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Practice tasks. I. Match the stages of the translating process given in Column A to their description in Column B.

I. Match the stages of the translating process given in Column A to their description in Column B.


    Review the material you are going to translate to study the terminology, intent and content of the material. Make sure you have all the necessary reference material at hand, such as good dictionaries and glossaries. a After a short break from work checking the translation against the original to ensure accuracy of content and proofreading it to correct spelling and grammatical errors will be much more effective.
    Analyze the ST from the point of view of employing various translation techniques. b Readability of the TT is the main aim of the translator.
    Then make a draft translation. Though grammatically correct, the first version of translation may seem awkward and unsuitable in the TL. To avoid sluggishness, resort to various translation techniques, namely: contextual replacements, lexico-semantic modifications, grammatical transformations and etc. c Proper nouns, such as the names of the people mentioned, geographic names, historical movements, time periods, and etc. deserve an investigation phase of their own. You should make sure that they are spelled correctly.
    Leave a little extra time to review the text after having finished the translation. d Remember: all transformations of the original structures you will resort to in the process of translation must be justified.
    Read your draft again to be sure that the TT meets all the requirements of the TL norms. e Never leave blank spaces, question marks or other marks that may easily go unnoticed when you are making your final delivery.


II. Read the excerpt from the article Возвращение святынь, which was published in the magazine Краснодарский край in 2011. Make an algorithm of the translation process. After having analyzed the approaches to overcoming possible difficulties, translate this text into English.


Уникальные регалии ККВ*, в том числе Грамота императрицы Екатерины Второй и печать Черноморского войска, были вывезены казаками за границу в начале прошлого века. В 2007 году после длительных переговоров потомки бежавших от советской власти казаков начали возвращать ценности в Россию. Осенью 2011 года в краевом музее-заповеднике им. Фелицына состоялась передача последней партии реликвий казачества. Всего из США было передано 273 предмета.

Последняя партия казачьих святынь, без всякого преувеличения, уникальна. В нее вошли штандарт 6-го Кубанского пластунского батальона, а также черкеска и бешмет наместника на Кавказе Великого князя Михаила Николаевича Романова, атаманская насека*** и пернач-шестопер****, подлинные чехлы от знамен, фотоальбом Первого Екатеринодарского полка имени Захария Чепиги.


*ККВ – Cuban Cossacks Army

** наместник - viceroy

*** насека – mace

**** пернач-шестопер – flanged mace


III. Read the excerpt from the article Beyond Talk – Creative Arts Therapies in Social Work written by Kate Jackson and published in the journal Social Work Today, Vol. 15 No. 3 P. 22, May/June 2015 Issue. Translate it into Russian specifying the stages of the process of translation.

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