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III. Заключна частина уроку (5 хв). a) Communication Box: How to discuss options
1. Домашнє завдання. a) Communication Box: How to discuss options. CD 1, track 24, SB p. 91 Listen to and learn. b) Express Yourself! WB p. 42 (b) Translate into English. 1) — Have you seen an announcement about a recycling pick-up day? — Yes, I have. I think recycling is a better idea against pollution. — True, true. It’s not that difficult. — OK. So we’ll decide on it. 2) — We mustn’t make it up with the littery streets of our city. — Have you got any ideas? — Let’s create a project of cleaning recreation zones. — OK. So we’ve decided on it. 3) — What plans does your environmental group have on next year? — We will offer to involve as many as possible persons in our poject of control water quality. — It’ll make your group well-known in our town. — But it goes much further than that. c) Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 97 (b) Search the Internet and find more information about environmental movement in different countries. Present this information to the class. 2. Підведення підсумків уроку. Діалог учителя з учнями. Is recycling a better idea against pollution? What should we do if we want our planet to be green?
Дата Клас 9 Підтема: Сподівання на краще Мета: Повторити й активізувати навчальний матеріал. Продовжувати навчати спілкуватися за темою. Формувати аудіативну компетенцію. Практикувати навички письма. Розвивати крос-культурну компетенцію. Удосконалювати комунікативну компетенцію. Виховувати прагнення до активного захисту довкілля. Обладнання: Підручник, зошит, CD-диск. ХІД УРОКУ І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення ( 10 хв) 1. Привітання. 2. Повідомлення мети уроку. Today we are going to continue to express the discuss options and will listen to a dialogue of two friends. You’ll also have an incredible experience in working with English proverbs. 3. Перевірка домашнього завдання. Учні зачитують інформацію, яку вони знайшли в Інтернеті (Your Language Portfolio: Writing. SB p. 97 (b)). У цей час троє учнів на дошці пишуть переклад речень (Express Yourself! WB p. 42 (b)), які потім перевіряє вчитель разом із рештою учнів. 1) — Have you seen an announcement about a recycling pick-up day? — Yes, I have. I think recycling is a better idea against pollution. — True, true. It’s not that difficult. — OK. So we’ll decide on it. 2) — We mustn’t make it up with the littery streets of our city. — Have you got any ideas? — Let’s create a project of cleaning recreation zones. — OK. So we’ve decided on it. 3) — What plans does your environmental group have on next year? — We will offer to involve as many as possible persons in our poject of control water quality. — It’ll make your group well-known in our town. — But it goes much further than that. 4. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу. 1) Формування фонетичної компетенції. Rhyme and Reason. SB p. 92, CD 1, track 25. Listen to and read what pupils say about their hopes for clean environment and practise sentence stress. 2) Активізація лексичного матеріалу. Communication Box: How to discuss options. CD 1, track 24, SB p. 91 Учні прослуховують слова, записані на диску.
II. Основна частина уроку (30 хв) 1. Формування аудіативної компетенції. а) Формування крос-культурної компетенції. - Work Your Wisdom! SB p. 95 (a) Match the parts of the proverbs and explain their meanings. Prevention is better than cure. The frog doesn’t drink up a pond in which he lives. It is easier to raise the devil then to lay him. One good turn deserves another. - Work Your Wisdom! SB p. 95 (b) Illustrate the proverb you like most. - Work Your Wisdom! WB p. 44 Choose a proverb from the box to respond with in these situations and account for your choice. b) Презентація необхідного лексичного матеріалу. Вчитель на дошці виписує слова, які необхідні учням для якомога повнішого розуміння тексту. c) Етап аудіювання. - Your Language Portfolio: Listening. CD 1, track 26, SB p. 95 (a) Listen to two friends discussing some options of improving the work of their ecological club and say on what points the speakers agreed. Учні слухають текст 2 рази. Ann: Hey, Helen, have you been to the ecological congress? Helen: Sure. It was a great event for all environmental activists! Ann: Oh, it goes much further than that. It was a city-wide event. Unfortunately, our eco-club didn’t participate in it. I believe we must do something to improve its work. Helen: Exactly. Let’s see what options we have got. We have 25 members in the eco-club and a special interest group “Green Fingers”. Enough to organise a new interesting ecological project. Ann: It sounds attractive to me, but we should divide all the members into environmental groups: the more groups — the more options. Helen: True, true. It’s not that difficult. Each group will come up their ideas of environmental protection thus contributing to the cause of preserving nature. Ann: And we should definitely include our teachers into this project. They can give us a helping hand in organization and management. Helen: OK, so we’ve decided on it. Haven’t we left anything out? Ann: Just one thing, we must put this information into the leaflet everybody to read. Helen: Besides, we can inform all pupils about the project over school radio. Maybe there will be more volunteers to join us. Ann: That’s a good idea. Helen: Settled then. d) Перевірка розуміння тексту. - Your Language Portfolio: Listening. SB p. 95 (b) In pairs complete the conversation between Ann and Helen as in pattern. - Your Language Portfolio: Listening. SB p. 96 (c) Transform the dialogue as if Ann was talking to the head of their club. Make it up round its beginning. - Your Language Portfolio: Listening. WB p. 44 Transform the dialogue as if Ann / Helen was talking to her teach Make it up round the middle part.