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Repetitive Flight Plan 6 страница

Co-Pilot: Checks. 2, 500 feet set for the Go-around.

Captain: Landing Gear down.

(P2 sets gear lever to Down position)

Co-Pilot: Gear down.

Captain: Flaps 15.

(P2 sets flaps)

Co-Pilot: Flaps 15. I’ll start the Landing Checks.

Captain: Flaps 25.

(P2 sets flaps)

Co-Pilot: Flaps 25.

Co-Pilot: By the Outer Marker, 1660 ft., minimum 600 ft.

Captain: That cross checks. Flap 30, please.

Co-Pilot: Flaps 30.

(P2 sets flaps)

Co-Pilot: Altimeters 1023.

Captain: Checked. 1, 500 ft.

Co-Pilot: Checks. 2, 500 ft. set for go-around. Recall.

Captain: Checked.

Co-Pilot: Speed brake

Captain: Armed, green light.

Co-Pilot: Landing gear.

Captain: Down, in, 3 greens.

Co-Pilot: Auto-Brake.

Captain: 1 is selected.

Co-Pilot: Flaps.

Captain: 30. Green Light.

Co-Pilot: Landing Lights.

Captain: All on.

Co-Pilot: Landing Checklist is complete.

Captain: Disconnecting the autopilot.

Co-Pilot: 1, 000 ft. Radio Altimeter.

Captain: Cross checks.

(Captain lands smoothly on the RW centerline and at the Touch Down point. P2 monitors and makes routine calls.)

Co-Pilot: Speed Brake.

Co-Pilot: 2 Reversers.

Co-Pilot: 100 kts., 65%.

Co-Pilot: 60 kts.

Co-Pilot: 100 kts

Co-Pilot: 70%, 80 kts.

Co-Pilot: 60 kts.

Co-Pilot: Auto-Brake disarmed.

Exercise 3.10.2 Answer the questions.

1. What altitude does the ATC controller instruct the aircraft to descend to?

2. What is the pressure for altimeter setting?

3. What frequency does the captain select to be ready for landing at Cork?

4. What flap setting are the pilots going to set to perform landing?

5. What speed are they going to have as Vref?

6. What do the pilots do with the IAS bugs?

7. Do the pilots set Flap 30 at once or gradually?

8. What is Cork Tower frequency?

9. What runway is the aircraft going to land on?

10. What type of approach are the pilots going to make?

11. What are the names of the two electronic devices they are going to use on landing?

12. What altitude do the pilots set to be ready for the Go-around procedure?

13. What altitude is the aircraft passing the outer marker at?

14. Which devices can help the pilots to reduce the speed of the aircraft on landing and while taxiing?

15. Are the pilots still using the autopilot on landing?

16. How does the captain land the aircraft?

17. Where does he do it?

18. What does the co-pilot do at the same time?

19. What is the right moment to disarm the auto-brake?

Exercise 3.10.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. Shamrock 521 has to descend to 3000 feet on QNH 1012.

2. The co-pilot reports that their present altitude is 8600 feet.

3. The captain informs him that he has selected ILS frequency for Cork.

4. The captain says that they will use Flap 30 for landing.

5. Their V ref will be 132 knots.

6. ILS is identified on the left side.

7. The controller wants the aircraft to level in 10 miles.

8. Shamrock 521 has to call Tower on 120.6.

9. When aircraft has reached the altitude of 2000 feet its distance from the runway is 5 miles.

10. The controller clears the aircraft for an ILS approach and landing on runway 17.

11. Surface wind is 240° at 7 kts.

12. The pilots set 2500 feet for the Go-around.

13. The captain sets gear lever to Down position.

14. When the aircraft is passing the Outer Marker its altitude is 1660 feet.

15. The pilots set Flaps 40.

16. The altimeter setting is 1013.

17. The speed brake is armed.

18. The red lights show that the landing gear is down.

19. The Landing Lights are all on.

20. When everything is ready for landing the pilots disconnect the autopilot.

21. The captain lands smoothly on the RW centerline and at the Touch Down point.

22. The co-pilot monitors and makes routine calls)

23. The Speed Brake and 2 Reversers help the aircraft to reduce speed.

24. The pilots disarm the Auto-Brake when the speed of the aircraft is 60 knots.

Exercise 3.10.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Совпадает с данными прибора; совпадает c данными другого пилота; подвижный индекс прибора; приборная скорость; закрылок; расчетная скорость для захода на посадку; выйти на предпосадочную прямую; ответ утвердительный; курсовой маяк ИЛС; глиссадный маяк ИЛС; действующий; захват; шасси выпущено; дальний маркер; проверка световых табло; аэродинамический тормоз; активировано; автоматический тормоз; автопилот; радиовысотомер; плавно; осевая линия ВПП; точка касания; контролировать; стандартный; реверс; подготовлено к выключению; отключать.

