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Repetitive Flight Plan 4 страница

Captain: Checked.

Co-Pilot: FMC and CDU.

Captain: Set.

(P1 and P2 set bugs.)

Co-Pilot: N1 and IAS bugs.

Captain: Set.

Co-Pilot: We’re down to the line.

Captain: OK!

Captain: I am off the air for the moment.

(Captain makes a PA announcement)

Co-Pilot: I’ll get our clearance.

(Interruption by CCM)

CCM: Captain, I believe we have 73 passengers on board plus 2 infants.

Captain: Hi, Frances, that is correct. It’s 75. Flight time is 30 minutes.

CCM: Thank you, Captain. 30 minutes.

(P2 gets ATC Clearance)

Co-Pilot: Hello, Ground. Shamrock 521, stand 38, information Delta, 75 on board, requesting clearance to Cork.

ATC (Ground): Shamrock 521, good afternoon. QNH 1021, cleared Cork, Whiskey 10, Flight Level 240, Squawk 0416.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, cleared Cork, Whiskey 10, FL 240, Squawk 0416, QNH 1021.

ATC (Ground): Shamrock 521, call to push back.

Co-Pilot: Captain, we’re cleared at FL 240.

Captain: 240 set. Get push back and start up clearance.

(P2 calls ATC for clearance)

Co-Pilot: Ground, Shamrock 521 on stand 38 requesting push and start clearance.

ATC (Ground): Shamrock 521, cleared to push and start.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, cleared to push and start.

Captain: OK! Let’s finish the check.

Co-Pilot: Doors.

Captain: Closed.

Co-Pilot: Air conditioning packs.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Start pressure.

Captain: 42 psi.

Co-Pilot: Anti-collision light.

Captain: On.

Co-Pilot: Before Start check complete.

Exercise 3.3.2 Answer the questions.

1. What heading do the pilots set?

2. What does the Standby Compass read?

3. What is the atmospheric pressure before the departure?

4. What is the elevation of the aerodrome in Dublin?

5. Why do the pilots not only set and check but cross-check the EFIS and flight instruments?

6. What is the function of the anti-skid system?

7. Why is it necessary to set the auto brake properly?

8. What is the position of the speed brake?

9. What is the position of the stab trim cut-out switches?

10. How many radio stations are there on board?

11. What is the condition of the rudder and aileron trim?

12. What direction is set on the ADFs?

13. What sort of bugs do the pilots set?

14. Why is the captain off the air for a moment?

15. Who of the pilots is going to request the ATC clearance?

16. What airway are they going to follow to fly to Cork?

17. What is their assigned level?

18. How long is it going to take them to fly to Cork?

19. How many passengers are there on board the plane?

20. What is the stand number where the aircraft is getting ready for the flight?

Exercise 3.3.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. The mode control panel is set.

2. The autopilots are engaged.

3. Heading 145° checks on the Standby Compass.

4. QNH is 1012.

5. The elevation of the aerodrome is 340 feet.

6. The anti-skid system is on.

7. The auto brake is prepared to be used in case of the aborted take-off.

8. The speed brake is out of order.

9. The configuration warning is checked.

10. The parking brake is released.

11. Stab trim cut-out switches are normal.

12. The wheel-well fire warning is checked.

13. Both radios are set auto.

14. The radar is checked and on.

15. The transponder is set auto.

16. The rudder and aileron trim are free and zero.

17. The pilots set IAS bugs.

18. The Technical log is checked but not signed yet.

19. The Load sheet is checked.

20. The flight management computer and the computer display unit are set.

21. The co-pilot makes a PA announcement.

22. The senior flight attendant informs the captain about the number of passengers on board.

23. The flight time to Cork is 40 minutes.

24. The aircraft is on stand 28 and waiting for the ATC clearance.

25. The pilots have already listened to the ATIS and are ready for departure.

26. They are going to proceed via airway Whiskey 10.

27. The assigned level is 260.

28. The pilots have to set squawk 0461.

29. All the doors are closed.

30. The air conditioning packs are on.

31. The anti collision lights are on.

Exercise 3.3.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Панель переключателей автопилота и пилотажного командного прибора; автопилот; электронная система полетных приборов; противоюзовое устройство; резервный компас; бленкер; автоматический тормоз; прерванный взлет; аэродинамический тормоз; стопор; сигнализация неправильной конфигурации; стояночный тормоз; выключатель стабилизатора триммера; предупреждение о пожаре в нише колеса; работа в автоматическом режиме; работа в ручном режиме; руль направления; элерон; триммер; автоматический радиопеленгатор; подвижный индекс прибора; бортовой радиоответчик; технический бортовой журнал; подписано; загрузочная ведомость; компьютер управления полетом; блок управления и индикации; приборная скорость; oбъявление по громкоговорящей связи; бортпроводник; разрешение; ребенок до 7 лет; полетное время; диспетчерское разрешение на вылет; передавать сигналы ответчика; буксировка хвостом вперед; запуск двигателей; аэронавигационный огонь для предотвращения столкновений.

