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T r a p p e d i n t h e T u b e
A GUNMAN seized £ 8, 500 from a camera shop in Baker Street yesterday, shooting an assistant who tried to stop him. A passerby - 24-year-old secretary Vivien Ford - saw the smartlydressed robber running from the shop and followed him along Baker Street and into I Baker Street Tube Station. When the man got on to a southbound train, she ran up to a London Transport official, shouting that he should stop the train because there was a gunman on it. " This woman appeared on the platform shouting for us to stop the train because there was a gunman on board, " station foreman David Stokes, 48, said later. " We did so, although I suppose it was risky." The staff shut the doors of the train, locking the robber in with the passengers. Police sealed off the station and searched the train coach by coach until they found and arrested the criminal. " Many of us didn't know what was happening, " said a passenger. " It's a good thing nobody panicked." A London Transport spokesman praised the staff for stopping the train. " It was a difficult situation for them, " he said, " but they did the right thing." The shop assistant, Mr Peter Cartwright, 37, was " in satisfactory condition" in hospital yesterday evening following an operation on an arm wound. Last night a man was helping the police with their inquiries. В Грамматика Обстоятельство, выраженное причастием (-ing- форма) A gunman seized £ 8, 500 from a camera shop in Baker Street yesterday, shooting an Assistant who tried to stop him. Вооруженный мужчина похитил вчера в фотомагазине 8500 фунтов, стре- ляя в продавца, который пытался его задержать. She ran up to a London Transport official, shouting that he should stop the train. Она подбежала к служащему Лондонского метро крича, что он должен оста- новить поезд. The staff shut the doors of the train, locking the robber in with the passengers. Служащий закрыл двери поезда и запер грабителя вместе с пассажирами. So для замены She shouted for us to stop the train. We did so. (= We stooped the train.) Она крикнула, чтобы мы остановили поезд. Мы так и сделали. (= Мы оста- новили поезд.) Употребление did so помогло избежать здесь повторения длинного вербального выражения. So (= так) употребляется также и с другими глаголами: Is he at home? - I suppose so. (= Я полагаю, да.) Is that the robber? - I think so but I'm not sure. (= (Я) думаю, да...) Have you got a size five? - I hope so. (= (Я) надеюсь, что этот (размер).) 78 С