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Repetitive Flight Plan 5 страница

9. What is the right moment to retract gears?

10. What do the pilots do with the navigation lights?

11. What does Flap+ mean?

12. What is the position of the flap lever after take-off?

13. What speed do the pilots set at that moment?

14. Where is the aircraft cleared to fly direct?

15. What heading do the pilots set to proceed there?

16. Who of the pilots reads the After Take Off Check?

17. Who of them responds?

18. Why do both pilots check altimeters?

19. What pressure do the altimeters show?

20. What flight level is the aircraft passing at that moment?

Exercise 3.6.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. Shamrock 521 is instructed to line up on RW 18.

2. The pilots have set altitude 4400 ft.

3. The co-pilot is off the air for a few minutes to talk to the passengers.

4. ATC gives takeoff clearance.

5. They have to climb straight ahead to a distance of 3 miles.

6. Then they have to make a right turn to KLY.

7. Landing lights and strobes are on.

8. The captain commences takeoff by reducing the power.

9. Two engines working together give 93.4% of total power.

10. At the speed of 80 knots they rotate.

11. The captain announces the Positive Rate Of Climb.

12. The co-pilot moves the gear lever to DOWN position.

13. The navigation lights are on.

14. Shamrock 521 has to contact Centre on 125.65.

15. The co-pilot selects flap lever to position 2.

16. Then he sets speed 220 kts.

17. The captain programs CDU for the flight direct to Cork

18. The co-pilot selects flap lever to UP position.

19. The crew set heading 125°.

20. The landing lights are off.

21. The start switches are on.

22. The landing gear is up and off.

23. The auto brake is off.

24. Flaps are up.

25. Both pilots check altimeters which show the atmospheric pressure of 1013 hectopascals.

Exercise 3.6.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Занимать исполнительный старт; панель переключателей автопилота и пилотажного командного прибора; автомат тяги; отвлечься на другое задание; вернуться к прежнему заданию; набирать высоту со взлетным курсом; посадочные огни; проблесковые огни; увеличивать; взлетный разбег; установить взлетную тягу двигателей; отрывать переднее колесо при взлете; потянуть штурвал на себя; оторвать самолет от земли; горизонтальная навигация; положительная скороподъемность; убрать шасси; блок управления и индикации; непосредственно.

Exercise 3.6.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Strobes a. an aircraft headlamp used to illuminate the runway or taxiway during night operations
2. F+ b. an instrument based on the barometer which measures air pressure and translates this into altitude or height for display in the cockpit
3. Lateral navigation c. an instruction to enter the runway and wait in the takeoff position
4. Auto throttle d. intense flashing lights (usually white) located on the outside of the aircraft to make it visible to other pilotand normally turned on when the aircraft enters the runway
5. Line up e. a vertical distance measured in feet above Mean Sea Level
6. Landing light f. the confirmation that the airspeedis more than the required minimum speed for that flapselection
7. Altitude g. the flight management computer system’s mode which calculates parameters for en route navigation, heading, course etc. and provides this information to the autopilot and flight director
8. Altimeter h. an aircraft systemwhich automatically controls the supply of fuel to the enginesand therefore adjusts thrustto suit the selected flight regime

Exercise 3.6.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Section 3.7 Climb

Exercise 3.7.1 Read and translate the text.

ATC(Centre): Shamrock 521, cleared FL240.

Captain: Shamrock 521, cleared FL240.

(P2 sets FL240 on FMC and altitude warning system.)

Captain: FL240.

(P1 selects L Nav. Departure Plates put away and flight plan updated.)

Co-Pilot: Anti-ice on?

Captain: Yes, please.

(P2 selects engine anti-icing on.)

Co-Pilot: Anti-icing on, both engines.

(P2 now gets out the En route chart.)

Captain: I’m leaving it at 250 kts. To clear the icing layer.

Co-Pilot: OK!

Captain: Passing 10, 000.

Co-Pilot: That checks. Are you leaving the anti-icing on?

Captain: Yes, we are still in icing conditions.

(PI switches off the landing lights and seat belt sign. P2 selects and identifies CRK on No.2 VOR.)

Co-Pilot: CRK VOR identified my side.

Captain: Right! Will you ask for FL200, and we will do the briefing after I speak to the passengers.

(Captain makes PA announcement to passengers. P2 calls ATC to make request.)

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521 requesting FL200.

ATC(Centre): Shamrock 521, call Shannon on 124.7 with that request.

Co-Pilot: Roger, Shannon 124.7.

(P2 changes frequency and makes call.)

Co-Pilot: Shannon, Shamrock 521 climbing to FL240, requesting FL200.

