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Проанализируйте н переведите следующие предложения.
1. What is thought of as tax policy in the United States cannot exist in 2. However ingeniously information-processing technology is used, 3. What is more striking about Ireland's new economy is how tightly it 4. Exercising control over who knows what about you has also come 5. What began some years ago as a band of fledgling mobile-phone 6. What does motivate Scottish nationalism, and has also been the 7. The decision of Turkey's constitutional court, on the urging of 8. In what may be the crowning irony of scandal-steeped culture in 9. The Conservative constitutional affairs spokesman claimed details increase by two thirds to a figure in line with the Government's inflation target was further evidence of Labour support for the «back door Republicanism which Demos organization presents. 10. What India says gets listened to respectfully in that triangle south 11. The Federal Reserve's ability to maintain its integrity while pay 12. The very criterion that limits political democracy most seriously — the fact that it is a set of methods and procedures governing how policies are to be arrived at rather than what policies are to be effected — is also the source of its greatest strength. 13. Whether the Prime Minister will be successful in his plea for an 14. Whether Japan is a party to this collision is not evident. 15. It means that Britain is going to have a further period of balance of 16. While few would argue with the notion of engagement with China, 17. The effort to encourage policy reform — if that is what today's 18. What is important is whether a country's resources are fully and 19. But this does not mean Britain is overpopulated. What it means is 20. The overseas trade position has therefore remained much better 21. The most startling thing about the rapid rise of Vodafone, perhaps, 22. When you have only two candidates running and one of them will 23. What is most depressing is that some American China watchers 1/2 5* 131 24. The idea the party wants to convey is that the dogmatism was just 25. Colombian officials said___ they were disappointed that the head of the largest rebel group in the country had not attended peace talks aimed at ending a 34-year-old civil war, but they signaled that the negotiations would continue. 26. The computer maker estimates___ its profit fell almost a third last year. 27. Kuwait, which has most reason to support the use of force against Iraq (but has in fact been a bit equivocal), is one of the few to say______ it will attend the conference - but showed its feeling by saying______ it would send only an under-secretary from the finance ministry. 28. The financing deal, which is unusually large for a computer com 29. Renault SA, which is seen as overly reliant on the European mar 30. The minority three-party coalition government, which controls 31. The paper, on which that calculation is based shows that if the 32. Encryption, which scrambles data for protection from eavesdrop 33. Traditionalists who see a Scottish parliament as a dangerous 34. The riots in Karawang, 60 kilometers east of Jakarta, broke out 35. The original university which emerged in Italy and France in the 36. The latest turn in the Starr inquiry is bound to be part of the debate 37. The New York Times, correctly, objected: «The notion that nu 38. Meanwhile, a quarrel over whether the European Parliament has 39. The lawsuit alleges that the airline failed to rescue the trapped 40. Nineteen companies involved in everything from property devel 41. The European Commission has made a convenient target for the 42. Having a single standard was a boon to manufacturers, which 43. As the European Union threw its cell-phone market open to com 44. The IMF subsidizes two very influential constituencies, interna 45. Justice according to the whims of the nearest mob is not justice at 46. The fear of ethnic tension between the majority Chinese popula 47. Singaporeans are used to their government taking a paternal inter 5 — 553 48. America can now lay claim to what conservative critic D.Frum has 49. The UN Security Council stands firm on the principle that it itself 50. In what may be a model for future operations, France has taken its 51. When Hong Kong's carefully picked «provisional» legislature § 12. ЭЛЛИПТИЧЕСКИЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ 1. Эллиптические конструкции типа if any, if anything имеют Objections to this plan, if any, should be reported to the committee at once. Если и имеются возражения против этого плана, то они должны быть немедленно представлены комитету. (Возражения, если они имеются...) Very little, if anything, could be advanced in the defence of his policy. Почти ничего нельзя было сказать в поддержку его политики. Примечание. If anything может переводиться также словосочетанием во всяком случае, не что иное как If anything, it will be in their interests to follow this course. Во всяком случае, в их интересах следовать этому курсу. 2. К эллиптическим конструкциям относятся также уступитель The British people have to submit to new taxation, however high Английскому народу приходится примириться с новыми налогами, какими бы высокими они ни были. 3. К эллиптическим конструкциям относится и сочетание if + причастие II (или прилагательное) На русский язык это сочетание переводится придаточным уступительным предложением. If considered from this point of view, the problem takes on a new aspect. Если рассматривать проблему с этой точки зрения, то она приобретает (принимает) другой характер. But the decision, if logical, requires a measure of courage. Но это решение, хотя оно и логично, требует известного мужества.