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Chapter 77
In the name of the Life! Thee (O) life, (is it meet) to praise, to honour, To magnify and to bless; First Life, Second Life and Third Life, Yufin-Yufafin and Sam-Mana-Smira And the Vine which is All-Life And the great Tree which is all healings. (Meet is it) to praise, honour and magnify And to bless 'Usar-Hai and Pta-Hai Who open (reveal) the pihta of Life And transplant a planting of Light, And instal the First Counterpart In the House of Life. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Nbat 'The First great Bursting-Forth (Emanation), The exigence of Life in Its nature. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless The Lord of Great Fruition. the great and high Being who was fruitful, begetteth and produceth Great fruit for Himself. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Yukabar-Ziwa, who increased in his brilliancy And was great in his light. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Yuzataq-Manda-d-Hiia, the life which proceeded from Life, The truth (kusta) that was aforetime, in the Beginning; Who was mightier in His radiance than the worlds of light. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Has, the Stem of splendour, radiance, light and honour Whose branches are a thousand thousand and its tendrils A myriad myriad. Well is it for him Who hath looked on that Tree! Bihram, who saw it, lived, shone, was cured and established And his name hath not died. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Sanasie, who standeth at the Gate of Life And prayeth for spirits and souls. He interpreteth silence, inspireth hope And taketh in keeping in the World of Light The prayers of pious and believing people. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Haiasum-Kusta, messenger of Life, The Word of the first chosen elect (men). He crossed the worlds, came, pierced the firmament And revealed himself. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Bhaq-Ziwa, who is called " He acted and succeeded in his skinta. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Yukas’ar, source of radiance who bestoweth radiance and displayeth his fight. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Biriawis, the strong source (kana), The Kana took thought so that its radiance increased. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Ayar, the pure Vine which abideth In the great and lofty Treasure-house of Light. (Meet it is) to praise, honour, magnify and bless The pure Yusamin who resteth upon The treasures of the waters And upon mighty wellsprings of light. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless The 'uthra Tauriel, the being who resteth by The pastures of the water. When a fragment from the little finger of his right hand Fell (off?) There was consternation on earth, And vexation(?) in the world of falsehood. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Adatan and Yadatan, who stand at the Gate of Life And praise and extol Life, And pray for the spirits and souls Of righteous and believing people In the Place of Life. (Meet is it) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Silmai and Nidbai, two 'uthras Delegates of Manda-d-Hiia Who are active and do (the work of) the Life. With kusta and with the testimony of the Life They immerse living, shining, bright and well-doing souls Who go in sincerity to the Jordan (and are baptised) (But) not in the name of gods or of a messiah! (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Sum-Hai, Rhum-Hai, 'In-Hai and Zamar-Hai, Four Beings, sons of perfection, Who come towards sincere and believing people, And take them out of bonds (Tied by) the hands of the wicked And from beneath the claws of scheming men; And lift them up to the great place of Light And to the Everlasting Abode. They knit them into the Bundle of Life And build them into a great Building Of sure strength. (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Hibil, Sitil and Anus, Sons of a Stock which is living, light-giving, Vigorous and sturdy: Beings that cannot be taken by the sword Nor consumed by flames of fire; Nor swept away by floods of water; Nor will the thongs of their sandals Be dipped in the water. They were judged and were justified; They sought and they found; They strove and reached the Great Place of Light And the Everlasting Abode. (It is meet) to praise, honour, magnify and bless Sihiun, and Pardun, and Kanfun, 'Uthras whose names, each one, are in the House of Life; And the 'uthras Adam-Kasia, Bihram and Ram whose names are Each one in the House of life, (but) their nature is two two, (dualistic?) And the names of righteous and believing people Will be established in the Place of Light. Thy name giveth out light, Thy name is illustrious, Thy name is pleasing and Thy name raiseth up. Thy name is victorious and victorious are the words of truth Which issue from Thy mouth, (victorious) over all works. Make victorious and raise up this my soul, (The soul of) Adam-Yuhana sun of Mahnus! And Life is victorious over all works. I copied these three prayers " We have acknowledged'', " Praises", and " Thee (Life) " for myself so that there may be commemoration for me on earth and yonder in the mighty and lofty worlds of light. Fur my heart hath testified to the First Life and I endure the persecution of the world from suns of the planets. For one name - Yawar - do I strive with a pious and believing heart fur the love of precious Truth. My waiteth on the Life and mine eyes upon Manda-d-Hiia; for they will be my support, my deliverer and saviour from the Place of Darkness to the Place of Light. I copied for myself, poor and lowly a slave who is all sin, dust on the feet of Nasuraeans.., etc.