ATC(Shannon): Shamrock 521 climb to and maintain FL200, call me level.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, call level FL200.

(P2 selects new cruise level on MCP and CDU. CCM enters cockpit.)

CCM: Captain, would anyone like a cup of tea?

Captain: No, thank you, Frances.

Co-Pilot: No, thanks.

CCM: You are all very easy to please today!

(CCM leaves cockpit. P2 sets and identifies ADFs for approach to Cork. P2 extracts Vref from FMC and confirms in tables.)

Co-Pilot: Vref is 122.

Captain: Vref 122.

(ASI bugs are set. P2 warns that aircraft is approaching cruise level.)

Co-Pilot: 2, 000 to go.

Captain: Confirmed.

Co-Pilot: Landing at 20 past on schedule.

Captain: Thanks, Garret, will you set up the FMC for a 10 mile final, please?

Co-Pilot: OK!

(P2 enters data in FMC.)

Co-Pilot: 1, 000 to go.

(P2 warns that aircraft is approaching level. P2 calls ATC to report aircraft maintaining cleared flight level.)

Co-Pilot: FL 200.

Exercise 3.7.2 Answer the questions.

1. What flight level is Shamrock cleared to climb to?

2. Who of the pilots sets the appropriate level on the flight management computer?

3. Which plates are put away and why?

4. Why is the flight plan updated?

5. Is the engine anti-icing on or off?

6. Why are the crew trying to climb so fast?

7. Which flight level is the aircraft passing at the moment?

8. Which cabin signs does the co-pilot switch off?

9. What flight conditions is the aircraft in?

10. Who of the pilots talks to the passengers?

11. Does he leave the cockpit and go to the passenger cabin to do it?

12. Which VOR does the co-pilot set at the time?

13. What do you think these letters stand for?

14. What flight level does the captain want to stop the climb at?

15. Who offers the crew some tea?

16. Do the pilots accept the offer?

17. What is the senior stewardess’s response?

18. Who sets and identifies the ADFs for Cork?

19. Which data does the co-pilot extract from the computer and confirm in tables?

20. What bugs are set at that moment?

21. What is the Vref going to be?

22. When does the co-pilot inform the captain that the aircraft is approaching the assigned level?

23. Are they going to land according to the estimated time of arrival or later?

24. What final do they choose?

25. Who are they going to inform on reaching the assigned level?

Exercise 3.7.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. ATC Centre clears Shamrock 521 to climb to FL260.

2. The co-pilot sets the appropriate FL on MCP and altitude warning system.

3. The Departure Plates are put away and the flight plan is updated)

4. The co-pilot selects engine anti-icing off.

5. The co-pilot gets out the Approach chart.

6. The aircraft is maintaining the airspeed of 280 knots to clear the icing layer as soon as possible.

7. The co-pilot switches on the landing lights and seat belt sign.

8. He selects and identifies KLY on No.1 VOR.

9. The crew request FL 220.

10. The captain makes PA announcement to passengers.

11. The ATC controller instructs the crew to contact Shannon on 124.9.

12. The aircraft is climbing to FL 240.

13. The crew want to stop climb at FL 200.

14. The co-pilot selects new cruise level on MCP and CDU.

15. CCM enters the cockpit and offers the pilots some tea.

16. They gladly accept her offer.

17. The pilots set and identify ADFs for approach to Cork.

18. The co-pilot extracts Vref from FMC.

19. Vref is 144 kts.

20. ASI bugs are set.

21. The co-pilot warns that aircraft is approaching cruise level.

22. He says that they have to climb 2, 000 feet more to reach the assigned level.

23. They expect to arrive according to the schedule.

24. The copilot is asked to set up the FMC for a 6-mile final.

25. The co-pilot calls ATC to report that the aircraft is maintaining the cleared flight level.

Exercise 3.7.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Kомпьютер управления полетом; бортовая система сигнализации опасного изменения высоты полета; подвижный индекс прибора; страницы со схемами стандартного вылета по приборам; обновленный; противообледенительное устройство постоянного действия; эшелон полета; маршрутная карта; атмосферный слой с явлениями обледенения; в условиях обледенения; горизонтальная навигация; всенаправленный ОВЧ радиомаяк; запрашивать; выдерживать (высоту); доложить при занятии необходимой высоты; крейсерский эшелон; бортпроводник; блок управления и индикации (в компьютере управления полетом); панель переключателей автопилота и пилотажного командного прибора; доставлять удовольствие; автоматический радиопеленгатор/ радиокомпас; извлекать; расчетная скорость для захода на посадку; подтверждать; указатель воздушной скорости; предупреждать; расписание; предпосадочная прямая; вносить данные.

