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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. It is clear that continental voters are no longer content to be run by those who tolerate fraud, incompetence and nepotism.

1. It is clear that continental voters are no longer content to be run by
those who tolerate fraud, incompetence and nepotism.

2. There is now a recognition [in Singapore] that history is best not

paved over: that it is part of a sense of patriotism and national identity — qualities the government certainly does want to inculcate.

3. Reforms are hard to do at national level, but one virtue of the euro
is that it imposes obligations at a European level which countries can use
as a pressure to force domestic changes.

4. The unprecedented destructive power of modern means of warfare
demands that the main actions should be directed towards preventing war.

5. One trouble with EU as a whole is that what served a club of six or
nine well enough no longer looks adequate for a club of 15. Let alone one
of 20 or 25, especially one with so many responsibilities.

6. Tuition fees were introduced by the Blair government. The argu­
ment is that money is needed to finance the expansion of the higher edu­
cation system and that students should contribute to the cost of an educa­
tion that will benefit them financially in later life.

7. Industry executives said an «Intel» endorsement could have a big
impact on a market that has taken off slowly, because the company helps
define PC specifications and sells about 85 million chips a year.

8. The American Medical Association's decision to fire the editor of
its leading scientific journal exploded into a collision between medicine
and US politics that reflects the 152-year-old organization's struggle to
find its role in the rapidly changing health-care system.

9. The big surprise isn't that the companies (in China) are doing badly
but that they are admitting it.


10. The European Commission has asked Japan to relax some restric­
tions on banking activities that it feels are hindering the growth of foreign
banks' business in Japan, Commission sources said Monday.

11. The report estimated that there were more than 4, 000 foreign
companies, which do not trade in Britain, that enjoy virtual taxfree status.

12. As Prof. T. sees it, there are two related problems that the interna­
tional financial community must soon address.

13. Last week, the Greek government announced a series of air traffic
control measures that are expected to facilitate Turkish flights over the

14. The proposed amendment is a fake. When the political will exists
to balance the budget, it will be balanced. When that will does not exist,
there are innumerable ways to make an unbalanced budget appear bal­

15. Childhood is the only time and place that grows larger as it is left

16. East Asia's current woes are in large part the price of its previous
success — and that success itself has been much misunderstood. This

survey will debunk many old myths about it, including the belief that all these economies are highly flexible and well-governed, and that high in­vestment is always a sign of strength. But the biggest myth of all is that of a single Asian economic model.

17. The saddest thing about the budget fudge is that it brought to an
end a fortnight in which Europe suddenly seemed to be making progress,
ridding itself of a tired commission and agreeing smartly on a heavy­
weight reformer, Italy's ex-premier to run the new one.

18. «The weakness of the European [film] industry was that it was
based on a core fantasy, which is that there was a group of artists that
could put together a rather expensive product and hope that somewhere
out there it might find an audience.» (David Puttnam).

19. These political shenanigans have postponed for another few weeks
voting on a crucial one of those reforms: that of pensions.

20. Stressing that the salaries were not as high as those paid «in cer­
tain sections of industry», Deputy Leader of the House said that the
Power Minister had referred to the possibility of a review of salaries in
other nationalized industries.

21. For the few that have ruled modern Japan the political struggle
that really counted was that carried on among themselves for wealth and

22. The depressing economic news out of China has been building for
months, so that when China recently announced a 7.8 per cent annual
GDP growth rate, even its Prime Minister admitted that the figure lacked
credibility because of bogus reporting at the local level.

23. Britain has been enviably stable. But that is because it has been
governed pragmatically, by politicians prepared to adapt the system in re­
sponse to popular pressure — for example in the series of reform acts,
which widened the franchise and ushered in mass democracy.

24. Japan's central bank has the power to buy up the country's entire
national debt, if necessary, and pay for it with new currency and bank re­
serves. That would be wildly inflationary of course. But it makes the
point that low interest rates do not make a central bank helpless.

25. That devolution will allow different political cultures to flourish
was evident even at the formal oath-taking by members of the Scottish

26. Iran offered itself as a «safe bridge» between the Caspian and the
Gulf, but oil companies rejected that, preferring to create routes through
Russia and Georgia to the Black Sea.

27. Though he gets more credit for radical reform than he deserves,

that is very much the sort of work that governments want to have done now at the European Commission.

28. The complaint that the French judiciary is under the thumb of
whatever government may be in power is scarcely new. According to le­
gal historians, it is a complaint that goes back for centuries — at least to
the time of Louis XIV, whose ministers centralized the legal system, sub­
ordinating local and church law to that emanating from the royal court.

29. The European Union, now that it has launched its common cur­
rency, is due next to forge a common foreign and security policy.

30. Now that Mr Gingrich has announced that he will leave the speak-
ership and Congress, Ms Dunn has decided to gamble her own leadership

31. He resigned as Secretary of State last May. It was not that he disa­
greed with the President, although that might have been enough. It was
that his judgement on a critical policy matter was rejected.


