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English word as a Structure
1..Morpheme as the smallest meaningful unit of form. 1.1. Types of morphemes. 1.1.1. Lexical, grammatical and lexico-grammatical morphemes. 1.1.2. Root and affixational morphemes. 1.1.3. Free, bound and semi-bound morphemes. 1.2. Allomorphs. 2. Morphological Structure of English Words. 2.1. Root, stem, bound base. 2.2. Affix, semi-affix, superfix. 2.3. Types of affixes. 2.3.1 Prefix, suffix, infix. 2.3.2. Derivational and inflectional affixes 2.3.3. Native and borrowed affixes 2.3.4 Productive, semi-productive and non-productive affixes. 2.4. Lexico-semantic groups of affixes and the valency of affixes and stems. 2.5. Completives (combining forms). 2.6. Splinters. 3. The main structural types of English words. 3.1. Simple (root) words. 3.2. Derived words. 3.3. Compounds. 3.4. Shortenings. 4. Compounds. 4.1. Criteria for compounds. Compounds contrasted to other units (simple words, phrases) 4.2. Ways of forming compound words. 4.3. Types of compounds. 5. Immediate constituents. RECOMMENDED READING: Arnold, Irina. The English Word. - Moscow: Vyshaja Shkola. 1966. Part 2. Chapter 3. Morphological Structure of English Words. Chapter 4. Compound Words. – P. 51-110. Квеселевич Д.І., Сасіна В.П. Практикум з лексикології сучасної англійської мови: Навч. пос.- Вінниця: Вид-во “Нова книга”, 2001. – С. 16 - 20. Антрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка: Учебник для пед. вузов. – 3-е изд-е. - – М.: Дрофа, 2001. – C. 78-86, 104-114. Rayevskaya N.M. English Lexicology. – Kiev.: “Vysca Scola”, 1979. Chapter 4. The Morphemic Analysis of the Word. – P. 46 - 50. MAIN CONCEPTS OF THE THEME: affix; affixational morpheme; allomorph; bound base; bound morpheme; completive/combining form; composition; compound word proper; compound-affixed word; compound-shortened word; coordinative compound; derivational suffix; direct order/syntactic compound; endocentric compound; exocentric compound free morpheme; grammatical/functional morpheme; homonymic morphemes; idiomatic compound; immediate constituents; indirect order/ asyntactic compound; infix; inflexion; lexical morpheme; lexico-grammatical morpheme; morpheme; morphological compound; neutral/juxtapositional compound; nominative binomial; non-idiomatic compound; non-productive affix; polysemic morpheme; prefix; productive affix; root morpheme; root(s); semi-affix; semi-bound morpheme; semi-productive affix; splinter; stem; subordinative compound; suffix TASKS 1. Fill in the table:
2. Write definitions for the following.