Exercise 3.7.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. VOR a. reference speed for final approach
2. Vref b. that segment of flight in which the aircraft is aligned with and descending towards the runway in landing configuration
3. Icing conditions c. altitudes or flight levels between which icing conditions are present
4. Airspeed Indicator d. pages provided with graphic and textual information for Standard Instrument
5. Departure Plates e. aerial navigation map depicting airways, navigation aids, reporting points, etc.Departures (SIDs) from an airport
6. Altitude warning system f. an aircraft system which gives an aural and/or visual warning to the crew when approaching or leaving a selected height or altitude
7. En route chart g. a ground based navigation aid which transmits a special signal through 360° and allows accurate navigation to or from the station within its VHF range
8. Final (Approach) h. a cockpit instrument which shows the airspeed of the aircraft to the pilots
9. Icing layer i. atmospheric conditions suitable for the formation of ice on the exposed surfaces of the aircraft or engines

Exercise 3.7.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Section 3.8 Cruise

Exercise 3.8.1 Read and translate the text.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521 is level at FL200.

ATC(Shannon): Roger, call me for descent clearance.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, I'll call for descent.

Co-Pilot: I’ll get the ATIS.

(P2 selects and records Cork ATIS in preparation for approach)

ATIS: Information Golf: Wind 250 06 knots, 10km; cloud scattered at 1, 600 ft, broken at 3, 000 ft, temperature 14°, dew point 110, QNH 1024 hectopascals, no significant change expected. Runway 17, surface dry. Expect an ILS/DME approach. Transition Level 60.

Co-Pilot: There’s the ATIS. Did you get it?

Captain: Thanks, Garret, that is good enough for a CAT 1 so we’ll brief for that.

Co-Pilot: Right!

Captain: OK, Garret, I’ll give you the briefing now.

We’re expecting an ILS on RW 17 at Cork.

Arriving from the Northeast.

Sector Safety Altitude 3700 ft.

Inbound course 1680.

Join at 2500 ft.

ILS/DME frequency is 109.9.

Pass overhead the Outer Marker at 1660 ft.

India Charlie Sierra. Descending to an altitude of 678 ft.

Co-Pilot: Set here.

Captain: Set here.

Captain: Minimum visibility 600 meters. In the event of a Go-around, we climb to 1040 ft and turn right on to a heading of 2650, climbing to 2500 ft. No.1 ADF on OC. No Emergency or Compulsory Turns. No particular performance problems.

Co-Pilot: OK!

Exercise 3.8.2 Answer the questions.

1. What flight level are they maintaining?

2. What is the wind direction and speed?

3. What is the cloud amount?

4. What are the temperature and the dew point?

5. What runway are they going to land on?

6. Is the runway surface dry or wet?

7. What type of approach are they going to make?

8. What is the transition level?

9. Are they going to perform Category 1 or 2 approach?

10. What does the term “Category 1” mean?

11. Are they going to arrive from the Northeast or the Southwest?

12. What is the sector safety altitude?

13. What is the inbound course for runway 17?

14. Where are they going to join it?

15. What is ILS-DME frequency?

16. At what altitude are they going to pass the outer marker?

17. What is the minimum visibility?

18. What are they going to do in case of a go-around?

19. Are there going to be any emergency or compulsory turns?

20. Do the pilots expect any particular performance problems?

Exercise 3.8.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. Shamrock 521 is maintaining FL 220.

2. The co-pilot selects and records Cork ATIS in preparation for approach.

3. It is Information Delta.

4. Wind is 250° 06 knots.

5. Visibility is 10km.

6. The cloud amount is: scattered at 1, 800 ft, overcast at 3, 000 ft.

7. The temperature is 14°, dew point 10°.

8. QNH is 1024 hectopascals.

9. The surface of Runway 27 is wet.

10. They are going to make an ILS/DME approach.

11. The transition level is 50.

12. The ATIS is good enough for a CAT 2 approach.

13. The aircraft is going to arrive from the Northwest.

14. The Sector Safety Altitude is 2700 ft.

16. The inbound course is 168°.

17. They are going to join this course at 2500 ft.

18. ILS/DME frequency is 108.8.

19. They are going to pass overhead the outer marker at 1760 ft.

20. They are descending to an altitude of 678 ft.

21. The minimum visibility is 700 meters.

22. In the event of a Go-around, they will climb to 1050 ft.

23. Then they will turn left on to a heading of 265°, climbing to 2400 ft.

24. No.1 ADF is set on OC.

Exercise 3.8.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Подготовка; облачность; разорванная облачность; разбросанная облачность; точка росы; температура; без существенных изменений; поверхность; сухой; заход по системе ИЛС-ДМЕ; эшелон перехода; инструктаж; первая категория метеоминимума ИКАО; проводить инструктаж; минимальная безопасная высота в секторе; посадочный курс; захватить ИЛС; частота; над; проходить; дальний (внешний) маркер; минимальная видимость; процедура ухода на второй круг; проблемы с выполнением необходимых операций.