Exercise 3.10.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Glideslope capture a. the airspeed shown on the Air Speed Indicator
2. Touchdown Point b. a device for accurate measurement of height above the ground by reflected radio waves
3.Speed brake c. the vertical guidance component of an ILS
4. Reversers d. point at which the Flight Director gives the command to the pilot or autopilot to follow the glide slope
5. Indicated Air Speed e. the component of an ILS that gives lateral guidance towards the runway
6. Glideslope f. devices built into jet engines, which on selection by the pilot, deflect the jet efflux forward, creating drag and so assisting the stopping of the aircraft after landing
7. Localizer g. a positive response which is often used in radio transmissions instead of “yes” as it is less likely to be misunderstood in poor reception conditions
8. Radio Altimeter h. the point where the glideslope intercepts the runway and where the landing gear touches the runway surface on landing
9. Affirm i. control surfaces, mounted on the upper parts of the wings, which may be extended into the air stream to reduce lift and increase drag which assist the aircraft to slow down or increase rate of descent and deploy automatically after landing

Exercise 3.10.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

QNH ft ILS N1 IAS Vref App TWR kts

Section 3.11 Taxiing and Shutdown

Exercise 3.11.1 Read and translate the text.

ATC (Tower): Shamrock 521, cleared backtrack RW 17 all the way to the ramp.

Co-Pilot: Roger, cleared backtrack all the way to the ramp.

(Captain taxis the aircraft off the runway onto the taxiway)

Captain: After Landing items, please.

(P2 silently completes After Landing items.)

Co-Pilot: Your Lights. After Landing check is completed. Just waiting for the APU to come on line.

Captain: OK. Both sides clear.

Co-Pilot: Clear here. APU on the buses.

(Captain parks the aircraft on stand.)

Captain: Brakes set.

Co-Pilot: Brake pressure is good.

Captain: Shutting down now. All right, Garret, give me the Shut Down check, please.

Co-Pilot: IRS mode selectors.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Fuel.

Captain: We have one pump for the APU.

Co-Pilot: Electrical.

Captain: On the APU.

Co-Pilot: Fasten Belts.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Window Heat.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Pitot Heat.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Anti-Ice.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Electric Hydraulic Pumps.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Air Conditioning and Pressurization.

Captain: Packs off, Bleeds on, Ground.

Co-Pilot: External Lights.

Captain: All off.

Co-Pilot: Start Switches.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Auto-Brake.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Speed Brake.

Captain: Down.

Co-Pilot: Flaps.

Captain: Up, no lights.

Co-Pilot: Parking Brake.

Captain: Set.

Co-Pilot: Start levers.

Captain: Cut off.

Co-Pilot: Weather Radar.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Transponder.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Shut Down check complete down to the line.

Captain: Thank you very much, Garret.

Exercise 3.11.2 Answer the questions.

1. What runway did the aircraft land on?

2. Who of the pilots taxies the aircraft off the runway?

3. Does the copilot read aloud the After Landing Check?

4. What is the brake pressure like?

5. Are the IRS mode selectors on or off?

6. What other systems do the pilots switch off?

7. Why is one of the pumps left on?

8. Is the speed brake up or down?

9. What is the position of the flaps?

10. Is the parking brake set or released?

Exercise 3.11.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. Shamrock 521 is cleared to backtrack RW 18 all the way to the ramp.

