placed on the floor) turn the vessel upside down and place gandha and puñ pa on it. Then recite Sä ma Vediya Saì kalpa Sü kta oà devo vo dravië odä ù pü rë ä à vivañ ö vä sicam udhvä siï cadhva mü pa vä på ë adhva deva uhate oà saì kalpitaå thasya siddhirastu @translation: GHAÖ A STHÄ PANA The ghaö a or water pot, by assembling with the proper mantras and calling in the Lord, becomes a form of the Lord which can be worshipped with upacä ras (articles such as foot wash, arghya, lamps etc.) in the manner that one worships a mü rti. The ghaö a (pot) may be made of gold, silver, copper, bell metal, stone or clay. Those made of clay are suitable for all purposes, but should be unbroken, clean and should only be used once. One should place either nava-ratna (pearl, cat’s eye, gomed, diamond, coral, yellow sapphire, emerald, blue sapphire, ruby), paï ca-ratna (pearl, cat’s seye, diamond, sapphire, ruby), or a piece of gold in the water within the pot.