Exercise 3.8.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Emergency turn a. a marker beacon on the extended centreline of the runway at or near the point of glideslope interception of an ILS which broadcasts an identifier in Morse Code
2. Compulsory turn b. the altitude above which the aircraft will be clear of terrain for a particular region
3. Sector Safety Altitude c. the temperature at which air becomes saturated and the moisture (water vapour) it contains starts to condense beginning to form visible water
4. Go-around d. in meteorological reports, between 5 and 7 oktas of cloud
5. Dew point e. the phase of flight during which the aircraft which transitions from the airway, is prepared for landing and is flown to the runway
6. Transition level f. the altitude above which the aircraft will be clear of terrain for a particular region
7. Outer marker g. in meteorological reports, between 3 and 4 eighths of the sky is covered in cloud
8. Scattered h. a turn required to ensure obstacle avoidance in the event of an engine failure on takeoff or go-around
9. ILS i. the direction in which the aircraft is pointing measured in degrees clockwise from North
10. Broken j. electronic radio navigation aid which provides the pilot with vertical and horizontal guidance for determining position on an instrument approach and landing on a suitably equipped runway missed approach
11. Approach k. a turn which must be made to ensure obstacle clearance or avoidance during takeoff or go-around and carried out whether or not an engine is shut down
12. Heading l. the Flight Level at which the pilot reverts from the 1013.2 (QNE) setting on the altimeter to the local aerodrome QNH

Exercise 3.8.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Section 3.9 Descent

Exercise 3.9.1 Read and translate the text.

(ATC calls with descent Clearance)

ATC (Snn): Shamrock 521, descend to FL 80.

Co-Pilot: Descend to FL 80, Shamrock 521. FL 80 is set on MCP.

Captain: 80 set.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, leaving FL200 for FL 80 now.

ATC (Snn): Shamrock 521, call me approaching FL 80.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, wilco.

Co-Pilot: Do you want Anti-ice off?

Captain: Yes.

Co-Pilot: Anti-Ice is off.

Captain: Descent Check, please.

Co-Pilot: Descent Check says: - Anti-Ice.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Air conditioning and Pressurization.

Captain: Set.

Co-Pilot: Altimeters and instruments.

Captain: 295 kts., FL200, no flags.

Co-Pilot: Set and cross checked. Descent Check complete.

Captain: What is the time of arrival, Garret?

Co-Pilot: 20 past. Alternate weather at Shannon is mild, 10 kilometres, scattered at 2, 000ft.

Captain: Thanks, Garret. I’m going off the air to talk to the passengers.

Co-Pilot: Listening out. OC is identified on both ADFs.

(Captain makes PA to passengers)

Captain: I’m back with you now, Garret.

ATC (Snn): Call Cork on 119.9, Shamrock 521.

Co-Pilot: Cork, 119.9, Shamrock 521.

(P2 selects new frequency and calls Cork Approach)

Co-Pilot: Cork, Shamrock 521. Good afternoon.

ATC (Cork): Descend FL 60, Shamrock 521.

Co-Pilot: FL 60, Shamrock 521.

Co-Pilot: 60 set.

Captain: 60 set.

Co-Pilot: Passing 10, 000 ft in the descent.

Captain: Confirmed. 10, 000 feet.

(Landing lights and Seat Belt signs are switched on)

Captain: Cabin Crew, 10 minutes to landing.

(Captain makes PA. CCM enters cockpit.)

Captain: Frances, 10 minutes to landing.


Exercise 3.9.2 Answer the questions.

1. What flight level are the pilots instructed to descend to?

2. Where do they set this figure?

3. When does the controller ask them to report?

4. Why do they turn the anti-ice system off?

5. Which systems do they set after that?

6. What does the altimeter read?

7. What is the speed of the aircraft at the moment?

8. Why do the pilots not only set but also cross-check the flight instruments?

9. What is the estimated time of arrival at Cork?

10. Who of the pilots makes the announcement to the passengers?

11. What frequency does Cork Approach use?

12. What flight level does the Approach controller instruct the pilots to descend to?

13. What altitude is the aircraft passing in the descent when the Landing lights and the Seat Belt signs are switched on?