2. The captain taxies the aircraft off the runway onto the ramp.

3. The co-pilot reads aloud the After Landing check.

4. The co-pilot is waiting for the APU to come on line.

5. The captain parks the aircraft on stand.

6. The brakes are released.

7. Brake pressure is poor.

8. The captain is shutting down the engines.

9. The IRS mode selectors are off.

10. The pilots left two pumps running for the APU.

11. The “Fasten Belts” sign is off.

12. The window heat is off.

13. The Pitot heat is on.

14. The anti-ice system is off.

15. The electric hydraulic pumps are on.

16. The air conditioning packs are off.

17. As for the pressurization, the bleeds are on.

18. All the aircraft external lights are on.

19. The start switches are off.

20. The auto brake is on.

21. The speed brake is up.

22. The flaps are also up.

23. The parking brake is set.

24. The start levers are cut off.

25. The weather radar is on.

26. The transponder is off.

Exercise 3.11.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Cрулить с ВПП; пункт перечня; вспомогательная силовая установка; насос; подключиться; послепосадочная проверка; электрошина; поставить ВС на стоянку; стать на тормоза; давление на тормозах; заглушить двигатель; перрон; проверка процедуры выключения двигателей; инерциальная навигационная система; задатчик режима полета; обогрев иллюминаторов; обогрев приемника давления; противообледенительное устройство постоянного действия; гидронасос; установка кондиционирования воздуха; рулить в обратном направлении; на всем протяжении ВПП; клапан отбора воздуха; внешние (бортовые) огни; выключатели запуска двигателей; радиоответчик; до самого конца текста.

Exercise 3.11.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Ramp a. To remove power from aircraft systems or select ground systems mode in accordance with a set procedure or checklist.
2. Backtrack b. A device that slows and stops (rotary) motion, usually by friction, normally a hydraulically operated set of friction pads which clamp on discs fitted to the undercarriage wheels.
3. Window heat c. An electrical power distribution point for an aircraft.
4. Shutdown d. To turn the aircraft 180° and to return along the runway to the taxiway and the ramp.
5. Auxiliary Power Unit e. The paved area, adjacent to an airport terminal building or hangars, on which aircraft are parked during turnaround and where passengers or cargo are loaded and unloaded and minor maintenance takes place.
6. Bleeds f. A heating system for the cockpit windows which prevents misting and icing and improves impact resistance in the event of collision with a bird.
7. Bus g. An onboard small turbine (jet) engine which provides air and electricity to the aircraft systems.
8. Brake h. Valves which allow high pressure air to be extracted or bled from theengines, normally for the pressurizationand airconditioningsystems.

Exercise 3.11.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?





Section 4.1 Disembarkation

Exercise 4.1.1 Read and translate the text.

After the aircraft has been parked on stand by the pilot, perhaps under the guidance of a marshaller, it is by ground staff who guide the passengers into the arrivals terminal. Passengers should remain in their seats with their seat belts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop, and the Flight Grew has turned off the Seat Belt sign. The aircraft may be parked on a stand at the main terminal or on a remote stand distance away where passenger will be bussed to the terminal. They should gather their hand baggage, and, leave the aircraft by the exit indicated by the cabin crew. Passengers may, on occasion, disembark using the airstairs at the front of the aircraft or the mobile steps which are driven up to the back of the aircraft. At most airports air-bridges or jetways move up against the aircraft’s side so that the passengers may disembark directly into the terminal.

The aircraft is also met by a fleet of vehicles to service it during its turnaround. The baggage is removed from the aircraft’s hold onto baggage carts by the team of Loaders and then transported to the baggage hall. Any freight on board will be taken to the Cargo terminal to be sorted and redirected onward on another flight or, after Customs clearance, forwarded to its owners as appropriate. The fuel bowser will be used to refuel the aircraft if needed, and other service vehicles will fill up the water tanks, and empty the aircraft’s lavatories. The aircraft’s will be restocked from the Catering truck, and aircraft cleaned before it is ready to operate its next flight. An engineer examines the aircraft, checking all the systems, and the Tech Log, rectifying any technical problems that may have occurred during its last flight.


Exercise 4.1.2 Answer the questions.

1. Who guides the passengers into the arrival terminal?

2. Where may the aircraft be parked?

3. How should the passengers leave the aircraft?

4. Who removes the baggage? Where is it transported?

5. Where is any freight on board taken?

6. What is it done with an aircraft before it is ready to operate the next flight?

7. Who examines the aircraft?

Exercise 4.1.3 Are the statements true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. After the aircraft has been parked on stand by the pilot, it is met by ground staff.

