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Practice task. 1. Translate the following sentences, taking into consideration all possible ways of conveying the diminutive forms of the italicized words.

1. Translate the following sentences, taking into consideration all possible ways of conveying the diminutive forms of the italicized words.


№ п/п SL sentence TL sentence
  Вот в этом домике вырос мой папочка. This is the house me daddy grew up.
  Какой сегодня ветрище! What a wind today!
  Давай-ка встретимся утречком и обсудим эту проблему на свежую голову. Let’s meet in the morning and discuss this problem with a fresh head.
  До чего же у нее красивые глазки! What beautiful eyes she has!
  Agatha Christie’s novel Ten Little Niggers was first published in 1939. Повесть Агаты Кристи Десят негритят впервые была опубликована в 1939 году.
  Twinkle, twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky (English nursery rhyme)  
  Brer Rabbit, the main character in the children’s story by Uncle Remus, is remembered for always escaping troubles at the last minute.   Братец Кролик, основной персонаж детской сказки Джоэля Харриса, повествование которой ведется от имени дядюшки Римуса, запоминается тем, что ему всегда удается избегать неприятностей в самый последний момент.
  The sun was shining and the birds were singing. I was sitting in the yard, when something strange happened …. Светило солнышко и пели птички. Я сидел во дворе, когда произошло что-то странное …


II. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the functions of the articles.


№ п/п English sentence Russian translation
  As the wedding is being held on a Friday, and not the weekend, the Prince will pay the borough the cheapest rate for the hire of the building, £ 156 an hour.  
  There is a time to mourn and a time to rejoice (The Book of Ecclesiastes)  
  The August of 2014 will always rest in my memory.  
  This painting is a Matisse.  
  The fact that the staff decided to go on strike, took the managers by surprise. забастовать, объявить забастовку захватить кого-л. врасплох
  That’s the book I need for my research.  
  They say a young actor is a new Frank Sinatra.  


III. Translate the following sentences into Russian. Justify your choice of the TL structure.

№ п/п English sentence  
  This area has been designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site.  
  Plays, gambling, drinking and the like were frowned on by the city fathers. frown on - осуждать  
  National airlines have long been seen as powerful symbols of their countries’ economic virility. virility - 1) возмужалость; 2) мужественность; смелость, храбрость; энергичность  
  The practice of HRM is underpinned by a number of theories. underpin - поддерживать, подкреплять (тезис, аргумент и т. п.)  
  Freedom is never given; it is won. A. Philip Randolph  
  Of course, some offenses are neglected by citizens as well as by officials  
  The old rhetoric was attributed to Aristotle, who taught that to persuade required careful attention to logos, ethos, and pathos in an attempt to persuade one’s interlocutor.  
  More than 50 per cent of the clothes, particularly high-fashion items, are made in Zara’s own factories in Spain, most of them close to its headquarters.  
  Jobs that were not even considered five years ago have been created because of the Internet revolution.  
  The governments of Asia seem to have been convinced by employers that workers shouldn't have the right to organize and bargain.  


II. Translate the following sentences paying attention to their initial structures.


№ п/п English sentence Russian translation
  Had I been a photographer, not a writing journalist, I would have been sacked.  
  If our standard of living doubles in the next forty years … we will theoretically quadruple our impact, a physical impossibility.  
  So soon as this is recognized, the distinction between economy in consumption and economy in investment becomes blurred …    
  These kinds of changes will be wrenching, as they will affect both the daily routine and self-conception of everyone involved in creating and distributing news.  
  The president, who is often referred to as the “most powerful man in the free world”, is the ultimate commander-and-chief of the United States military and is constitutionally charged to “take care the laws be faithfully executed.”  
  Starck is best known for architecture and interiors, although he is increasingly branching out into other areas …  
  Despite the fact that U.S. organizations spend over $100 billion annually on incentive programs, many business people question their effectiveness.  
  While practitioners’ roles have long been a popular focus in public relations research, comparatively little research has been conducted to assess practitioners’ use of the Internet …  


III. Translate the following sentences into Russian, defining the functions of the modal verbs.

Function English sentence Russian translation
  Can the government be prevailed upon to lower taxes? prevail (up)on) - убедить, уговорить (кого-л.)  
  It might be supposed that the accession of solar light would be accompanied by increase of temperature. accession - прирост; прибавление; пополнение, увеличение  
  I can’t teach anybody anything. I can only make them think. Socrates  
  The government is to accelerate its privatization program.  
  Care should be taken when making this computation … computation - вычисление; выкладка, расчет  
  Problems we ignore now will come back to haunt us.  
  One of the lessons of our new information environment is that you cannot entirely separate the message from the messenger.  
  To be regarded as viable candidates, female politicians must use persuasive techniques surrounding their sporting exploits. viable - жизнеспособный  


IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian, defining the functions of the non-finite forms of the verb.