Exercise 3.3.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Mode ControlPanel a. a device for automatically steering and controlling the flight of an aircraft
2. Bugs b. authorization from Air Traffic Control for a flight to proceed under specific conditions
3. Autopilot c. a position on the auto brake selector which will automatically apply maximum foot brakes if the pilot decides to stop the takeoff by closing the thrust levers
4. Transponder d. the document which contains information regarding the airworthiness and maintenance status of the aircraft and engines
5. Rejected takeoff e. to set and broadcast a Transponder code which enables ATC to identify a specific flight
6. Standby Compass f. a non-precision Radio Navigation Aid which displays the magnetic bearing to the Non-Directional Beacon
7. Anti-collision light g. a setting for the stab trim wheel which keeps the aircraft in aerodynamic balance
8. Load sheet h. the document which lists the weight and position of all persons, freight, fuel, etc. on board the aircraft to ensure correct balance
9. Tech log i. an instrument panel in front of the pilots with switches for controlling the autopilot and flight director system
10. Indicated Air Speed j. the airspeed shown on the air speed indicator
11. Aileron k. on-board computer system which performs navigational and performance computations and provides control and guidance commands to the autopilot and flight director system
12. Flight Management Computer l. hinged control surface on the vertical stabilizer or fin of the aircraft used to control the aircraft in yaw
13. Squawk m. moveable indicators on the airspeed indicator which are set at the appropriate speeds required for the aircraft weight
14. ATC Clearance n. a compass used in emergency situations which is totally independent of other systems on board
15. Trim o. a flashing red light located on top and underneath the aircraft
16. Rudder p. small control surfaces on the outer aft part of the wings which are used to roll and turn the aircraft

Exercise 3.3.6 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Section 3.4 Push-back and Engine Start Procedure

Exercise 3.4.1 Read and translate the text.

(Captain calls ground engineer on intercom)

Captain: Cockpit to Ground.

Engineer: Ground to Cockpit.

Captain: Good Morning, Ground. The A System is de-pressurized, the brakes are set, and we are cleared to push back; call to release the parking brake when you are ready.

Engineer: Release brakes. You are cleared start when ready.

Captain: Parking brake is released.

(Engineer starts push back. Captain starts engine No.2.)

Captain: Starting No.2 engine.

Co-Pilot: 25% N2.

(Start lever No.2 is moved to start position.)

Captain: Cutback.

Garret, monitor No.2.

Co-Pilot: OK!

(Captain starts engine No.1.)

Captain: Starting No.1.

Co-Pilot: No.2 stable.

Engineer: Set parking brake.

(Captain sets parking brake.)

Captain: Parking brake set.

Co-Pilot: 25%.

(Start lever No.1 is moved to start position.)

Captain: Cutback.

Garret, monitor No.1

Co-Pilot: OK!

Captain: Ground. We have two good engine starts. You can disconnect. Hand signals with nose pin on the left hand side. Good bye now.

Engineer: OK! Hand signals on the left hand side. Cheerio!

(Engineer disconnects from intercom and gives hand signals.)

Co-Pilot: No.1 stable.

(Engineer displays the Nose Pin to captain.)

Captain: Thank you, Garret. I see the nose pin to my left. After Start Check please.

Co-Pilot: Electrical and transfer.

Captain: Generators on line and checked.

Co-Pilot: Pitot heat.

Captain: On.

Co-Pilot: Anti-ice.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Air conditioning and pressurization.

Captain: Packs auto, flight.

Co-Pilot: Start levers.

Captain: Idle detent.

Co-Pilot: After Start Checklist complete.

Exercise 3.4.2 Answer the questions.

1. Who does the captain call on the intercom?

2. Which system is depressurized?

3. Are the brakes set or released before push back?

4. Are the pilots working together while starting the engines?

5. Who of them starts the engines and who monitors the process?

6. Does the ground engineer disconnect the tug before or after the start up has been performed?

7. Does the captain want to observe hand signals on the left or on the right hand side?

8. What does the engineer show to the captain?

9. Is the After Start Check as long as the Before Start Check?

10. Which systems do the pilots check during the After Start Check?

Exercise 3.4.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. Hydraulic System A is pressurized.