1. Существительные и прилагательные

Известную трудность при переводе представляют многозначные слова. Полисемантизм вообще характерен для английского языка, и нужно все время иметь в виду, что любое казалось бы хорошо зна­комое слово в зависимости от контекста может иметь совсем иное значение. Так например:

1. power имеет следующие значения: 1) держава, государство; 2) сила, мощь; 3) власть, могущество; 4) (мн. ч.) полномочия; 5) энергия. В сочетании с предлогом in приобретает адвербиальное значение: 1) у власти; 2) в состоянии

According to the UN Charter the important task of maintaining peace lies mainly with the great powers. В соответствии с Уставом ООН важная задача поддержания мира лежит на великих держа­вах.

They have mastered sufficient sea, air and land power to win back that territory. Они собрали достаточные морские, воздушные и су­хопутные силы, чтобы отвоевать эту территорию.

Who sits in a second chamber is secondary to its functions and powers. Вопрос о том, кто входит во вторую палату [Британского

парламента] вторичен по отношению к ее функциям и полномо­чиям.

2. case имеет следующие значения: 1) случай, обстоятельство,
положение, дело;
2) факты, доказательства, доводы (в пользу ко­
го-л. или чего-л.); 3) судебное дело; 4) (мед.) случай, пациент, ране­
и ряд других значений. В зависимости от контекста слово case
может переводиться также следующими словами: вопрос, момент,
и др. (in case в случае; it is not the case это не так; as
was the case
как это было).

The executive of the National Union of Steel Metal Workers has passed the case back to the local officials to resolve. Исполком на­ционального союза металлургов вернул дело (вопрос) на рас­смотрение местной администрации.

The case will be tried in the law court next week. Дело будет рас­сматриваться в суде на следующей неделе.

An epidemic of the grippe broke out in England. The first cases were immediately sent to hospital. В Англии вспыхнула эпидемия гриппа. Первых заболевших сразу же отправили в больницу.

3. record имеет следующие значения: 1) запись, летопись, исто­
2) протокол (заседания), официальный документ, запись, от­
3) характеристика, репутация; послужной список; 4) факты,
данные, достижения;
5) рекорд, рекордный уровень; 6) грампла­
7) позиция.

The General Assembly should transmit to the States concerned the record of the discussion of the item at that session. Генеральной Ас­самблее следует передать заинтересованным государствам про­токол обсуждения этого пункта на той сессии.

The delegation wished to go on record that they viewed with great concern this act of overt aggression. Делегация высказала пожела­ние официально зафиксировать свою позицию о том, что она с глубокой озабоченностью рассматривает этот акт открытой аг­рессии.

According to New Orleans police records, they were detained at the request of the FBI Согласно данным (материалам, досье) поли­ции Нового Орлеана, они были задержаны по требованию ФБР.

4. pattern может переводиться на русский язык следующими
словами: 1) образец, пример; 2) система; 3) путь; 4) характерное
явление, характер;
5) форма, схема, шаблон, модель; 6) формула.

Antitrust experts say that the government is trying to show a pat­tern of illegal behavior by Microsoft over years. Эксперты по анти­монопольной политике говорят, что правительство пытается на примере «Микрософта» показать схему незаконной деятельности компании на протяжении ряда лет.

Turkey's pattern of development since 1948 cannot be explained only as a drive for self-sufficiency. Путь (характер) развития Тур­ции с 1948 года нельзя объяснить одним лишь стремлением к экономической самостоятельности.

5. office может переводиться на русский язык следующими сло­
вами: 1) служба, должность; 2) обязанность, долг, функция;
3) власть; 4) аппарат, контора; 5) ведомство, министерство;
6) пост; 7) in office у власти и др.

It is true that much of the political debate in Parliament is a sham fight. It is also true that the real distinction of point of view often seems to be between those in office and those out of office. Действи­тельно, большая часть политических дебатов в Парламенте пред­ставляет собой показную борьбу. Но правда и то, что реальный раздел точек зрения, кажется, проходит между теми, кто у влас­ти, и теми, кто вне ее.

Since he moved to the White House, the President's Office has been radically reorganized. С тех пор как он вступил на пост пре­зидента, вся система аппарата Белого дома была коренным об­разом реорганизована.

The leader of the victorious party is offered the office of Prime Minister. Главе победившей партии предлагают (занять) пост премьер-министра.

6. facilities. Есть целый ряд английских слов, которые не имеют
эквивалента в русском языке и поэтому иногда их приходится пере­
водить по-разному, в зависимости от контекста, иногда описатель­
ным путем. Одним из таких слов является слово facilities, которое
обозначает предмет или обстоятельство, совокупность предметов
или обстоятельств, помогающих совершить действие. Так например:

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