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Prayer 106

Up, up! ye Elect Righteous Ones
Pray this prayer in the " Devotions" of the early hours (daybreak) for it is the opening (prayer) of the " Devotions".

Here recite " My good messenger" and " I worship Life" and recite " In the name of..." ]

In the Name of the Great Life!

Up, up! ye Elect righteous ones,
Rise up, ye perfected and believing ones!

Rise, worship and praise the Great Life!

And praise the great king Š iŠ lam-Rba,

And praise the Occult Tanna and Ham-Ziwa,

And praise the great Yawar and 'Zlat the great,

And praise Simat-Hiia,

From whom all worlds came into being;

And praise the Wellspring and Datepalm

From Whom the Father of 'uthras came into being.

I worship and praise that lofty and great

King of light, the Compassionate One

Who is full of loving-kindness.


[Prayers 107 -108 Pray these two prayers after " Up, up elect righteous" (#106) in the early morning devotions, then recite " In their name.., in the name of that Primal Being" ]

In the name of the Great Life!

My good messenger of light
Who travelleth to the house of its friends,

Come, direct my speech and open my mouth in praise
That I may praise the Great Life


In the name of the Great Life!

I worship Life
And I praise my Lord Manda-d-Hiia
And that great Presence of Glory
Which emanated from Itself.

(Prayers 110 - 112 This prayer, " The time of devotions" is the opening prayer of the eventide devotions. Then recite " In their name (In the name of the Life) and " In the name of that (Primal Being) and set on thy crown and recite beside is " Life created (Yawar-Ziwa)", " Let there
be light" and " Manda created me" and then recite " Incense that is fragrant", and " Lo for the First Life" for the incense and cast it on the fire. And here recite the Sunday prayer.)

In the name of the great Life!

The time, the time for devotions arriveth
The time of the Lord of Prayer hath come.

My awakener is Hibil, my instructor is Š itil,
Anuš lifteth up my hymns.

The immerser in my immersion is Š ilmai
And he who establisheth prayers is Nidbai.


In the name of the Great Life!

My good messenger of light
Who travelleth to the house of its friends

Come, direct my speech and open my mouth in praise
That I may praise the Great Life


In the name of the Great Life!

I worship the Life
And I praise my lord Manda-d-Hiia
And that great Presence of Glory
Which emanated from Itself.

(Prayers 113 - 116 Pray these four prayers:
" On the Ether-Light do I stand" (#113),
" Early I rose from my sleep" (#114),
" We have purified our hands in kuš ta" (#115),
" Blessed be thy name and praised be thy name" (#116).
Recite them for the " Devotions" for daybreak after incense)


On the light of Ether do I stand

In the name of the Great Life, may healing be mine,
Adam-Yuhana son of Mahnuš, through this Sunday prayer!

" On the light of Ether do I stand,
I stand for the Great Light with its purities!

I am Manda-d-Hiia, emanation (planting) of the Mighty First Life.
I cried to the first day of the week, (Habš aba)
The lauded, the pure guardian of the Light
Who enlighteneth 'uthras.
To him I said

" Rise up, go, set off, descend to the earthly world,
To that world which is all birth,
To be with the Elect Righteous,
Men formed of flesh and blood.
Hold them in thy grasp, strengthen them,
Stand by them, take care of them,
Give them strength and fortitude
So that they may stand and worship and praise
The Mighty Sublime Life! "

Then Sunday spoke, saying to Manda-d-Hiia
" How canst thou send me to this world that is all birth
To be with elect righteous (men)
Formed of flesh and blood who do not respect me!
They treat me with contempt, hold me in no great honour,
And remit not my sin and transgression! "

Then Manda-d-Hiia spoke, saying to Sunday,
" Up with thee! Go, set off, descend to the earthly world
To this world that is all birth, to be with
Elect, righteous men formed of flesh and blood.
And grasp them in thy grasp, confirm them,
Stand by them and take care of them!
Turn back and drive away from them
The seven planets together with their demons and devils,
And their amulet-imps and their evil creatures;
So that they will forgive thee thy sins
And thy transgressions; will hold thee in great esteem
And victory will be ours and will be thine"

Then Manda-d-Hiia spoke and said to the elect righteous,
" Give heed to Sunday the Enlightener whom
I have sent to be with you in order to enlighten you,
To uplift you and make you upright,
And to bring you prayer and praise.
Forgive him his sins and transgressions
And hold him in great esteem."

