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III. Заключна частина уроку (5 хв)
1. Домашнє завдання. a) Your Language Portfolio: Reading. WB p. 9 (b) Read the statements from the text and write how much they are true about you and your teenage friends. b) Enrich Yourself! WB p. 7 (c)
1. — How do you spend your leisure? —In different ways. Sometimes I talk to friends but from time to time I want to be on my own. —As I've heard, you are participating in school government. —Yes, I am. I spend tremendous amounts of time doing it. But it confirms all my expectations. 2. — Listen, mate, I've got an incredible news: I've applied for the Stu- —My congratulations! I'm glad for your sake and feel a bit jealous about it. You'll have an opportunity to get an incredible experience and to improve your English which are promoted a better understanding of the foreign country. —Right you are. I can compare my ideas about the USA with the real facts. —I'm very interested in your impressions. 3. — Where are you hurrying? —To a journalists' club. We are producing a newspaper. And you? —To the basketball. As you know I'm participating in cheerleading. —Good luck! —The same to you!
2. Підведення підсумків уроку. Діалог вчителя з учнями. T: What did we find out about youth culture in the USA? Say if you have the same here in Ukraine? Have you got friends from other countries? Can you tell us about their list of activities?
Урок № Дата Клас 9 Тема: Проводимо час з друзями Мета: Повторити й активізувати навчальний матеріал. Формувати граматичну компетенцію. Практикувати фонетичну компетенцію. Розвивати комунікативну компетенцію. Розвивати аудіативну компетенцію. Удосконалювати навички письма. Виховувати бажання займатися спортом. Обладнання: Підручник, зошит, CD-диск, картки з україномовними еквівалентами лексики, що вивчалася.
1. Привітання. 2. Повідомлення мети уроку. Today the main our aim is to improve grammar skills. We are going to get information about Grammar: Relative Clauses with when, where and that. We also put attention on training the phonetic skills.
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. а) Формування фонетичної компетенції. Rhyme and Reason. SB p. 43, CD 1, track 10. T: Listen to and read the part of a song and practise the sounds /o: /, /ә / and sentence stress. Comment on the message of the song. Rhyme and Reason. WB p. 10 (a) T: Match the words to the phonetic symbols. Practise saying them.
together — /e/ more — /0: / happier — /ae/ we — /i: / my — /ai/
Rhyme and Reason. WB p. 11 (b) T: Combine the phonetic pairs, using the words from the box.
/е/ — /аз/ = get — happier /о: / — /о/ = more — lot /аі/ — /еі/ = my — May /і: / — /і/ = be — live /а: / — /ʌ / = smart — fun /u: / — /u/ = you — yearbook