2. Passengers should remain in their seats with their seat belts fastened until the aircraft has landed.

3. The aircraft may be parked only on a stand at the main terminal.

4. At most airports air-bridges or jetways move up against the aircraft’s side.

5. The baggage is removed from the aircraft’s hold and then transported to the baggage hall.

6. The aircraft isn’t serviced before it is ready to operate its next flight.

7. A pilot and a co-pilot examine the aircraft and the Tech Log, rectifying any technical problems that may have occurred during its last flight.

Exercise 4.1.4 Give the English equipment for the following.

Наземный персонал; экипаж; отдаленная стоянка; забрать ручную кладь; высаживаться прямо в аэровокзал; команда грузчиков; разрешение таможни; дозаправка самолета; наполнить баки водой; автомобиль по обслуживанию кухни ВС.

Exercise 4.1.5 Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.

1. Marshaller a. people working on a plane
2. Aircraft b. bags, suitcases, etc. containing somebody’s belongings and taken on a journey
3. Flight crew c. group of aircraft, buses taxis, etc. owned and operated by one organization
4. Terminal d. this person helps the pilot to park the plane
5. Baggage e. something is heavier than air, with wings and one or more engines
6. Freight f. put something right, correct
7. Fleet g. it carries food
8. Rectify h. goods transported by ships, aeroplanes, or trains
9. Catering truck i. building at an airport or in a town where air passengers arrive and depart

Exercise 4.1.6 Complete the sentences with the words in column A in exercise 4.1.5.

1. I was frightened to fly for the first time in my life but ______ were fantastic.

2. Please note if you go through the Green Channel, you may be stopped and asked to open your ________ for inspection.

3. I like being in a big __ with cabin crew looking after me.

4. This company owns a new __ of big aircraft.

5. The ______________ has turned off the Seat Belt Sign..

6. You can send some goods by air _____.

7. Before every flight an aircraft is always restockedfrom the _______.

8. An aircraft has been parked by a pilot under the guidance of a ______.

9. When an aircraft is parked on a remote stand passengers are taken to the ______ by shuttle buses.

Exercise 4.1.7 Retell the text.

Section 4.2 Immigration

Exercise 4.2.1 Read and translate the text.

Once arriving in the main terminal, рassengers and crew will first be directed to the Immigration hall. There may be special facilities at some but not all airports for crew members to allow them to complete the necessary arrival formalities more quickly.

At Immigration persons arriving from outside the State must present their passports and visas, if required, to the immigration officers or police for inspection. The officer will check to see that each person’s travel documents are in order. A person may not be allowed into a country if his documents have expired or are not valid for that country. The immigration officer may stamp a permit in the passport detailing the port of entry, date, and how long one may stay in the country.


Exercise 4.2.2 Answer the questions.

1. Where are passengers and crew directed after arriving in the main terminal?

2. What must persons arriving from outside state present at Immigration for inspection?

3. When may a person not be allowed into a country?

4. What does a permit in the passport detail?

Exercise 4.2.3 Are the statements true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. After arriving in the main terminal passengers and crew are directed to Immigration hall.

2. There are some special facilities at every airport for crew members to complete the necessary arrival formalities more quickly.

3. At Immigration every person arriving from outside the state must present a passport and visa.

4. Sometimes a person may be allowed into a country if his documents have expired and are not valid for that country.

5. The immigration officer may stamp a permit in the passport detailing the port of entry, date and other data.

Exercise 4.2.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Член экипажа; по прибытию; необходимые формальности; служащий иммиграционной службы; в порядке; не действителен; разрешение в паспорте; порт ввоза.

Exercise 4.2.5 Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.


1. Complete a. the place at an airport or border where official stamp put in the passports of people coming into a country
2. Formalities b. an official stamp put in your passport which allows you to enter a particular country
3. Immigration c. the end of the period of time for which something is valid
4. Visa d. an official document containing your name, photograph and personal details, which you need to show when you enter or leave a country
5. Expire e. finish doing, making or producing something
6. Passport f. formal actions that are carried out on particular occasions

Exercise 4.2.6 Complete the sentences with the words in column A in exercise 4.2.5.

1. My husband has a British _________.

2. The cathedral was begun in 1240 and _________ forty years later.

3. At _________ people arriving from outside the State must present their passports and visas.

4. My passport is due to _________ in three months.

5. The _________ may be granted by embassy.

6. There are some special facilities at some airports which allow crew members to complete all necessary arrival _________ more quickly.

