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Adding, subtracting, miltiplying and dividing the whole numbers
The result of addition of numbers is called the sum or total of the numbers. The numbers to be added are called the addends. In adding a series of numbers, begin with the column at the right. If the sum of a column of digits is ten or larger, carry the tens digit and add it to the sum of the digits in the next column to the left. In subtracting whole numbers, the number which is to be diminished is called the minuend; the number subtracted is called subtrahend. The answer is the difference between the minuend and the subtrahend and it is called the remainder, or difference. In multiplication, the number by which you multiply is called the multiplier, the number being multiplied is the multiplicand. The number resulting from the multiplication is called the product. The product of any number multiplied by zero is zero. The product of any number which is multiplied by one is the same number. The order in which numbers are multi plied does not change the product. In division, the number that is to be divided is called the dividend. The number by which the dividend is to be divided is called the divisor. The answer is the quotient. The remainder is what is left over after the dividend has been divided into equal parts. If there is a remainder, it may be written over the divisor and expressed as a fraction in the quotient.
NOTES: the numbers to be added - числа, которые нужно сложить is to be diminished - должно быть the same number - то же самое число EXERCISES: 1. Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation: to add, addends, adding, to subtract, subtrahend, minuend, remainder, to multiply, dividend, divisor, quotient.
2. Give all possible derivatives of the following verbs: to differ, to check, to answer, to change, to obtain.
3. Give Russian equivalents to the following phrases: the result of addition, divide into equal parts, does not change the product, is left over after the dividend, the product of any number, the number being multiplied, it may be written over the divisor, the difference between the minuend and the subtrahend, the same number 4. Complete the following sentences: 1. The result of addition is called... 2. The answer in subtraction is... 3. The number by which you multiply is called... 4. The product of any number multiplied by one is... 5. The number by which the dividend is to be divided is called... 6. The order in which numbers are multiplied... 5. Answer the following questions: 1. How is the result of addition called? 2. What do we do while adding a series of numbers? 3. What is the result of subtracting whole numbers called? 4. What is the multiplicand? 5. What number is called the remainder? 6. How do we write it?
6. Make up sentences of your own using the words and expressions given below: the numbers to be added, the exercise to be checked, the work to be done, the number to be divided, can be checked.
7. Translate into English: 1. Числа, которые нужно сложить, называются слагаемыми, а результат сложения, т.е. число, получающееся от сложения, называются суммой. 2. Вычитанием называется действие, посредством которого (by means of which) no данной сумме и одному данному слагаемому находим другое слагаемое. 3. Число, которое уменьшают, называется множимое; число, на которое умножают, называется множителем. Результат действия, т.е. число, полученное при умножении, называется произведением. 4. Число, которое делят, называется делимым; число, на которое делят, называется делителем; число, которое получается в результате деления, называется частное.
8. Express agreement or disagreement with the following: 1. The result of addition of numbers is called the difference. 2. The number subtracted is called the subtrahend. 3. The order in which numbers are multiplied changes the product. 4. In division, the number that is to be divided is called the quotient. 5. The product multiplied by zero is zero.
9. Find an improper word: 1. addition, subtrahend, to add, sum, addend, total. 2. quotient, remainder, dividend, division, product, divisor. 3. minuend, difference, subtraction, quotient, subtrahend, remainder.
TEXT 4 При работе над текстом “ Fractions and their meaning ” формируется компетенция ОПК-5: обладает обладать способностью к подготовке и редактированию текстов профессионального и социально значимого содержания. В рамках формирования компетенции у студентов вырабатываются следующие умения, навыки: Уметь ñ понимать информацию текстов из учебной литературы в соответствии с конкретной целью; ñ выступать с подготовленным сообщением. Владеть ñ навыками оформления речевых высказываний в соответствии с грамматическими и лексическими нормами устной и письменной речи, фонетическими нормами (устная речь) и основными правилами орфографии и пунктуации (письменная речь) иностранного языка, не допуская ошибок, препятствующих речевому общению; ñ навыком использования двуязычных словарей при чтении различного типа текстов; ñ профессиональными основами речевой коммуникации с использованием терминологии данной дисциплины. При работе над текстом применяются интерактивные технологии: работа малыми группами, решение ситуационных задач.