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II. Основна частина уроку (30 хв)


1. Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу.

а) Формування аудіативної компетенції.

Words. Phrases. Expressions. CD 1, track 7, SB p. 32 Учні прослуховують слова, записані на диску, а потім читають один за одним по слову. Перекладають за допомогою вчителя.

incredible experience — неймовір­ний досвід

yearbook — щорічник

weekly newspaper — щотижнева газета

band — музичний гурт; стрічка

cheerleading — (черлідінг) група підтримки

gorgeous — пишний, розкішний, яскраво забарвлений roller-skating — катання на роли­ках

jigsaw puzzle — пазл

scuba diving — дайвінг (занурення на глибину)

to confirm sb's expectations — виправ­довувати чиїсь очікування

to promote a better understanding — сприяти кращому розумінню

to be concerned about — турбуватися

to mind one's likings — поділяти чиїсь смаки

to tend to be specific about sth — схи­лятися, бути особливо залежним від чогось

to be costly — бути цінним, дорогим

to stick up for sb — підтримувати, за­хищати когось

to cheer sb up — підбадьорювати ко­гось

to feel a bit down — почуватися трохи пригніченим

to be a shoulder to cry on — бути пле­чем, на якому можна поплакати

to be bullied — бути заляканим

to feel jealous about — заздрити чо­мусь

to spend tremendous amounts of time doing sth — приділяти якійсь справі дуже багато часу

to talk to sb on the phone — розмовля­ти по телефону

to be involved in — бути втягненим у щось

to be beyond all expectations — пере­вершувати сподівання

to be addicted — звикнути

In particular — Особливо

Naturally — Природно

I envied — Я заздрив

In contrast to us... — На відміну від нас...


2. Активізація нового лексичного матеріалу.

a) Формування комунікативної компетенції.

Go Ahead! SB p. 32

T: Look at the pictures and say which teenage activities you do with your friends and which of these activities you prefer to avoid. Say why.

Enrich Yourself! SB p. 34

T: Read the words and word-combination. What can you say about teenagers' activities?


b) Тренування навичок письма.
Enrich Yourself! SB p. 35 (a), WB p. 6 (a)

T: Copy the table in your workbook. Match the words (word-combinations) and their definitions and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

to feel jealous about (заздрити) = c) to feel envious because you don't have sth other people have;

gorgeous (пишний, розкішний, яскраво забарвлений) = d) extremely beautiful or attractive;

to confirm expectations (виправдовувати чиїсь очікування) = a) to get what you thought you would have;

to be concerned about (турбуватися) = e) to worry about sth;

to stick up for sb (підтримувати, захищати когось) = b) to defend someone who is being criticized, especially when no one else will defend them;

to be addicted (звикнути) = h) liking sth so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it;

to be bullied (бути заляканим) = f) to put pressure on someone in order to make them do what you want;

to be involved in (бути втягненим у щось) = g) to take part in an activ­ity or event.


c) Формування комунікативної компетенції (діалогічне й моноло­гічне мовлення).

Enrich Yourself I SB p. 34, WB p. 7 (b)

T: Look at the pictures and answer these questions about the activities in them, using the words and word-combinations from p. 34 of your Student's book.

Enrich Yourself! SB p. 35 (b)

T: Read the list of activities and characterize those which you are involved in. Say how they influence you. Enrich Yourself! SB p. 35 (c)

T: Look at the pictures where a teenager has drawn his life in different pe­riods, complete the sentences about him and describe his activities.


As I can see, Val leads an active way of life.

It means that he goes in for sports every day and goes roller-skating in the evenings.

No doubt he is concerned about his health.

Playing guitar is one of his likings.

He is specific about jigsaw puzzle in bad weather.

I think Val sticks up for his friends because he is strong and clever.

The boys spend tremendous amount of time playing computer games on Sunday.

I think Val is not a " thumb boy" as he is involved in different kinds of activities.

In my opinion this teenager never felt a bit down and always cheers his friends up.

I feel jealous about his incredible life experience.


Enrich Yourself! SB p. 36 (d)

T: Interview your friends and find out:

• what their favourite activity is;

• what attracts them in this activity;

• how long they have been involved in it.

Present your findings to the class using the pattern.


3. Тренування навичок письма.

a) Презентація нового матеріалу.

Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 41 (a)

How to write a body of an advice-seeking letter.


b) Активізація нового матеріалу.

Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 42 (b)

By the end of the Unit, you will write an advice-seeking letter about the win-or- lose problem in a teenager's life. Think and decide:

• how you will describe the problem from different perspectives;

• what questions you will raise;

• what explanations you will give.

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