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1. In some cases I contented myself with giving the bare references without printing the sentences in full.

2. Scientific discoveries affected intellectual life by overthrowing many of the old ideas respecting the world and nature.

3. The historian, according to the critics, sinned against the past by giving it an order and a symmetry which it did not possess. Instead of reliving history, he recreated it.

4. In estimating these poems we should make ourselves aware of the literary situation wherein they were written.

5. The investigation aims at establishing historical results regarding settlement and economic and social life.

6. I am told that he has never wanted to learn Chinese as a language, that he does not speak it and has little interest in hearing it spoken.

7. At the beginning of the period, the poets follow the teaching of Dryden 13 in attending more to the method of expressing their ideal than to the ideas themselves.

8. The exhibition of any genuine passion or of any imagination would have seemed to the cultured gallants of that age a sign of vulgarity. The only quality worth possessing was considered to be «the plain good sense».

9. The novelist can similarly tell a story without laying claim to having witnessed or participated in what he narrates.


10. In presenting the above facts I have had in mind letting the non-assyrologist know what a change the discovery of a few tablets in the Amorita land has brought about.

11. Those who find no intellectual pleasure in reading foreign languages, or perhaps even in trying to read them, must admit that some ability to do so is of practical value.

12. Comparative grammar compares grammatical phenomena of a language with those of the cognate languages, that is, languages which are related to it through having arisen from a common parent language.

13. The very nobles who helped Henry 14 to overcome Richard, 14 because they hoped that by so doing they would

13 Dryden — Джон Драйден (1631—1700), английский поэт.

14 Henry, Richard — Генрих IV и Ричард II, английские короли

further their own advancement, rose against him when he tried to assert his authority over them.

14. He held office of the most important judge in England for four years, and might have held it longer, but that 15 he was accused of taking bribes.

15. These inventions, far from being used for the benefit of mankind, were employed by the priests of Egypt to simulate miracles, and so, by facilitating a pious fraud on the faithful, to assist in the secular struggle of superstition against reason.

16. Primarily synonyms should be studied for the sake of enabling a speaker or a writer to say exactly what he needs.

17. In endeavouring to repeat the blow he (the knight) used such force that his left stirrup-leather broke, and he was on the point of falling from his horse.

18. One can readily understand that for natives the tribute became insufferable and they sought recourse and revenge in waylaying and killing their oppressors.

19. He started by night to escape being seen by anyone.

20. The American School (of linguistics) is like the Prague School in not having a fully elaborated approach to the description of grammatical phenomena.

21. The island is unique in having a sandy shore and is surrounded by an amphitheatre of low hills.

22. Of late years some geologists have declared themselves in favour of admitting the existence of the glacial stages, basing their theory on weighty arguments.

23. On leaving the College H. Wells again took up teaching, but in 1893 ill-health compelled him to leave the profession and turn to literature.

24. We aim at laying down in very rough outlines the principles for a phonemic decipherment of a written text.

25. As Somerset Maugham is difficult to classify either by the literary forms he uses or by the kind of reader he engages, it may be worth while trying another approach.

26. Alfred then took steps to prevent the Danes from ever becoming dangerous again.

27. The Stoics began by asserting the equality of slaves and free men, but they never drew the obvious conclusion that slavery should therefore be abolished.

15 but that — если бы не 124

28. The step from pictographic to syllabic writing is an easy, logical and, it might seem, self-evident one; yet there have been several nations which developed the first without ever proceeding to the second.

29. As will be clear by now, true alphabetic writing consists in having a sign for each sound (technically each phoneme) of the language rather than one for each word or one for each syllable.

30. Man alone has succeeded in impressing his stamp on nature, not only by shifting the plant and animal world from one place to another, but also by so altering the aspect and climate of his dwelling place, and even the plants and animals themselves, that the consequences of his activity can disappear only with the general extinction of the terrestrial globe.

31. About 1814 Scott largely gave up writing poetry and save for short pieces mainly in the novels, wrote no more in verse.

32. For the modern linguist the achievement of his ultimate objective would consist in being able to answer all questions that could be asked about language as a general concept, or about any particular concept.

33. Exeter, the ancient capital of Devonshire, is a lovely city, proud of being the only English town that has been lived in continuously since the time of the Romans.

34. One can only wish that progressive literary criticism in Britain will follow even more bravely the teachings of Lenin about there being two nations in every nation and two cultures in every culture.

35. Still, enough evidence is at hand to support a surmise that the South American Indian languages are of a structure similar to that of the North American ones, and that there is a possibility of some day proving all of them to be related.

36. Northern Chinese having lost all its final stops and converted -m everywhere into -n, obscures this phenomenon to a great extent.

37. Prince Regent married his cousin, Caroline of Brunswick, simply because it offered a prospect of his debts being paid.

38. One of Shaw's earliest plays, «Widowers' Houses» (1892) is in reality a strong attack upon those people who

live quietly and comfortably upon unearned income without troubling to inquire how the money is procured.

39. Dunstan had a reputation of being the greatest manager of state affairs of all who lived before the Norman Conquest.

40. If a word refers to some person or thing without giving a name to the person or thing referred to, the word is a pronoun.

41. But when a nation thus speaking a variety of dialects attains a high degree of civilization, that unity and centralization which results in one town becoming the capital, results also in one definite dialect — generally, of course, that of the capital itself — being used as the general means of communication through the whole territory, especially, as is generally the case, the dialects have already diverged so much from each other that some at least of them are mutually unintelligible.

42. Wayland Smith was a personage known as intimately to our Anglo-Saxon forebears as, say, Robin Hood is known to us. The mention of his name was enough to call up to them stories attached to it without their ever needing to be told.

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