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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. The major deterrent is in a man's mind
1. The major deterrent is in a man's mind. The major deterrent in 2. Local officials who obstruct or refuse voters registration can also be 3. There was a dramatic confrontation between one of the dismissed 4. The Advisory Committee on Juvenile Delinquency— set up by the 5. Stamp trading—the latest «something for nothing» gimmick aimed 6. The Cambodien authorities have supplied the returnees with food, 7. When House and Senate conferees meet to reconcile conflicting 8. Top British economists today fired a deadly broadside at govern 9. Pressure is certainly building up before next month's budget for the However, there is no indication that the Premier is seriously listening to these appeals, nor that the Cabinet «wets» are yet strong enough to force him to change course. 10. America's smaller governments are flexing their muscles; and 11. However, the president's drive toward «deregulation» goes in ex 12. Natural gas decontrol will have an explosive effect on inflation, 13. He also repeated Britain's desire to see this question settled by the 14. The car workers' lobby last week was an important step in the right 15. The movement «to kill the Bill» may snowball to irresistible pro 16. The US administration has given Israel the go-ahead to sell certain 17. Bank workers' leaders yesterday gave the go-ahead for a series of 18. With an officially estimated 50, 000 jobs lost to plant closures and 19. When the EU Parliament refused last month to approve the budget 20. 21. The editorial of the New York Times proceeds on the assumption This is, in essence, the repeatedly tried and bankrupt «trickle down» policy. The corporate establishment seated in Washington decrees measures to «save» maximum profit appropriation, with the possibility that something will trickle down to the mass of people. 22. Reaganites have their pet project — a formula which strongly fa Next week the candidate will announce a supposedly «new» economic policy, which will also include big tax cuts for big business, on the «trickle down» theory. That theory argues that big business should get a lot so a little can trickle down to the people. 23. Honest Clintonites admit that the leak probably came from their 24. Supply-side economic theory argues the economic growth is a re 25. Editorial-page article, sings a supply-side true believer's praises of 26. Thanks mainly to their workaholic new chairman, Germany's 27. «Scandilux» is a newly coined phrase, current in Washington, to 28. American think tanks offer prolific proposals for Transatlantic re 29. Graham Leicester, director of the Scottish Council Foundation, a 30. Downing Street yesterday moved swiftly to deny support for pro 31. According to a recent study of the brain-drain problem, the out 32. The term «brain-washing» was first used by an American jour 33. Skinhead groups (of Central Europe) are well run. They distribute 34. Armed skinheads, chanting «Sieg Heil», mounted «a revenge Between 30 and 100 white youths, some with their heads shorn almost bald attacked about 100 to 150 black people in cinema queue in Woolwich. 35. Not content with slogans inciting to violence, some of the demon 36. The Minister of Economy need not conclude that the British 37. In July a team of U.N. communications specialists moved into the 38. The biggest teach-in for London Telephone Region engineers is to 39. Workers on strike in several enterprises have occupied their plants 40. He indicated in his statement that lowering the U.S. profile ap 41. He himself is doubtless aware the low-profile concept still leaves a 42. The President indicated in his statement that lowering the U.S. 43. All of this adds up to what in diplomatic jargon has come to be 44. President of the Czeck Republic yesterday had dinner with the 45. Buy Malaysia! Well, that is what some high-profile brokerages are 46. High-profile miscarriages of justice persuaded many judges, law 47. The Russian National Orchestra has the highest profile, if only be 48. The administration should put people to work by spending on liv- 49. The picture of a European economy in perpetual decline is a cari 50. In the journalistic labeling game, any political scandal touching 51. Israel's rancorous election campaign was rocked Wednesday by a 52. The top spot on Mr. Blackwell's list of the worst-dressed women 53. Labour accused Mr. King of blatant electioneering as he placed 54. Another example of infortainment is docudrama, where real 55. The authors of the housing association report stress that their 56. Mr.Bauer's think-tank was created by James Dobson, a pluto 57. Mr.Gate's presence threw Hong Kong into a technotizzy as the 58. The drift towards virtue, along with a new code of conduct for 59. «Eurospeak is a separate in-house language, full of jargon, acro 60. American Eurosceptics accuse the European allies of being free 61. Just as European anti-Americanism damaged Western solidarity 62. The President will do almost anything to get the press cameras 63. Photo-op diplomacy lacks an important ingredient — credibility. 