2. The brakes are set.

3. The crew are waiting for push back clearance.

4. The co-pilot wants the ground engineer to tell him when to release the parking brake.

5. When the engineer starts push back the captain starts both engines.

6. Start lever No.2 is left in its place.

7. Both engines are stable.

8. The co-pilot sets the parking brake according to the captain’s order.

9. The ground engineer suddenly disconnects the tug.

10. The ground engineer both gives a visual signal and reports on the intercom.

11. The hand signals are given on the right hand side.

12. The engineer displays the nose pin to the captain.

13. The pilots perform the After Start Check.

14. The generators are on line and checked.

15. The Pitot heat is off.

16. The anti-ice system is on.

17. Air conditioning and pressurization are prepared for the departure.

18. Start levers are in the position of idle detent.

Exercise 3.4.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Инженер наземной службы; гидравлическая система А; давление убрано; сняться с тормозов; дросселирование подачи топлива; наблюдать; стабильный режим работы; отсоединять; ручной сигнал; предохранительный штырь носовой стойки; демонстрировать; передача; электросистема; генератор; быть подсоединенным; обогрев приемника давления; рычаг; противообледенительное устройство постоянного действия; режим малого газа; предохранитель.

Exercise 3.4.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Pitot heat a. means of communicating by gesture with ground personnel when no radio or intercom communication exists often with the help of lighted batons for enhanced visibility
2. Push back b. the procedure for starting the aircraft’s engines
3. Cutback c. an electric or hot air aircraft system used to prevent ice accretion on critical parts of the aircraft, for example, the engines or wings
4. Anti-ice d. a lever in the cockpit which operates the main fuel supply valve to an engine
5. De-pressurize e. a procedure whereby the aircraft is connected to a tug and pushed backwards off stand prior to engine start
6. Nose pin f. the point at which the engine exhaust temperature peaks and starts to reduce during engine start
7. Start up g. minimum thrust
8. Hand signals h. removal of pressure from a hydraulic or pneumatic system in order to de-energize it, for example, removing hydraulic pressure from the brakes to release them and allow the aircraft to be pushed back off stand
9. Start lever i. a system for heating the Pitot probes to avoid icing and therefore loss of airspeed indication in flight
10. Idle thrust j. a safety pin used in the nose landing gear to prevent it retracting on the ground, when being towed or during maintenance which must be removed before flight

Section 3.5 Pre-Takeoff Procedure

Exercise 3.5.1 Read and translate the text.

Co-Pilot: Nose wheel steering lockout pin.

Captain: Removed.

Co-Pilot: Hydraulics.

Captain: Normal.

Co-Pilot: OK to select flaps?

Captain: Yes.

(Flaps selected to 5° position. P2 requests ATC for taxi clearance.)

Co-Pilot: Dublin Ground, Shamrock 521 taxi please.

ATC(Ground): Shamrock 521, cleared taxi to the holding point RW 28.

Captain: Clear to my left.

Co-Pilot: Clear right.

(Taxi is commenced after pilots have checked that there are no personnel or obstacles in the way.)

Co-Pilot: Recall.

Captain: Checked.

Co-Pilot: Flight controls.

Captain: Checked.

Co-pilot: Flaps.

Captain: 5 degrees, green light, lever in the detent.

Co-Pilot: Stabilizer trim.

Captain: 3 3/4 units.

Co-Pilot: Transponder.

Captain: Automatic, 0416 set.

Co-Pilot: Cabin door.

Captain: Unlocked.

Co-Pilot: APU.

Captain: Off.

Co-Pilot: Start switches.

Captain: Continuous.

Co-Pilot: Takeoff briefing and data.

Captain: I'm flying the leg to Cork, Garret.

Set the power before 60 kts; call 80 kts; throttle hold, call V1 at 122 kts.

And Vr at 123kts.

Call in the event of serious failure effecting the safety of the flight before V1.

I’ll carry out the stopping action, braking will be by RTO, otherwise we will continue with the takeoff.

If we have a serious failure after V1 we will continue the takeoff. In the event of a fire, silence the bell.

With a positive rate of climb we will retract the undercarriage. We will climb to 1040 ft which is the MFRA for this runway.

Carry out the appropriate drill and read the appropriate checklist at that point.