14. How many minutes later is the aircraft going to land at Cork?

15. Who does the captain inform about the time of their arrival at the airport of Cork?

Exercise 3.9.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. The ATC controller calls with climb Clearance.

2. He instructs the pilots to descend to FL 60.

3. The co-pilot leaving sets the appropriate flight level on MCP.

4. The aircraft at is flight level 200.

5. The controller asks the pilots to inform him on reaching the assigned level.

6. The co-pilot promises to do it.

7. The captain asks the co-pilot to switch the anti-ice system as they are going to descend through the icing layer.

8. The Air conditioning and Pressurization are set.

9. The altimeter shows flight level 200.

10. Their speed is 285 kts.

11. There are no flags on the instruments.

12. The pilots have done everything necessary for the descent.

13. They have cross checked the most important performance data.

14. They are going to arrive at 25 past.

15. Alternate weather at Shannon is mild.

16. The forward surface visibility is 10 kilometers.

17. The cloud is broken at 2, 000ft.

18. The co-pilot is going off the air to talk to the passengers.

19. The captain is listening out.

20. CO is identified on both ADFs.

21. The co-pilot makes PA to passengers.

22. The crew contact Cork Approach on 117.9.

23. The Approach controller instructs them to descend to FL 60.

24. When the aircraft is passing 15, 000 feet in the descent, The Landing lights and Seat Belt signs are switched on.

25. The Cabin Crew Members are warned that the aircraft is going to land in 10 minutes.

Exercise 3.9.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Панель переключателей автопилота и пилотажного командного прибора; установлено; диспетчерская служба подхода; наддув самолета; бленкер; автоматический радиопеленгатор/ радиокомпас; система оповещения пассажиров; погода запасного аэродрома; будет сделано; безветренный; посадочные огни; перепроверено; проверка перед снижением; прослушивать; аудиосигнал навигационного средства прослушивается.

Exercise 3.9.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Wilco a. system by which the crew can speak to the passengers using loud speakers in the cabin
2. Descent b. an aircraft system which keeps a comfortable level of air pressure inside the pressure cabin of an aircraft
3. Alternate c. warning indicators, normally red or amber, which automatically appear on an instrument when a fault is detected or power is lost
4. Public address system d. that segment of flight during which the aircraft transitions from the cruise altitude or flight level to the initial approach point
5. Pressurization e. your instruction is understood and will be complied with (a code word)
6. Flags f. an airport at which conditions are suitable to land and to which an aircraft may proceed if a landing becomes impossible or inadvisable at the original destination airfield

Exercise 3.9.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

FL MCP Wilco kts ft ADF PA CCM

Section 3.10 Approach and Landing

Exercise 3.10.1 Read and translate the text.

ATC (Cork): Shamrock 521. Descend to 3, 500 ft. on QNH 1023.

Co-Pilot: Descend 3, 500 ft. on QNH 1023. Shamrock 521.

Co-Pilot: 3, 500 ft. set.

Captain: That checks.

Co-Pilot: 1023 gives me 8, 400 ft.

Captain: Checks. I've selected ILS frequency for Cork.

Co-Pilot: OK.

Captain: Approach check, please.

Co-Pilot: N1 and IAS bugs.

Captain: We'll use Flap 30 for landing.

Co-Pilot: 122, 127, 137.

Captain: Vref 122.

Co-Pilot: N 1.

Captain: Set here.

Co-Pilot: IAS bugs.

Captain: Set.

Co-Pilot: ILS identified both sides.

Captain: He wants us level in 10 miles?

Co-Pilot: Affirm.

Co-Pilot: 2, 000 ft.

Captain: 2, 000 checks. Heading select.

(P2 makes selection)

Captain: Flaps 1, please.

Co-Pilot: Speed checks. Flaps 1.

(P2 moves flap selection lever to Flap 1 position)

ATC Cork (App): Shamrock 521, call Tower on 121.7.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521 Tower 121.7.

(P2 changes frequency and calls Tower)

Co-Pilot: Cork Tower, this is Shamrock 521. We are 2, 000 feet and seven miles.

ATC Cork (TWR): Shamrock 521, cleared for an ILS approach and landing on runway 17. Surface wind is 240° at 5 kts.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, Cleared to approach and land on Runway 17.

Co-Pilot: Localizer live.

Glideslope live.

Captain: Checks. Flaps 5, please.

Co-Pilot: Speed checks, Flap 5.

(P2 moves flap selection lever to Flap 5 position)

Captain: Glideslope capture.

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