Exercise 4.2.7 Retell the text.

Section 4.3 Baggage Collection

Exercise 4.3.1 Read and translate the text.

After passing through Immigration, the passengers are directed to the baggage hall. On reaching the baggage collection area baggage trolleys are available either free or for a small charge. The baggage carts will have brought the passengers’ bags from the aircraft into the baggage hall, where the bags are then put onto the carousels for collection. TV monitors display the details of the carousel at which to reclaim one’s baggage. As the carousel goes around, each piece of baggage is brought out on it and passengers collect their bags. When all baggage has been collected, passengers must then clear Customs before going into the public area, and are free to go their way.


Exercise 4.3.2 Answer the questions.

1. Where are the passengers directed after passing through immigration?

2. What is available for passengers in the baggage collection area?

3. Where are the bags put after they have been brought from the aircraft?

4. Where are the details of the carousel displayed?

5. Where must passengers go after all baggage has been collected?

Exercise 4.3.3 Are the statements true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. After passing through Immigration, the passengers are directed to the baggage hall.

2. On reaching the baggage collection area all passengers have to pay for baggage trolleys.

3. TV monitors display the details of the carousel at which to reclaim one’s baggage.

4. When all baggage has been collected, passengers must then go into public area.

Exercise 4.3.4 Give the English equivalents for the following:

Багажная тележка; доступный; за небольшую плату.

Exercise 4.3.5 Match the terms in column A with their definitions in column B.

1. Immigration a. the place where people arriving from a foreign country have to declare goods that they bring with them
2. Passenger b. the price that you have to pay for something
3. Trolley c. a machine used to check or record things
4.Charge d. a small cart that you use to carry things
5. Customs e. the place at a part airport or border where officials check the passports of people coming into a country
6. Monitor f. a person, who’s travelling in a vehicle aircraft or ship but is not controlling it

Exercise 4.3.6 Complete the sentences with the words in column A in exercise 4.3.5.

1. I went through the _________ at Kennedy airport.

2. TV _________ display details of the carousel at which to reclaim one’s baggage.

3. No _________ is made for repairs.

4. At _________ people arriving from outside the stale must present their passports and visas.

5. Baggage _________ are available either free or for a small charge.

6. The ferry service handles 400 _________ a week.

Exercise 4.3.7 Retell the text.

Section 4.4 Customs

Exercise 4.4.1 Read and translate the text.

As passengers leave the baggage hall, they pass through the Customs hall, where Customs Officers may inspect a passenger’s bags. At Customs there are generally two channels, one Red and one Green. At airports within the European Union there are special Blue Channels for EU citizens. If passengers have nothing to “Declare”, that is if they are not carrying goods which would qualify for the payment of duty or taxes they should go through the green channel. If passengers are carrying goods which qualify for additional taxation, or they are unsure, they should go through the red channel where they will meet with a customs official who will advise them.

Passengers who go through the green channel are making a declaration that they are not carrying goods which qualify for additional taxation, and if they are subsequently asked to open their bags and contraband goods or goods which qualify for additional taxation are discovered, they can be charged with making false declarations and may be fined heavily and have their goods confiscated.

Customs Officers may ask passengers about their journey, where they are coming from and search to see if they have any dutiable, prohibited or controlled substances, such as narcotics. It is a serious offence to attempt to smuggle forbidden articles into the country.

Exercise 4.4.2 Answer the questions.

1. What do the passengers pass as they leave the baggage hall?

2. How many channels are there at Customs?

3. Where do the passengers go if they have nothing to declare?

4. Where do the passengers go if they are carrying goods which qualify for additional taxation?

5. Why and when can the passengers be charged with making false declarations?

6. What can Customs Officers ask the passengers?

Exercise 4.4.3 Are the statements true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. As passengers leave the baggage hall they pass through the Customs hall.

2. At Customs there are generally three channels Red, Green and Blue.

3. If passengers have nothing to declare they should go through the Green channel.

4. If passengers are carrying goods which qualify for additional taxation, they should go through the Blue channel.

5. Passengers who go through the Green channel can be asked to open their bags.

6. Customs Officers are prohibited to ask passengers about their journey or where they are coming from.

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