There are no Emergency or Compulsory Turns. Be alert for my incapacitation. Any questions?

Co-Pilot: No questions.

ATC (Ground): Shamrock 521 over to Tower on 118.6.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521 to Tower, 118.6.

(P2 selects frequency change and calls Tower.)

Co-Pilot: Tower, Shamrock 521 on frequency.

ATC (Tower): Good afternoon. Shamrock 521. Hold short of RW 28.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521. Hold short of RW 28.

(Captain stops the aircraft at the hold Point for the runway.)

Exercise 3.5.2 Answer the questions.

1. What is the position of the nose wheel steering lockout pin?

2. What is the condition of the hydraulics?

3. What position of the flaps do the pilots select for take-off?

4. Who requests ATC for take-off clearance?

5. What does the expression “Clear to my left/ right” mean?

6. What is the position of the flight controls at the moment?

7. Which code number do the pilots have to set on the transponder?

8. What leg are they going to fly?

9. When do they have to set the power?

10. When does the co-pilot have to call V1 and Vr ?

11. What does the co-pilot have to do in case of a serious failure?

12. What does he have to do in the event of a fire on board?

13. When are they going to retract the undercarriage?

14. What altitude are they going to climb to after take-off?

15. Are there any emergency or compulsory turns?

16. Why should the co-pilot be alert?

17. What is the Tower frequency they have to change to?

18. Are they cleared to line up immediately after they reach the holding point?

19. What runway do they have to hold short of?

20. Where does the captain stop the aircraft?

Exercise 3.5.3 Are the sentences true (v) or false (x)? Correct the false ones.

1. The nose wheel steering lockout pin is inserted.

2. The hydraulics is normal.

3. Flaps are selected to 10° position.

4. The captain requests ATC for taxi clearance.

5. Shamrock 521 is cleared to taxi to RW 18.

6. Taxi is commenced after pilots have checked that there are no personnel or obstacles in the way.

7. All the flight controls are checked.

8. Stabilizer trim is 3 units.

9. 1416 is set on the transponder.

10. The cabin door is unlocked.

11. The APU is on.

12. The aircraft is going to fly the leg to Cork.

13. The captain orders the co-pilot to set the power before 50 kts; to call 70 kts; to call V1 at 122 kts and Vr at 123kts.

14. The co-pilot is to call in the event of a serious failure effecting the safety of the flight before Vr.

15. The captain is going to carry out the stopping action in case of need, braking will be by RTO, otherwise they will continue with the takeoff.

16. If they have a serious failure after V1 they will continue the takeoff.

17. With a positive rate of climb they will retract the undercarriage.

18. They will climb to 1040 ft which is the MFRA for the departure runway.

19. The co-pilot is to carry out the appropriate drill and read the appropriate checklist right now.

20. There are a few emergency or compulsory turns.

21. The co-pilot is to be alert for the captain’s incapacitation.

22. The crew have to contact Tower on 118.8.

23. Shamrock 521 has to hold short of RW 18.

24. The captain stops the aircraft at the holding point for the runway.

Exercise 3.5.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Стопорный палец поворотного хомута передней опоры шасси; минимальная высота уборки закрылков после взлета; убрано; предварительный старт; справа/ слева нет препятствий; начинать; персонал; препятствие; проверка световых табло; органы управления полетом; вспомогательная силовая установка; незаперто; непрерывный; данные; в случае, если…; отказ; оказывающий влияние; заглушать; положительная скороподъемность; убирать шасси; соответствующий; выполнять; тренировка; обязательный; быть начеку; ждать недалеко от…; частота; неспособность управлять самолетом.

Exercise 3.5.5 Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B.

1. Recall a. the minimum altitude at which flaps may be retracted after takeoff
2. Obstacle b. a specified point on the taxiway short of the runway which may not be passed without clearance and which is normally indicated by a sign, painted line or lights on the taxiway
3. Nose-Wheel-Steering-Lockout-Pin c. an onboard small turbine (jet) engine which provides air and electricity to the aircraft systems often located at the rear of the fuselage where it exhausts under the tailplane
4. Undercarriage d. a safety pin which isolates the hydraulic system from the nose-wheel steering and ensures that the nose-wheel steering cannot inadvertently be operated during towing, push-back or maintenance and so create a safety hazard
5. Hold short e. the section of a flight between two consecutive waypoints
6. Minimum Flap Retraction Altitude f. a requirement to check part of the Master Caution System (pressing the special button checks the System Annunciator and releasing it will light up any warnings that currently exist)
7. Holding point g. landing gear or wheels
8. Auxiliary Power Unit h. any object, whether fixed or moveable which projects into the intended flight path of an aircraft, particularly after takeoff or go-around such as high terrain, mountains, buildings, power lines, trees, cranes, towers, etc.
9. Leg i. a position of the auto brake sector which will automatically apply maximum foot brakes if the pilot decides to stop the take-off by closing the thrust levers
10. Rejected Takeoff j. the act of or instruction to stop the aircraft of the taxiway at a specific point which may not be passed without a further clearance

