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Употребление и перевод глагола would
Would со 2-м и 3-м л. ед. и мн. ч. употребляется как вспомогательный глагол относительного будущего (Future in the Past) в дополнительных придаточных предложениях после прошедшего времени в главном предложении. Сочетание «would+инфинитив» в этом случае переводится будущим временем: Не promised us that he would come soon. Он обещал, что он скоро придет. Would с инфинитивами Indefinite и Perfect употребляется во 2-м и 3-м л. ед. и мн. ч. в качестве вспомогательного глагола сложной формы сослагательного наклонения. Переводится сослагательным наклонением (прошедшее время+частица «бы»): It would be very convenient for us. Это было бы очень удобно для нас. Would со всеми лицами употребляется как модальный глагол со значением желания, или (с отрицанием) нежелания совершить действие: I wanted to send for a doctor, but he wouldn't hear of it. Я хотел послать за доктором, но он об этом и слышать не хотел. Would со всеми лицами употребляется для выражения обычного или повторного действия в прошлом: They would leave the camp at dawn. Они обычно уходили из лагеря на рассвете. Would+инфинитив со 2-м л. употребляется при вежливом обращении: Would you tell me the time? He скажете ли вы мне, который час? Сочетание «would like» переводится «хотел бы»: They would like to see you. Они хотели бы повидать вас. Упражнения 1. Переведите. 1. Would you mind if I shut the window? 2. I did not know who would be my neighbour. 3. Would you like to have one of these pictures? 4. She was in a hurry and would not hear of staying with us a little longer. 5. He told me he would be glad to help us. 6. Would you lend me your pen for a minute? 7. They would have gone there, too, if they had had tickets. 8. The man would be sitting there all day long, probably dreaming. 9. It would be better to read this book in the original.
10. He would be sorry if you did not let him know. 11. Why do we have dialects? Wouldn't it be simpler if everyone spoke alike? 2. Переведите. Определите функцию глагола would. 1. There was no one who would not be sorry to hear of what had happened. 2. If a complete list were prepared of the dates at which words were created or borrowed, a picture of the slow and unceasing development of our civilization would be unrolled. 3. It would be splendid for an archaeologist to work there, in a town so fantastically rich in antiquities and prehistoric culture. 4. There was, however, little understanding of land warfare among the nation at large; 8 most people thought that one battle would decide the issue. 5. She would not listen to his enthusiastic accounts of his experiences in Italy. 6. Few people nowadays would deny these well-established facts. 7. If Leonardo's life were not so completely documented, I have no doubt that theorists would have attempted to prove that he was not one person but two, and that the 8 at large — здесь: в целом, hand that painted the Gioconda was not the same that wrote the Note-books. 8. On the morning, following the bride's transfer to her new home the boy's family would send gifts of ceremonial food to the home of the girl. 9. It was intended that the actual responsibility of leading the troops to the east would fall on two military commanders, Lupinius and Sintula.
10. The mother asked her son not to go swimming alone, but he would not listen to her. 11. He would take no money in exchange for his hospitality, and he bade me come to him should I ever be in those places again. 12. For many years it appeared as though the English language would be superseded by the language of the conquerors. 13. If one were to take the trouble to count up all the words in the dictionaries, one would reach a total running into six figures — the hundreds of thousands.