Manda-d-Hiia taught and expounded and said,
" Anyone who doth not forsake his sins and trespasses
On Sunday, nor holdeth him in high esteem,
Will have no seat amongst the 'uthras
Nor will he behold the great Countenance of Glory.
For Sunday is more precious, greater and more beauteous
And bright than all the 'uthras! "

Blessed and praised is Manda-d-Hiia and the Confirmed"

And Life is victorious over all works.

# 114

Early I arose from my sleep

In the name of the Great Life!

Sublime Light be glorified!

Early I arose from my sleep: I stood,
Into radiance that was great I looked,
I gazed into radiance that was great,
Into the Light which is boundless.

When clothed') in robes of radiance
And light was thrown on my shoulders
A wreath of ether He set on my head
And set it on the head of all His race
He hymned, and the 'uthras with Him hymn
And the Light-rays answer His voice.
And it rouseth sleepers and maketh them rise up
From their sleep.
He said to them

" Arise, ye sleepers who lie there,
Rise up, ye stumblers who have stumbled,
Arise, worship and praise the Great Life
And praise His Counterpart, that is the image of the Life
Which shineth forth and is expressed
In sublime light."

And Life be praised!


We have purified our hands in Kuš ta

In the name of the Great Life!

We have purified our hands in Kuš ta (truth)
And our lips in faith
We have uttered words of radiance
And were absorbed in thoughts of light.

Thou, my lord Manda-d-Hiia, art blessed and praised
And thy praise is established (on high).

Great is the strength of Life;
Abounding the glory of the mighty (Life)!

Honour resteth upon the 'uthras who sit in glory.

This is prayer and praise which came to them from
The great place of Light and the everlasting Abode.

We praise (Him) with it when we have risen from our sleep,
Before any have spoken falsehood.

For any man who prayeth this prayer there will be forgiving of sins and transgressions in the great place of Light and in the everlasting Abode.

And Life is victorious.

Blessed be thy name and praised be thy name

Blessed be thy name and praised be thy name
My lord, Manda-d-Hiia!

Pure mountains that quake not have blessed thee:
'Ufalnia (interpretations!) of truth which are unchangeable
Have blessed thee.

Sons of salvation who sit in thy company
Have blessed thee.

Yawar-Ziwa, the great king of Nasirutha
Hath blessed thee;

Ayar-Nhura, the pure, the envoy who is all righteousness,
Hath blessed thee

And I worship and praise that channel of light,
The messenger of all rays-of-light.

Blessed is thy name and praised is thy name,
Being who resteth upon the Š kintas!

Upon Š kintas doth his name rest.

Every day, daily, they gaze on his likeness
And upon the great Countenance of Glory.

And Life be praised!

# 117

[Prayer 117: Pray this prayer in the Rahmia (Devotions) of the seventh hour after incense on the fire (and after) " On the Ether-Iight do I stand” (#113)]

I worship, praise and laud
That Š rar, the great occult First Vine
Whose fruits are a thousand thousand,
And a myriad myriad His tendrils;

Upon Whom I called and He answered me·
Further, when I call on him, He will answer me;

For He will come and will heal me,
Will lift me up, raise me and confirm me
Will direct my eyes to the Light,
And my feet to steadfastness
My mouth to wisdom and my heart to vigilance.

Then I worship, praise and laud
That first great occult Š kinta
That is the house of dazzling beings.

Then I worship, praise and laud
That occult, first Š kinta
Which my Parents inhabit.

Then I worship, praise and laud
Yon Ruaz, the great first secret Vine
Which loosed its milky juices into the habitations.

Then I worship, praise and laud
That Ruaz, the great first Light
Who hath sovereignty over all worlds of light.

Then I worship, praise and laud
That great, occult, first Š kinta
To which the eyes of Nasoraeans.
Men set apart, and the elect righteous
Look, that they may rise and behold
The great place of Light and the Everlasting Abode.

And Life be praised: Life is victorious.


[Prayer 118: Pray this prayer in the evening devotions after incense (and) after " For the Ether-light do I stand". (#113) ]

It is time to pray the " Devotions"
The great moment for humble worship
For offering up propitiatory prayer

To my lord, Manda-d-Hiia,
For arousing the elect righteous.
The priests say to Manda-d-Hiia:

" We will abjure that which we possess
Of fee, alms and benefit
And the (false) deity of the House
We will come and will be believers."

