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Use of the essential vocabulary. Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it: (1) allegiance(вірність

Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:

(1) allegiance(вірність, відданість, належність) – loyalty to a leader, country, belief, etc. They owed allegiance to their king.
(2) amass(збирати, накопичувати) – to collect a large amount of something. He amassed a fortune after the war.
(3) baron(барон, магнат) – a feudal tenant holding his rights and title directly from a king or another feudal superior; one having great wealth, power, and influence in a specified sphere of activity. He had studied antiques, flowers, the portraits of past barons de Chavigny which had always hung in the old Baron's offices.
(4) beholden(зобов’язаний, вдячний) – to feel that you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you. Many barons were beholden to the Church.
(5) cleavage(розщеплення, розкол) – the difference between two people or things that often causes problems or arguments; the state of being split or cleft. Religious cleavages have led to violent clashes around the globe.
(6) concept; notion (поняття, ідея) – an idea of how something is or how something should be done. In ‘Utopia’ Plato describes his concept of an ideal society. Modern society does not always correspond to the notion of democracy.
(7) exert control(здійснювати контроль) – to use your power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen. In those times church exerted control over kings.
(8) feudal(феодальний) – of the system by which people gave certain services e.g. military support to a more powerful man in return for lands, protection etc. Independence led to the abolition of feudal privileges.
(9) governance(управління, влада, керівництво) – the act, process, or power of governing; government. Regaining a sense of the state is thus an absolute priority, not only for an effective policy against terrorism, but also for governance itself.
(10) imply(мати на думці, означати) – to suggest that something is true without saying this directly. She had not meant to imply that he was lying.
(11) insufficient(недостатній) – not enough. Insufficient resources have been devoted to the health service.
(12) legitimacy(законність) – the quality of conforming to law. The legitimacy of the government of this country is questioned by other countries.
(13) levy(збирати, стягувати) – to officially say that people must pay a tax or charge. The European Union is to push for the right to levy direct taxes on Britons and the citizens of other member countries.
(14) negotiate(вести переговори, домовлятися) – to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics. The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.
(15) nomadic(кочовий) – migratory, without fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land. Most states have a stable population, but migrant communities and nomadic peoples also can be met even today.  
(16) obedient(слухняний, покірний) – always doing what you are told to do, or what the law, a rule etc. says you must do. Citizens should be obedient to the law.
(17) outweigh(переважати, бути впливовішим) – to be more valuable or important than something else. The benefits of such policy outweigh the disadvantages.
(18) Papacy(Папство) – the position and authority of the Pope; the time during which a Pope is in power. Soon the papacy assumed the role of tax gatherer on behalf of the king.
(19) secular(мирський, світський) – not connected with or controlled by a church or other religious authority. They argued whether schools should become totally secular.
(20) self-determination(самовизначення) – the right of the people of a particular country to govern themselves and to choose the type of government they will have. Some politicians believe that they can and are allowed to control another people’s choice and freedom to self-determination.
(21) sovereignty(суверенітет) – the power that an independent country has to govern itself. They did it in defense of their national sovereignty.
(22) to assume(набирати, брати на себе) – to start to have control, responsibility etc. Local barons ruled over inherited lands and assumed the powers we typically associate with governments.
(23) to reside(проживати) – to live in a particular place. A large number of ethnical groups reside in this locality.
(24) treatу(договір, угода) – a formal written agreement between two or more countries or governments. The peace treaty ended nearly three years of violence.
(25) undermine(підривати, руйнувати) – to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective. Such policies threaten to undermine the sovereignty of the country.
(26) undetected(непомічений) – not perceived, noticed, or discovered. The fake bomb passed undetected.
(27) viability(життєздатність) – capability of normal growth and development. The new government failed to prove its viability.
(28) wage war(вести війну) – to be involved in a war against someone, or a fight against something. States govern people in a territory with boundaries and may wage war against other states.
(29) wield power(володіти владою) – to have a lot of power or influence and to use it. The Church wields immense power in this country.
(30) yardstick(мірка, мірило, критерій) – something that you compare another thing with in order to judge how good or successful it is. Peace in the country is the most important yardstick of success for any government.

Task 3. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:

A) undermine; allegiance; concept; negotiate; treaty; imply; amass; cleavage; reside; viability; undetected; outweigh;

B) agreement; live; weaken; unnoticed; notion; accumulate; mean; discuss; split; possibility; loyalty; outdo.

Task 4. Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words provided below:

nomadic; obedient; self-determination; secular; undetected; legitimacy; amass; cleavage; allegiance; undermined; levy; viability; reside; assume; wage.


1. To... a tax means to impose a duty or a financial charge on a person or any other legal body by the state. 2. Interestingly, the only doubts that Western scientists seemed to express about the... of the project concerned this deadline. 3. It is held together not by command and obedience but by influence and what may be called.... 4. As a... leader, the king may have had charge of the army, although this may have been only a ceremonial role. 5. To become a citizen one must... in the country for at least ten years. 6. Some people think the parliamentary election should be brought forward from 1993, to give the government... and to open the way for a new president. 7. Perhaps... by choice, a typical shepherd would have had few possessions, but would not own the flock, the pastures or a house. 8. In his eagerness to... a personal fortune to fund his politics, he borrowed heavily to invest in an obscure Canadian company. 9. The right of nations to... is the cardinal principle in modern international law principles. 10. His long-term goal was to... power over the country. 11. Such claims... his image and threatened his political career. 12. They lost the elections because of the... in the party. 13. Soon it turned out that the country had no more money to... war. 14. Such policy could not remain... and soon caused the protest of other states. 15. He was an... citizen and always followed all the rules.

Task 5. Find the matching definitions for the terms:

1) secular a) a belief that only ancestry gives one the right to belong to a particular group, and a desire to establish independent nation-states based solely on ethnicity;
2) ethno-nationalism b) a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history;
3) migration c) the popular acceptance of an authority, usually a governing law or a ré gime;
4) sovereignty d) the administrative organization with authority to govern a political state;
5) nation e) not religious;
6) state f) an organized community living under a unified political system, the government;
7) government g) the exclusive right to exercise supreme political authority over a geographic region, group of people;
8) legitimacy h) the position, power and authority of the Pope, including the period of time that a particular person holds this position;
9) authority i) the movement of people across a specified boundary for the purpose of establishing a new or semi-permanent residence;
10) Papacy j) the people or organizations that are in charge of a particular country or area;

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