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VOCABULARY. 1. Fox rose to shake hands.
1. Fox rose to shake hands. to shake vt a) cause to move from side to side, up and down, etc - трясти to shake a rug - трясти, вытряхивать ковер to shake smb by the shoulder - трясти кого-л. за плечо to shake one's head (at) - качать головой (в знак несогласия, сомнения, укоризны, неодобрения и т. п.) to shake one's finger (fist) at smb - грозить кому-л. пальцем, кулаком to shake hands (with smb), to shake smb's hand - пожать кому-л. руку, обменяться рукопожатием
b) shock, trouble - потрясать, волновать
2.... the quick eyes would have been amazed at... to amaze vt - поражать, изумлять, удивлять Syn: to surprise, to astonish. The three verbs differ in degree. To surprise is the general term. It means to impress somebody unexpectedly.
То astonish is to surprise as greatly and suddenly as to seem incredible.
То amaze, though it carries the idea of great astonishment, stresses rather bewilderment, perplexity, or wonder.
All three verbs are commonly used in passive constructions followed by an infinitive or a prepositional object (generally with the preposition at).
Thus, we are surprised at what is unexpected, astonished when we find it hard to believe, and amazed when we are struck by something so strange, unusual that we cannot (of do not want to) believe it. Note the nouns and adjectives corresponding to the verbs: surprise n - surprising a; astonishment n - astonishing a; amazement n - amazing a. 3.... amazed at any expression of sympathy sympathy n (for) - сочувствие
to sympathize т (with smb) - сочувствовать кому-л.
4.... he might make a poor impression... to make a poor (good, great, favourable) impression (on) - производить плохое (хорошее, огромное, благоприятное) впечатление
The verb to make enters into a number of phraseological units: to make friends (with) - подружиться
to make fun of - высмеивать, дразнить, подшучивать, шутить
to make (both) ends meet - сводить концы с концами
5. Naturally we're expecting you to expect vt a) feel sure that somebody or something will come and be waiting - ждать, ожидать
b) think, believe or hope that something will happen - рассчитывать, надеяться