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The Internet in Russia

Various surveys show widely differing numbers of Internet users. Ac­cording to Interfax, the total Internet audience in Russia, comprising per­sons aged 18 or over, is over 9.2 million, or 8.3 per cent of the country's adult population (110.5 million). Another survey held by the Strana.ru, National Information Service (NIS) only covers Russia's urban popula­tion, 91.3 million in all. It showed the real number of users at 3.3 million, or 3.6 per cent. The number of polential and willing users stands at 22.2 per cent in all, or 11.3 per cent and 10.9 per cent of each, respectively (10.3 and 9.95 million). Another 18.4 per cent, or 16.8 million, are aware of the Net. Over half. 55.9 percent or 51.04 million, of urban residents are not aware of the Internet.

Different surveys give numbers for male and female Internet users vary­ing from 60 to 70 per cent for men and 30 to 40 per cent for women.

Some 50 per cent of users have incomes per family member ranging from $16 to $106 a month. The more affluent users visit Internet shops

Unit 5

I. Business Communication


online, while the less moneyed log on lo play games, look for medical ad­vice, or get TV news or listen to radio broadcasts.

Numbers lor people with a higlier education vary insignificantly from 46 to 49 per cent of the Internet users in Russia. Next come undergradu­ates, lliey make up about 16 per cent, followed by graduates of specialised secondary schools comprising 1.2 to 13 per cent.

An overwhelming majority of young people under 20 years of age, over a quarter of the total (26.0 percent), actually use the Internet (6.0 percent), or can do so, if they want to (20.0 percent). Persons under 20 years log on to the Internet seeking entertainment, above all, in particular, games, humour, and erotica. Users over 21 show an interest in websites relating to their oc­cupations, such as business, banking, finance, legislation, and so on.

Words and word combinations > on may need

female n - женщина affluent adj - богатый logon v — выходить в И нтернет varyv — меняться, изменяться, раз­ниться overwhelming majority - подавляющее большинство

survey n — обследование

user я - пользователь

comprise v — включать

urban adj — городской

be aware of — быть осведомленным,

знать male n — мужчина

Ex. 11. Practise these words and word combinations: in spite of, in spite of the fact that... Syn. despite, despite the fact that... Translate and complete these sentences:

1) Несмотря на трудности... g) Несмотрянато.чтоунегобьию

2) Несмотря на плохое здоровье... много работы...

3) Несмотря на занятость... 9) Несмотрянато.чтоонразослал

4) Несмотрянаплохуюпогоду... свои резюме...

5) Несмотря на усилия... Ю) Несмогрянато.чтоунегобыло

6) Несмотря на попытки... хорошее образование...

7) Несмотря на то. что у него было
мало денег...

to express concern/lhanks/gratitude/feelings/iuterest/opinions/thoughts 1. Translate into English:

1) Некоторым людям трудно ясно выражать свои мысли.

2) Преподаватель выразил обеспокоенность плохой успеваемостью
(poor progress) некоторых студентов.

3) Многие деловые люди выразили интерес к данному проекту.

А) Финансисты выражают обеспокоенность состоянием финансовых

рынков. 5) На встрече были высказаны различные мнения.

2. Answer the questions:

1) Do people in our country express concern about social problems (health
care, pensions etc.)? What about economic problems?

2) Do people express concern about the use of mobile phones?

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