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Употребление и перевод глагола should

Should с 1-м л. ед. и мн. числа и инфинитивом Indefinite употребляется как вспомогательный глагол относительного будущего (Future in the Past). В дополнительных придаточных предложениях после прошедшего времени в главном предложении сочетание «should+ инфинитив» переводится будущим временем:

I promised them that I should come on Monday. Я обещал им, что приду в понедельник.

Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется в 1-м л. ед. и мн. ч. в качестве вспомогательного глагола сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. Переводится сослагательным наклонением (прошедшее время+частица «бы»):

I should do it tomorrow. Я бы сделал это завтра.

Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется во всех лицах как вспомогательный глагол сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. В таком случае should самостоятельного значения не имеет и в сочетании с инфинитивом переводится русской формой сослагательного наклонения:

Не demanded that the letter should be posted immediately. Он потребовал, чтобы письмо было отослано немедленно.

Should с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется как модальный глагол со значением долженствования и переводится «следует, должен» (если после него стоит Infinitive Indefinite) и «следовало бы, должен был бы» (если за ним идет Infinitive Perfect):

Не should be more attentive.

Ему следует быть более внимательным.

Не should have been more attentive.

Ему следовало бы быть более внимательным.

Сочетание «should like+инфинитив» переводится «хотел бы», «хотелось бы»:

I should like to speak to him.

Мне бы хотелось поговорить с ним.


1. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола should.

1. We did not know that we should be asked to take part in the Conference.

2. One should be conscious of one's faults.

3. Should she ask you for my address, give it to her.

4. I know I should have done it long ago.

5. Why should you stay here all day long?

6. We are of an opinion that he should leave Leningrad for good.

7. You shouldn't have said so!

8. I told him that I should let him know the date of the examination.

9. If I were you, I shouldn't speak about it at all.

10. You should have come earlier, the lesson is over now.

11. It's a lucky coincidence that she should come here today.

12. Is it absolutely necessary that you should stay here so late?

13. One should think before one speaks.

14. We hoped that we should come in time.

2. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола should.

1. Since these two sounds differ only in the fact that one employs voice while the other is merely a whispered or breathed sound, it does not seem very strange that they should have been thus represented by the same character.

2. His irritable demand that he should be left alone was quite characteristic of him.


3. Room had however been found for him, should he want it.

4. In considering some of the problems peculiar to the portraiture, it should be remembered that the idea of resemblance is not always the same for the artist and for the layman.

5. All community and labour organizations should support the teachers in their effort to obtain their rights.

6. It is natural that words of Scandinavian origin should be plentiful in the areas covered by the Danelaw, 7 and such words are most common in the North and the East Midlands.

7. Yet, amid these many references to the classical tongues, it should not be forgotten that the language under discussion is English, and that English is spoken by about two hundred and twenty five million people, of whom only fifty million live in Britain.

8. The student of Japanese history, in any of its branches, should note well the two dates which stand at the head of this chapter.

9. There is a certain difficulty in deciding whether many Greek words should be described as coming directly, or through Latin.

7 Danelaw ['delnlo: ] — области о-ва Британия, завоеванные датчанами в IX—X вв., и законы, установленные в них.


10. Should a case arise which cannot be settled by village authorities, the aggrieved person may petition the Wali for permission to sue.

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