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Деловое письмо

1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и выучите незнакомые слова

Business Writing

The aim in business writing is to communicate as clearly and concisely as you can. In our high-tech culture we expect many tasks to take far less time than they do. Writing is one of them. The ability to write well — clearly and concisely — is not an ancillary skill; it is an essential skill. Contrary to general belief, writing is not something only 'writers' do; it is a basic skill for getting through life. However, writing is a high-level conceptual skill and it does take time. Many mental activities are taking place while you are writing: analyzing the audience, remembering and deciding on what information to present, organizing the information, putting it into comprehensible sentences, paying attention to the rules of good writing, proofreading, etc.

When getting started, remember, if you gain control of yourself, you will gain control of your topic.

• First of all you ask yourself the question about the purpose of your writing:

Are you writing to inquire, inform, persuade, motivate, or do you have more than one purpose? Second, get interested in its scope:

• Given your needs and your reader's needs, how much information should you include?

Third, see clearly the contents of your writing:

• What kind of information will help you to achieve your purpose? Do you have all information you need? How, or where, can you get additional information?

At last, you should ask yourself about the available constraints:

• What makes your task more difficult? Time or cost constraints? Your reader's attitudes? Your own lack of credibility?

Put yourself in your reader's place and look at the message through his eyes. Most of the readers want the results of your thinking, not the thinking itself. Remember that there is a difference between thinking and communicating. When experimenting with various ways to organize the information be guided by two factors: (1) your reader's knowledge and interest and (2) your purpose and the information itself. The contents


of any letter may be summarized as follows: (1) opening, (2) purpose; (3) action, and (4) polite expressions.

II. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What should you take into consideration while you are writing?

2. What can be the purposes of your writing?

3. What should you keep in mind while writing?

4. Why are readers more interested in the results of the writer's thinking?

5. Can you write well?

6. How important for you is the ability to write well?

7. What is the most important to organize information properly?


III. Запомните эти слова и составьте с ними предложения.

Nouns Существительные
attitude отношение
message сообщение
credibility достоверность
purpose/ objective/ aim цель
scope масштабы, возможности
contents содержание
constraint ограничение
proofreading вычитка, корректура
Verbs Глаголы
communicate передавать информацию
inquire запрашивать информацию
inform информировать
persuade убеждать
motivate мотивировать
guide направлять, руководить
include включать
exclude исключать
Adjectives Прилагательные
clear ясный
concise точный


Adjectives Прилагательные
ancillary вспомогательный
essential необходимый
conceptual концептуальный
comprehensible понятный
VI. Запомните толкование этих слов на английском языке.
Objective (п) something which you aim at
Contact (п) person to ask for help or advice
Form (п) official printed paper to be filled in with information
Inquire (v) ask
Respond (v) Mention (v) Refer (v) reply inform, speak of briefly send or direct for information
Relevant (adj) Standard (adj) applicable normal
Complicated (adj) difficult
Knowledgeable (adj) informed
Related (adj) connected
Beforehand (adv) In advance
V. Приведите в соответствие слова и их перевод.
credibility пределы
scope содержание
contents достоверность
communicate убеждать
persuade включать в себя
include передавать информацию
concise понятный
comprehensible точный


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