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Use of the essential vocabulary. Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it: (1) abstention(утримання) – a voluntary decision not to act

Task 2. Memorize the essential vocabulary and translate the sentences containing it:
(1) abstention(утримання) – a voluntary decision not to act. By agreeing to talks with the North, the Americans won China’s abstention when the UN Security Council passed a resolution this month calling on the North to stay in the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (NPT).
| (2) abuse(зловживання) – cruel or violent treatment of someone. An independent committee will look into alleged human rights abuses.
| (3) ad hoc (спеціальний) – arranged or done only when necessary. The president’s administration had success in building a series of ad hoc coalitions in support of key economic policy votes.
| (4) adherence (дотримання) – when someone behaves according to a particular rule, belief, principle, etc. They claimed adherence to democratic principles.
| (5) arbitrary(свавільний)– decided or arranged without any reason or plan, often unfairly. The public protested against the arbitrary arrests of political opponents.
| (6) assertion(твердження, формулювання) – a statement that is emphatic and explicit (spoken or written). Most assertions of human rights are qualified by the limitation that the rights of any particular individual or group are properly restricted as much as is necessary to secure the comparable rights of others.
| (7) asylum(притулок) – protection given to someone by government because they have escaped from fighting or political trouble in their own country. He has been granted asylum in France.
| (8) core(базовий, стрижневий) –the main, very important. The committee identified the range of core competencies for the organisation staff.
| (9) counterpoint(контрапункт) – a contrasting but parallel element, item, or theme. A prime purpose of the Soviet Armed Forces is to move Soviet diplomacy along: to act as its complement or counterpoint, to intimidate, encourage and impress.
| (10) covenant(угода, договір) – a formal sealed agreement or contract. No-one is yet talking about a ‘new’ Lebanon but there is now widespread acceptance among both Muslims and Christians in the Lebanese parliament that the country’s unwritten national covenant is now obsolete.
| (11) deprived(позбавлений) – not having the things that are necessary. A lot of children are deprived of basic rights.
| (12) detention(затримання, арешт) – the state of being kept in prison. He was kept in detention for five years.
| (13) elaborate(надавати детальну інформацію) – to give more details or new information about something. He said he had new facts but refused to elaborate any further.
| (14) envoy(посол, посланник) – someone who is sent to another country as an official representative. The UN is sending a special envoy to this area.
| (15) exile (заслання, вигнання) – a situation in which you are forced to leave your country and live in another country, especially for political reasons. He went into exile to escape political imprisonment.
| (16) foreshadow(передвіщати) – to show, indicate, or suggest in advance. The situation and its elements foreshadow the later confrontation.
| (17) indigenous(корінний) – people or things that have always been in a place where they are rather than brought there from somewhere else. Many indigenous cultures coexist in this area.
| (18) intervention(втручання) – the act of becoming involved in a difficult situation in order to deal with a problem or improve the situation. They discussed the government intervention to regulate prices.
| (19) laissez-faire(невтручання)– the principle that the government should allow the economy or private business to develop without any state control or influence. The government chose the policy of laissez-faire.
| (20) misuse(погане поводження, зловживання) – the use of something in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose. It was an instance of scandalous misuse of public funds.
| (21) persecution (переслідування, гоніння) – treating someone cruelly or unfairly over a period of time, especially because of their religious or political beliefs. Only a handful of them should qualify as true refugees fleeing persecution, while the rest are ‘economic migrants’ escaping the pitiful poverty of their home country.
| (22) proliferation(поширення) – increase in the amount or number of something. With the increase in major nuclear powers from five to eight, nuclear proliferation is a dangerous reality and may become an even greater threat to peace and stability.
| (23) provisions (положення, умови договору) – a stipulation or qualification, especially a clause in a document or agreement. There have been a lot of covenants each elaborating on provisions of the International Bill of Human Rights.
| (24) rapporteur(доповідач) – one who is designated to give a report, e.g. at a meeting. Upon his arrival in Johannesburg, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, Manfred Nowak, called upon the government of Zimbabwe to receive him in Harare and allow his mission to go ahead as planned.
| (25) subsidiary(допоміжний, додатковий) – connected with but less important than something else. Later they will discuss the questions that are subsidiary to the main one.
| (26) sustainable(стійкий) – able to continue for a long time. The party is promising low inflation and sustainable economic growth.
| (27) touchstone(критерій) – something used as a test or standard. Collectively known as the International Bill of Human Rights, these three instruments serve as touchstones for interpreting the human rights provisions of the UN Charter.
| (28) trial(суд) – a legal process in which a judge and often a jury in a court of law examine information to decide whether someone is guilty of a crime. This man was on a trial for assault.
| Task 3. Match each word in section A with the one of the similar meaning in section B:
A) indigenous; assertion; adherence; detention; arbitrary; exile; abstention; envoy; misuse; proliferation; asylum; core;
B) refraining; statement; maltreatment; imprisonment; refuge; native; central; unreasonable; spread; expatriation; delegate; compliance.
Task 4.Fill in the gaps in the sentences using the words provided below:
trail; core; sustainable; laissez-faire; arbitrary; touchstone; proliferation; intervention; asylum; abstention; exile; rapporteur; assertions; elaborate; indigenous.
1. Keen above all to protect the interests of the country’s farmers, and abandoning the doctrine of … in a period of crisis, parliament moved with readiness to pass the Corn Law of 1815. 2. These countries argued that they had a right to peace, but that this right was being violated by nuclear … and other actions taken beyond their borders. 3. After two years of taking no action in response to reports of grave and widespread violations in Iraq, the Commission on Human Rights has appointed a Special … to investigate the human rights situation there. 4. The armies of Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain – the … of any new European defense force – number close to 2 million (although cuts and reorganizations are on the way). 5. Additionally, … of a “right to water” could cause conflict over transboundary waters. 6. No one shall be subjected to … arrest, detention or exile. 7. Amnesty International has asked the Government on many occasions to lift those measures which place obstacles in the path of … seekers attempting to gain access to the refugee-determination process. 8. Peace and freedom from outside … became central to developing countries’ interpretation of human rights. 9. In February 1957 the Soviet Government sent the Western powers a note proposing the adoption of mutual obligations towards the Near and Middle East including an … from ‘all kinds of attempts to draw these countries into military blocs with the participation of the Great Powers’. 10. This organization has been created to advocate the rights of the … population. 11. The community much awaited this … in the International Court of Human Rights. 12. Human Rights protection has become the … of any democratic country. 13. The creation of an efficient and … Human Rights protection system is the major international concern. 14. Could you … further on this new treaty, please? 15. He returned to his home country after nearly ten years of ….
Task 5. Find the matching definitions for the terms defining the categories of human rights:
1) positive
| a) meaning that their provision, or the breach of them, cannot be judged in a court of law;
| 2) resource-intensive
| b) meaning that they are expensive and difficult to provide;
| 3) progressive
| c) meaning that they relate to everyone in the world or everyone in a particular society or group;
| 4) vague
| d) meaning that they will take significant time to implement;
| 5) ideologically divisive/political
| e) meaning their provision is easy to judge and measure;
| 6) non-justiciable
| f) meaning that there is no consensus on what should and shouldn’t be provided as a right;
| 7) negative
| g) meaning they cannot be quantitatively measured, and whether they are adequately provided or not is difficult to judge;
| 8) immediate
| h) meaning they can be immediately provided if the state decides to;
| 9) precise
| i) meaning that they require active provision of entitlements by the state (as opposed to the state being required only to prevent the breach of rights);
| 10) universal
| j) meaning the state can protect them simply by taking no action;