64. Clinton's defenders have transformed the Washington version of The latest peek at the tricks of the trade comes from Lanny Davis, a former White House lawyer and one of Clinton's chief spin doctors dur- ing the 1997 congressional inquiries into alleged campaign fund-raising abuses. 65. Another device for ensuring that bad news got a good spin was 66. Davis admits that all the spin had limited effect. «There is no way 67. Sometimes the world of spin is more than an inside-the-beltway 68. Through his refusal to follow the diktats of the spin-doctors and 69. All the spin-doctoring in the world will not preserve the Govern 70. Something odd is happening to political correctness (speech 71. Some dismiss (the language of) political correctness (PC) as an ir 72. Few diseases have been as politicised as AIDS. And in few other 73. Single-issue activists, incensed by human wrongs in Burma or re 74. Both single-issue activism and the casual treatment of allies can 75 Less welcome is the harsh political fact that pragmatists have trouble building constituencies, especially in this era of single-issue politics. 76. Cellular phones are perhaps one of the most user-friendly devices 77. In general, the regional parties [in India] are investor-friendly. 78. While it is only realistic to acknowledge that devolution could «go 79. «Renault» and «Nissan» = Renissant? Pushing together «Re 80. The new (mobile-phone) company, to be called Vodafone Air 81. One of Britain's leading directors yesterday expressed despair at 82. «Escapism» is a word that tends to pop up frequently in discus § 15. ИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ И ПСЕВДОИНТЕРНАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ ЛЕКСИКА. «ЛОЖНЫЕ ДРУЗЬЯ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКА» В современных словарях английского и русского языков есть чрезвычайно большое число сходных по форме и звучанию слов, а в последние десятилетия объем такой лексики увеличился. Можно назвать десятки английских слов, вошедших в русский язык: atlas, football, progress leader, diplomacy process, tendency и т.д. Однако даже среди безусловно интернациональных слов можно отметить разницу в их употреблении в английском и русском языках (что не относится к терминам). Так, progress — не только прогресс, но и успехи, достижения, развитие; leader — не только лидер, но и руководитель, глава (делегации) и т.п. При переводе выбор нужного эквивалента определяется жанром переводимого текста, сочетаемостью слов в русском языке и другими факторами. Для переводчиков хорошо известна «легкость» перевода интернациональной лексики. 1. Прежде всего, это так называемые «ложные друзья» переводчика, т.е. слова, схожие с русскими словами по фонетической или/и графической форме, но имеющие совершенно иное значение. Например: prospect перспектива (а не проспект) magazine журнал (а не магазин) actual действительный (а не актуальный) decade десятилетие (а не декада) momentous важный (а не моментальный) accurate точный (а не аккуратный) technique способ, метод (а не техника) advocate сторонник (а не адвокат) aspirant претендент, кандидат (а не аспирант) complexion цвет лица (а не комплекция) Список «ложных друзей» приводится в учебниках по переводу, а также в некоторых словарях, например: Cambridge International Dictionary of English. 2. Большую трудность чем собственно «ложные друзья» перево nation нация, народ, государство partisan сторонник, приверженец, фанатик, партизан (редк.); партийный, необъективный, предвзятый control v. руководить, управлять, распоряжаться, владеть, контролировать, иметь большинство (в палате парламента) meeting собрание, заседание, митинг; встреча; дуэль dramatic драматичный; драматический; яркий, неожидан- ный, впечатляющий, важный realize выполнять, реализовать; представлять себе, осо- знавать record запись, летопись; учет, регистрация, данные, характеристика, протокол, рекорд, позиция argument довод, аргумент; спор. Примечание. Эти слова могут иметь и другие оттенки значения и в зависимости от контекста переводиться иначе. 3. Причиной ошибок при переводе может быть грамматическое венном числе industries может означать отрасли промышленности или промышленность (ряда стран); policies политика, политический курс р яда стран или в разных областях), например: foreign and domestic policies of the new government — внешняя и внутренняя политика нового правительства. nuclear weapons ядерное оружие democracies демократические государства Некоторые существительные в английском языке во множественном числе приобретают новые значения. Например: difference разница, различие differences 1) различия, 2) разногласия development 1) развитие, 2) участок, подлежащий освоению; 3) микрорайон; 4) тенденция.