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Structural patterns

1. Wish + Object Clause

... he wished it could be more affable.

The predicate verb in object clauses dependent on the verb to wish describes an unreal situation.

I wish I had'gone to that concert. Жаль, что я не пошла на этот концерт.

The tense form of the predicate verb in the object clause shows the relations between the actions expressed in the principal clause and in the subordinate (object) clause:

a) The Past Indefinite shows that the action in the subordinate clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause.

He wished he knew more about his fellow-students. Он хотел бы больше знать о своих однокурсниках.

b) The Past Perfect shows that the action of the subordinate clause is prior to that of the principal clause.

You will wish you had controlled yourself and answered all his questions. Вы пожалеете, что не сдержались и не ответили на все его вопросы.

Note: The same rules hold true for the use of tense forms in clauses of comparison introduced by as if, as though.

He looked at me as if he didn't believe a word of what I was saying. Он смотрел на меня так, как будто не верил ни одному слову из того, что я говорил.
You speak as if you had read a lot on the problem. Вы говорите так, как будто много читали по этому вопросу.

с) When the action of the subordinate clause follows that of the principal clause the predicate in the subordinate clause is generally expressed by could or might + infinitive.

Erik wished he could (might) start working immediately. Эрику хотелось бы начать работу немедленно.

Would + infinitive may be found in the subordinate clause only if the subjects in the clauses are different. It makes the wish more emphatic.

I wish spring would come soon. Хорошо бы скорее пришла весна.

The use of would + infinitive often implies that the person expressed by the subject of the subordinate clause does not want to perform the action.

I wish he would tell me everything. Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы он мне все рассказал.

Note: The verb to be may have the form were for all persons singular and plural. The form were is traditionally termed the Past Subjunctive.

I wish it were true (or: I wish it was true). Жаль, что это неправда (как бы мне хотелось, чтобы это было правдой).

Note: As all the forms of the predicate verb in object clauses (after the verb to wish) denote unreal actions they very often serve as expressions of regret rather than wish and are accordingly translated into Russian by the expression жаль, the verb сожалеть etc.

I wish I had the book, (a) Жаль, что у меня нет этой книги.
I wish I had told her about it. (a) Жаль, что я не сказал ей об этом.
I wished Thomas hadn't brought me here, (b) Я сожалел, что Томас привел меня сюда.

If the verb in the object clause is affirmative in English, it is negative in Russian (a) and vice versa (b).

2. Must, may, can + Perfect or Continuous Infinitive

... Gorin must have been tortured for a moment by...

The modal verbs must, may, can used with the perfect or continuous infinitive express various degrees of supposition, i. e. probability, doubt, incredulity.

a) The verb must in such cases expresses a high degree of supposition, almost certainty. The Russian equivalents are должно быть, вероятно.

He must have worked the whole summer. He looks tired. Он, должно быть, работал все лето. Он выглядит усталым.

Note: The verb must in this meaning is not used with the particle not. To express negation lexical means are used.

He must have been out when I rang him up. Его, должно быть, не было дома, когда я позвонила ему.
Evidently he did not know anything about it. Он, должно быть, ничего не знал об этом.

b) The verb may expresses uncertainty as to the fulfilment of an action, state or occurrence, supposition implying doubt. The Russian equivalents are возможно, может быть.

She may be staying with her friends at a place they have in Moscow. Она, возможно, гостит у своих друзей в Москве.
Don't be angry with him. He may not have known about it. Не сердись на него. Он, может быть, ничего об этом не знал.

с) The verb can expresses doubt (in interrogative sentences) or incredulity (in negative sentences). The Russian equivalents are неужели, не может быть.

Can she have told a lie? Неужели она сказала неправду?
She can't be lying! Не может быть, чтобы она лгала!

The form of the infinitive shows the time reference of the action. The perfect infinitive is used when the action refers to the past, the continuous infinitive refers the action to the present.

She must have done some research work in this field. Должно быть, она занималась исследовательской работой в этой области.
She must be doing some research work in this field. Должно быть, она занимается исследовательской работой в этой области.

3. Used to

I used to laugh all the time.

Used to expresses recurrent actions or typical states in the past; it implies contrast between the present and the past - what was typical of the past is no longer true at present.

This kind of house used to cost £ 4, 000. Такой дом когда-то стоил 4 000 фунтов.
He used to come here every other day. Он, бывало, приходил сюда через день.

Note: Would do can also denote recurrent actions in the past but its use is stylistically restricted.

4. Now (that)

Now that I'm safe, it's almost as though nothing had happened.

The conjunction now that (also without that) means as, considering that, in view of the fact that... The Russian equivalents are теперь, когда..., раз....

Now (that) you are well again, you may return to your studies. Раз вы здоровы, вы можете приступить опять к занятиям.

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