Exercise 3.5.7 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Section 3.6 Takeoff Procedure

Exercise 3.6.1 Read and translate the text.

ATC (Tower): Shamrock 521, line up on RW 28.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, line up on RW 28.

Co-Pilot: Below the line says: - MCP.

Captain: Auto throttle on, light green. Altitude set 4000 ft. Garret, I'm off the air to talk to the passengers.

Co-Pilot: OK!

(Captain makes pre-takeoff PA to passengers.)

Captain: I’m back on the air.

Co-Pilot: There is nothing new.

(ATC gives takeoff clearance)

ATC (Tower): Shamrock 521, cleared takeoff, climb straight ahead to 2 miles, left turn KLY, climb to FL70.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, cleared takeoff, straight ahead to 2 miles, left turn KLY, climb FL70.

(Captain sets 7000 on MCP and altitude warning system.)

Captain: Garret, the departure instructions are: - straight ahead to 2 miles, left turn KLY, up to FL70. 70 set.

Co-Pilot: Landing lights and strobes.

Captain: On.

Co-Pilot: Before Takeoff check complete.

Captain: Are you ready, Garret?

Co-Pilot: Yes.

(Captain commences takeoff by increasing power. Co-pilot calls ATC to report commencing takeoff.)

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, rolling now.

ATC (Tower): Shamrock 521.

Co-Pilot: Two engines together. 83.4%

Captain: Set takeoff thrust.

Co-Pilot: Power set. Indications normal.

80 kts. Throttle hold. 100 kts.V1. Rotate.

(Captain pulls on the stick and flies the aircraft off the ground.)

Captain: Positive rate of climb. Gear up.

Co-Pilot: Positive Rate of Climb checks. Gear up.

(P2 moves gear lever to UP position.)

Captain: L Nav, please.

Co-Pilot: L Nav.

(P2 makes selection.)

ATC (Tower): Shamrock521, call Centre 124.65.

Co-Pilot: Roger. Shamrock521, Centre 124.65.

(P2 selects new frequency and calls.)

Co-Pilot: Centre, Shamrock 521.

ATC (Centre): Shamrock 521, turn left to KLY, climb FL70.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock 521, left KLY, FL70.

Captain: V Nav, please.

Co-Pilot: V Nav.

(P2 makes selection.)

Captain: F+. Flaps 1.

Co-Pilot: Speed checks, flaps selected to 1.

(P2 selects flap lever to position 1.)

Co-Pilot: Will I set 220 kts.?

Captain: Yes, please.

(P2 makes selection.)

ATC (Centre): Shamrock 521, cleared direct Cork.

Co-Pilot: Shamrock, 521, direct Cork.

(P2 programs CDU for direct Cork)

Captain: F+. Flaps up.

Co-Pilot: Speed checks, flaps selected up.

(P2 selects flap lever to UP position.)

Captain: Select heading 215° please.

(P2 sets heading.)

Co-Pilot: 215° selected. Do you want normal speed?

Captain: Yes, please.

Co-Pilot: Flaps up, lights out.

Captain: After Takeoff check, please.

Co-Pilot: Air conditioning and pressurization.

Captain: Set.

Co-Pilot: Landing lights: – On.

Start switches: – Off.

Landing gear: – Up and Off.

Auto brake: – Off.

Flaps: – Up, no lights.


(Both pilots check altimeters.)

Captain: 1013, passing FL37, cleared to FL70.

Co-Pilot: Set and cross checked. After Takeoff check complete.

Exercise 3.6.2 Answer the questions.

1. What runway does the aircraft have to line up on?

2. What colour are the lights?

3. What altitude do the pilots set on the computer?

4. Who of the pilots makes the announcement to the passengers?

5. Do they have to make the right or the left turn out after take-off?

6. What distance do they have to fly straight ahead before turning left?

7. Are the landing lights on or off?

8. How much power do the two engines give for the plane to be able to take off?

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