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Герундиальные обороты
Наибольшую трудность для перевода может представить герундий с группой зависящих от него слов, образующих герундиальный оборот. Существует два типа герундиальных оборотов. предлог+герундий I insist on writing the letter immediately. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы написать письмо сразу. Субъект действия герундия не указан и может совпадать с подлежащим. This reference-book differs from the previous in including a greater number of names. Этот справочник отличается от предыдущего тем, что (он) включает большее количество имен. 11 viz. — читается: namely — а именно В этих случаях перевод делается по способу, указанному выше (см. стр. 115). предлог + притяжательное + герундий местоимение или существительное в притяжательном или общем падеже I insist on his writing the letter immediately. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы он написал письмо сразу. Субъект действия герундия не совпадает с подлежащим предложения и выражен притяжательным местоимением (или существительным в притяжательном падеже). Герундий в таких оборотах переводится личной формой глагола в функции сказуемого придаточного предложения, вводимого союзом «что (чтобы)» с предшествующим ему соотнесенным местоимением «то» в соответствующем падеже (тем, что; в том, что и т. п.), а субъект действия герундия — подлежащим этого придаточного предложения. Если субъект действия герундия выражен существительным в притяжательном падеже, то он обычно обозначает лицо: I hear about your brother's going abroad. Я слышал, что ваш брат едет за границу. Если субъект действия герундия выражен существительным в общем падеже, то герундий имеет форму страдательного залога, так как субъект действия обозначает не лицо и подвергается действию, выраженному герундием: I insist on the letter being sent immediately. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы письмо было отослано немедленно. Герундиальные обороты выполняют в предложении те же функции, что и герундий. Упражнения 1. Переведите. Найдите герундиальные обороти. Определите, совпадает ли субъект действия герундия с подлежащим предложения. 1. A good speaker, besides choosing appropriate terms from a wide vocabulary, and besides being able to utter his thoughts with fluency, uses correct sounds and employs proper intonation. 2. The volume differs from the previous in embracing a wider range of subjects and in making considerably greater demands on the intelligence and knowledge of the young scholar. 3. In addition to being both creative writer and critic he is also a scholar. 4. Our eighth chapter is devoted to seeing the way in which this classification corresponds to the geologic divisions of Pleistocene time. 5. His output of dramatic work has been great, but it shows every sign of having been thoughtfully and conscientiously carried out. 6. Prosper Merimee realised — as many authors following his example have done since — that prose tales gain in tragic force by not being told with obvious sympathy in the exuberant manner of other Romantics. 7. According to the ancient story, Tantalus was punished for a crime by being made to suffer from thirst and hunger, while water and fruit were seemingly within his reach. 8. Arnold Bennet is interested not in philosophy, but in giving a realistic account of the lives of ordinary people. 2. Переведите. Найдите герундиальные обороты. Определите, чем выражен субъект действия герундия. 1. Even those who by 1905 had recognized Shaw as the outstanding British dramatist of his generation continued for many years to question the likelihood of his taking a permanent place in literature. 2. The question of the transition period is not principally a question of the adoption of a new material — bone instead of stone, but of the population going over to a new trade. 3. There are many new terms, some of which are in everybody's mouth, and are used by the man in the street without any suspicion crossing his mind of their learned origin. 4. We see that this word is an adjective from its having no ending. 5. This fact is due not so much to the mammoth and rhinoceros becoming gradually scarcer as to the change in the method of hunting. 6. The «Importance of Being Earnest» (1895) 12 is brilliant, but the same fault lies here again in the character- drawing. Any speech in the play might almost be directly transferred from one character to another without the change being noticed. 7. The most important cause of a language splitting into dialects is not purely physical, but want of communication for whatever reason. 8. The fact that stone and silex had been abandoned, is, however, not a sign of technical skill having fallen off. 9. The high quality of style has proved sufficient to give this work a high rank amongst the Japanese classics, and has insured its being handed down to our day as a most esteemed model for the composition in the native Japanese style.
10. Without language there is no understanding among people, and without understanding there is no chance of their being able to work together. 11. Conditions of the time (end of the 18th century) led to the need for quicker communication between the towns, and this naturally led also to the literature being spread more quickly than would have been possible before. 12. This is the main contradiction of capitalism which impedes productive development, and even leads to productive powers being used to destroy nations in warfare, instead of for lightening the labour and increasing the material prosperity of mankind. 13. In view of this practice being frequent among primitive people of the present (end of the 19th century), the above mentioned «Package of bones» from the Grotte de Covillon gains immensely in interest. 14. The distinguished German linguist H. Shuchardt, has in recent years strongly insisted that similarities between different languages need not always depend on the languages being related to one another as French is related to Italian, but in some cases may be due to some element common to mankind; in other words, some phenomena, instead of being historically related may be primordially related. 12 The «Importance of Being Earnest» — «Как важно быть серьезным», пьеса Оскара Уайльда