Manda-d-hiia saith to them, to the priests:

" Your Father hath great strength,
Surpassing all limit, (stronger)
Than passionate thoughts, vain things
And the devouring flame.

The Good One clotheth His children
He covereth them and raiseth and showeth them
That there is great enlargement of Life
And your souls shall rejoice
With clouds (spouses?) of light.

But other souls will die and become
As though they had never existed.

Ye shall receive your vestments
Ye shall receive your wreaths.

In the presence of the Great (Life?)
Ye will be great, and will be called
'Uthras amongst the 'uthras.

And ye will say " The Living stand
In the dwelling of the Life"

And Life is victorious over all works.


[Prayers 119 - 124 SUNDAY The following three antiphonal hymns and three chants are for the first day of the week.]

In the name of the Great Life
Be the sublime Light glorified!

On Sunday, the first of days,
Who hath seen that which I have seen?

Who saw Manda-d-Hiia
When he went and came to the world?

He went (thence) and came to the world
The Earth lay prostrate and was affrighted.

He taught, and lovely was his voice!
And he lifted it up, in his mouth there was eloquence,
Eloquence he put into his mouth.

He revolutionized and forsook the world:
The world he revolutionized and forsook.

Spirit (Ruha) sitteth in lamentation
In lamentation sitteth Ruha;

And the Seven sit in consternation;
They weep and prolong their mourning
Because their mysteries are disclosed,
Because disclosed are their mysteries.
They will be brought to an end
On the great Last Day.

Namrus (Ruha) feared and trembled,
Her weapon fell from her shoulder,
From her shoulder fell her weapon
And her bows from the palm of her hand,

Ruha addresseth her sons,
Her good-for-nothing idle (sons),

She saith to them,
" Sons, when terror overtaketh your mother,
What will you Seven do!
When the Strange Being cometh,
Who will rise to confront him? "

A consuming ray of light
Is in Manda-d-Hiia’siirr's hand; felling· them
He cometh (to?) the rebels.

The Son-of-Life raiseth his Voice
At departure of the Seven
Saying to them " I have brought wares
To my friends.
I brought truthful words to believers.
Men who buy my wares,
Their merits wreathe their heads
Twined are their merits,
And their horns are exalted
On their heads.
They will arise and will behold
The Place of Light.”

Renowned is Life and victorious,
And victorious the man who went hence.


My day -- what is it amongst the days?
A day, My day!

What amongst the hours is one hour?
My day, what is it amongst the days?

The day on which the radiance of Manda-d-Hiia shone forth,
My day is Sunday, chief of days,

The day on which the radiance of Manda-d-Hiia dawned

On my day the radiance of Sunday dawned
Upon us and enlightened us beyond measure.

# 121

Before the Wellsprings were transmuted
Before the Awakening without,
Before ye were in existence
I was in the world.

The Voice of living waters (Water of Life),
(Waters) which transmute the turbid waters.

They become clear and shining
They gush forth and cast out impurities.

Wherefore should the First (Life) desire sons from the dregs?

Voices cry aloud proclamations
Planning schemes, all of them talk!

(But) one Voice cometh and teacheth all sayings,
One Being cometh and teacheth about this and that.

(As for) us, who have praised our Lord
Thou wilt forgive us our sins.

Thou wast victorious, Manda-d-Hiia
And thou leadest all thy friends to victory.

And Life is victorious.

# I22

O Lord of devotions,
O Lord of Prayers

And of hymns and good books,
O Lord of prayer and praise,
Hear my voice and condemn me not!


Except for six or seven nations,
Fruit is set up on the Tree

On the Tree fruit is set up
And (other) trees gather together toward it.

Toward it do the trees assemble,
And a throne is set up for the Lord of Radiance
For the Lord of Radiance a throne is set up
And the Lord of Radiance sitteth thereon.

Before him are set up recompenses
Which he delivereth to the perfect,
To the perfect doth he deliver them

And said:
" To each according to the works of his hands
It is awarded".

And he said:
“Every man who toiled
And was long-suffering shall come
and take with both hands,
But he who did not toil nor endure,
Standeth empty in the House of Dues.

He will seek but will not find,
And ask, but nought will be given him,
Because he had in his hand and gave not,
He will search there in his bosom and will find nothing."

Thou art praised, Manda-d-Hiia
Who dost not condemn thy friends.

# I24

I seek a boon from the Life,
From Thee, mighty Life.

I seek a boon from the Life -
That Ye will rightly guide Your praise
For me.


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