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II. Основна частина уроку (30 хв). 1. Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу.


1. Презентація нового лексичного матеріалу.

а) Формування аудіативної компетенції.

Words. Phrases. Expressions. CD 1, track 31, SB p. 111

Учні прослуховують слова, записані на диску, а потім читають один на одним по слову. Перекладають за допомогою вчителя.


broadcast — теле-, радіомовлення; передавати по радіо чи телебаченню

TV viewer — телеглядач

radio addict — захоплюватися слу­ханням радіо

channel — канал

quiz show — розважальна передача, в якій учасники повинні відповідати на запитання

wildlife programme — передача про дику природу

science fiction programme — науково-популярна передача

chat show — ток-шоу

soap opera — серіал (мильна опера)

analytical programme — аналітична передача

to be glued to the screen — уткнутися в екран

to switch on / off — вмикати / вимикати

to switch from channel to channel — перемикати з канала на канал

to enjoy sth to one's heart's content — займатися тим, що тобі подобається (насолоджуватися чимось)

to cope with sth — упоратися із чимось, подолати щось

to deal with sth — розглядати якесь питання, займатися чимось, ужива­ти заходів для чогось

to see all the programmes running — придивлятися програми нашвид­куруч

(not) to drag sb away from the screen — (не) відтягати когось від екрану

to be hypnotized by sth — бути чимось загіпнотизованим (-ною)

to enjoy every bit of sth — насо­лоджуватися кожною частинкою чогось

Importantly,... — Дуже важливо, що...

That reminds me... — Це нагадує...

What's on TV today? — Що показують по телебаченню?


2. Активізація нового лексичного матеріалу.

а) Формування комунікативної компетенції.

Go Ahead! SB p. 111

T: Read what people say about the radio and television and guess who said these words and why. Say whom you agree with.

Enrich Yourself! SB p. 112

T: Read and learn the words and word-combinations. Enrich Yourself! SB p. 113 (a)

Guess the words by their definitions and match them in your workbook to the right pictures.

1) a TV programme in which people have to answer questions = quiz show = 6th picture;

2) a TV programme in which people play games to win prizes = game show = 3rd picture;

3) a TV or radio show on which people talk about themselves in reply to questions = chat show = 5th picture;

4) a TV programme that is intended to make people laugh = comedy show = 4th picture;

5) a news programme on radio or television = news report = 2nd pic­ture;

6) a programme on TV or radio that tells you what the weather will be like = weather report = 1st picture.


Enrich Yourself! SB p. 114 (b)

T: Say what is your favourite radio / TV:

• report;

• show;

• drama or programme.

Enrich Yourself! SB p. 114 (c)

T: Think and decide what kind of radio listener / TV viewer you are. Give your reasons. Use the 10-point scales below.

Enrich Yourself! SB p. 115 (d)

T: Answer the questions.

b) Формування граматичної компетенці та тренування навичок письма.

Enrich Yourself! WB p. 53 (a)

T: Paraphrase the underlined words and word-combinations in these sen­tences.


1) The new show has gone down well with those who watched it on tele­vision. = The new show has gone down well with TV viewers.

2) This is my favourite documentary about animals. = This is my fa­vourite wildlife programme.

3) Popular television stories about the daily lives and relationships of the same group of people are repeated on different channels. = Soap operas are repeated on different channels.

4) When I'm off school sick, I enjoy watching TV to the fullest. = When I'm off school sick, I enjoy watching TV and see all the programmes run­ning.

5) My sister is truly someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watch­ing television. = My sister is truly TV addict.

6) We were absolutely hypnotized by the new programme about events in the future. = We were absolutely hypnotized by the new science fiction programme.

7) News reports are not to everybody's liking. = News reports are not to everybody's taste.

8) To me, there is nothing like a television programme that is intended to make people laugh. = To me, there is nothing like a comedy show.


Enrich Yourself! WB p. 54 (c)

T: Read the sentences and use the words given in capitals at the end of each line in the proper form that fits in the space in the same line.

DIY чи d.i.y. (у Британії та Канаді) — абревіатура від do-it-your­self.


1. What kind of TV viewer are you?

2. This science fiction programme tells about travelling in time.

3. Have you ever participated in a general knowledge quiz on TV?

4. There will be a comedy TV show at 9: 15 tonight.

5. You are sure to eniov the new DIY programme.

6. My Dad is glued to the screen when an analytical programme is on.

7. My friend is a typical couch potato.

8. There is a historical drama series for Saturday nights.


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