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D Упражнения. a) How much money did the gunman seize?

1. Дайте ответы.

a) How much money did the gunman seize? b) What kind of shop was it?

c) What did the assistant do? d) What did the secretary see? e) What did she

do? f) Where did the gunman run off to? g) What did the London Transport

staff do? h) What did the police do? i) Did the passengers panic? j) What

did the London Transport spokesman say about the station and train staff?

2. Возразите (как в примере).

The gunman shot the secretary.

No, he didn't shoot the secretary. He shot the assistant.

a) The gunman seized £ 850. b) The secretary stopped the gunman, c) The

gunman ran into a public lavatory, d) He got on to a northbound train,

e) The station foreman stopped the gunman, f) The police shot the gunman,

g) All the passengers knew ([nju: ] = знали) what was happening, h) The London

Transport spokesman praised the police.

3. Дайте ответы.

a) Why did the gunman shoot the assistant? b) Why did the secretary follow

the smartly-dressed man? c) Why did the London Transport staff (they!) stop

the train and shut its doors? d) Why was it risky to lock the robber in with the

passengers? e) Why did the police search the train? f) Why did the London

Transport spokesman praise the station and train staff? g) Why did the gunman

help the police with their inquiries?

4. Вы были свидетелем истории с грабителем, разыгравшейся в (12А). Рас-

скажите о том, что вы видели.

I saw the












from the shop,

into Baker Street Tube Station,

on to the train,

the gunman/robber/criminal,

the shop assistant,

the train.

5. Расскажите, используя данные в скобках глаголы, что делали действующие

лица в тексте 12А.

The gunman (seize / shoot / run / get on to)...

The assistant (try)...

The secretary (see / follow / run up to / shout)...

The London Transport staff (stop / lock in)...

The police (seal off / search / find / arrest)...

The passengers (not know / not panic)...

The London Transport spokesman (praise)...

A hospital spokesman (say)...


1 2 D



P L A T F O R M 8


6. Употребите глагол в соответствующем времени (прошедшем, настоящем,


a) I (see) him at the club yesterday, b) I (see) her in London next week,

c) Something strange (happen) last night, d) Do you know where she (work)

now? e) I visited her when she (be) in hospital, f) We (arrest) him if we find

him. g) He (manage) to lose 11 pounds on his holiday, h) Our train (leave)

in two minutes, i) She (not always lock) the door when she goes out. j) The

police searched the flat but (not find) anything, k) If the train's on time, I

(arrive) at Cannon Street at 8.53. 1) Where (that man get) on to the train?

m) There (be) a dance at the hotel tonight.

7. Сформулируйте простые дефиниции (определения). (-≫ 9D5)

A London Transport spokesman is an official... (speak)

A London Transport spokesman is an official who speaks for London Transport.

a) A gunman is a criminal... (have) b) A London Transport official is a person

... (work) c) A waitress is a woman... (work) d) A shop assistant is

someone... (work) e) A camera shop is a shop... (sell) f) A southbound

train is a train... (go)

Фонетическое упражнение

Сочетание букв " еа" встречается в английском языке довольно часто и про-

износится по-разному. Произнесите вслух следующие слова с " еа".

[i: ] sea, please, reason, reader, clean, dream, leave, east, Blackheath, cheap,

speak, overeat, heater

[гэ] dear, hear, near, year, appear, earring, area, idea, real, theatre, Mediterranean,


[e] ready, already, ahead, heavy, weather, breakfast

[ei] great, steak

[з: ] search, learner, early, earthenware

[еэ] wear

[j] beautiful


1 2 D / 1 3 A

9. Переведите.

а) Я видел его вчера в клубе. Ь) Мы работали вчера почти до семи часов.

c) Грабитель похитил вчера 8500 фунтов из (from) магазина фототоваров.

d) Вчера на станции метро Бейкер-стрит полиция задержала поезд и провела

там обыск, е) Ее вчера не было в бюро. 0 Я не видел его вчера, g) Вы

выходили вчера вечером куда-нибудь? - Нет. h) Когда она приехала?

А Text

A master of his craft

Look in the " Thrillers" section of any bookshop,

English or German, and you're sure

to find books by Raymond Chandler there.

Chandler, who died in 1959, wrote only

seven novels, but they became classics of

their kind.

The central character in all of them is Philip

Marlowe, a private detective who lives and

works in the Los Angeles area. One may

say that Marlowe is a typical American

hero: tough, honest, quick-witted, always

ready to risk his life for somebody who

suffers injustice. Marlowe is poor, because

Chandler believes it is impossible for a

decent man to become rich. He is, in a way,


a failure. As Chandler writes in a letter: " I see him always in a lonely lonely rooms, puzzled but never quite defeated." And Marlowe is an idealist. Chandler's words: " He doesn't talk or behave like an idealist, but I think he heart; and I think he rather hates to admit it, even to himself."

Unlike his hero Philip Marlowe, who was born in Santa Rosa, California, Chandler was born in Chicago, Ilinois, in 1888. When his father left the mother took him to England to stay with her relatives in London. From 1905 he attended an English public school and then spent some time and Germany in order to learn the languages.

After various jobs in London and Los Angeles, and service in France during First World War, Chandler returned to the United States to live in southern where he eventualy became director of a number of oil companies. Fired his job for drinking, he turned to writing, publishing his first short story in 1939 he brought out his first novel, The Big Sleep. This and together with the film scripts he wrote for Holywood, made him America's leading writers.

His books were ideal material for films. The Big Sleep (Howard Humphrey Bogart as Philip Marlowe, was one of the best films based on Chandler. For Chandler, Bogart was just the right actor to play Marlowe. can be tough without a gun, " he wrote in a letter.

Together with his wife - they married in 1924 - Chandler lived a rather life. Perhaps for this reason he was a great letter writer. His " Selected Letters", hsi novesl and short storeis, show hmi as a master of the Amercian alnguage.

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