Non-finite form of the verb English sentence Russian translation
  The dramatic death of Princess Diana while being chased by paparazzi is unlikely to bring press intrusion to an end.  
  Scientists have spent years researching into the effects of certain chemicals on the human brain.  
  The majority of people surveyed said that they would be happy to earn less money if they had more time to be with their loved ones.  
  Although never officially designated as an air raid shelter, the Marples* was a conspicuously robust building with an extensive network of cellars below ground. It's not surprising that many people in the vicinity congregated there for refuge. * the Marples - отель «Марплз»  
  There sat a reporter pencil in hand to take down his words.  
  Rules are therefore believed to generate important and far-reaching consequences.  
  Hence there is scope for financial and other motivations to be used at local levels.  
  There will be more messages for people to choose from —and more difficulty in avoiding the choice.  
  H& M’s base at Regeringsgaten 48, Stockholm, is certainly democratic in appearance. Located in the commercial centre of the city, just up the road from an enormous H& M flagship store, it is blocky and practical. The lifts, to be quite honest, could do with a bit of a makeover. makeover - ремонт  


V. Read and translate the newspaper article A Marriage that Matures will Double Your Money and comment on the ways of translating the grammatical categories it contains.

MARRIAGE can make you wealthy – as long as you stay together and never get divorced.

A study of 9, 055 people in America, tracked since they were teenagers in 1979, has found that those who married and stayed married accumulated almost twice the personal wealth of their single peers.

The big threat to married people was divorce. On average, splitting up cost married people more than three-quarters of their net worth.

“Becoming married and staying married really do increase your wealth”, Jay Zagorsky, the author of the study, said yesterday. “But I would not marry with the idea of getting rich. I think that is a terrible idea because if you get dissatisfied with your marriage, divorce will destroy your wealth”.

Ohio State University’s Centre for Human Resource Research collected the data from the subjects, now in their forties, by interviewing them every other year over more than a quarter of a century.

The study, published in the current issue of the Journal of Sociology, defined wealth as the total value of a person’s assets, such as property, stocks and bank accounts, minus their liabilities, such as mortgages.

Married participants were found to be 93 per cent richer than the singles in the group.

“There seems to be a dramatic reduction in spending when people get married”, Mr Zagorsky said. “It’s just cheaper for two people to live than one”.

But a failed marriage cancels out this “wealth effect”. Divorced participants saw their wealth drop so heavily that they ended up 77 per cent poorer than single people.

The survey found that personal net worth began to decline four years before a divorce took place.

“The paper shows divorces hurt people four years ahead of time”, Mr Zagorsky said. “I think some of these people are separating. Some of these people are disillusioned with the marriage and there is an impact from that”.

The research did not separate out the effects of having children or of remarriage.

Divorced men did better than divorced women, on average they had about 2⅓ times as much wealth. But in absolute terms, the difference amounted to only $5, 124 (£ 2, 900).

“Men do fare a little bit better in percentage terms, but absolutely there is not a big difference between men and women”, Mr Zagorsky said. “In absolute terms, becoming divorced really hurts both men and women”.

The study has implications for public policy in countries such as Britain, which in 2001 recorded the lowest number of marriages since 1897.




1. What is functional style? Give the classification of styles.

2. What are the main demands which a good translator should meet in the process of translation of scientific literature? State the main ways of translating terms.

3. Describe the structure of a newspaper item. Explain the peculiarities of translating newspaper headlines (from English into Russian and vice versa). Comment on the ways of translation of cliché s.

4. What does the problem of stylistic devices touch upon? How does it correlate with translation?

5. List the most widespread lexical and syntactical stylistic devices which should be born in mind when translating from English into Russian.


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