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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. Thereport does not include a section on rights observance in the United States itself.
1. The report does not include a section on rights observance in the 2. The issues confronting Europe go to the heart of its great construc 3. It would be progress to get away with the notion that oil is scarce — an 4. Even as prices fall, governments of oil consuming countries should 5. Unless Europe and Asia are able to keep the US committed to open 6. The debate over the House of Lords reform has so far missed the 7. The decision set off a furor in the publishing industry on both sides 8. «Nestle» confirmed its earlier warnings that the coming year sales- 9. The poll echoes a warning from the Trade and Industry Secretary, 10. Initially I thought she was copying pictures out of books. Then the 11. Official figures showed yesterday that the economy, despite 12. As the country's deepest postwar recession continues, with indus 13. Doomsayers predict a decade of lost growth in East Asia, like the 14. «Which candidate are you against?»... «All the candidates have 15. Democratic economists believe that at a time when business is op 16. After a treaty intended to establish a permanent International! 17. His aides made clear that the ideas, disclosed in an interview, were 18. Legal advice will be available from booths in Community centres, 19 Diplomats fear an influx into Western Europe this summer of illegal immigrants being released from Italian detention centres under loopholes in new immigration laws. 20. The Government, besieged by criticism of its handling of the 21. The new doctrine, approved by President Clinton last month, 22. A president who spends most of his working hours figuring out 23 The new administration has decided to propose a relaxation of air pollution regulations to make it easier for oil refiners, steel producers and other basic industries to expand and modernize their plants, Vice President announced. 24. UN officials report that seven Arab oil-producing countries in the 25. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions plans a national rally 26. The European Union's industry ministers Friday called for a link 27. The Labour Party leader called the figures «tragic and terrible» 28. EU finance ministers agreed Monday to seek a common policy on 29. Some Planning Ministry official favor an income tax not because 30. Under mounting political pressure to do something to stimulate 31 The Federal government can borrow from the Federal Reserve to finance immense deficits, has done so, and surely will again when economic downturn calls for fiscal stimulus. 32. Government cutbacks in state spending have badly hit local 33. The Bundesbank said Thursday that it does not see any room for a 34. There are legitimate questions about the stability of Monetary 35. A research officer at the department of economics at Birkbeek preparation for a European convention to be held possibly a year from now. 36. The ambitious plan of the Bolivian government calls not only for 37. All this boiled down to a demand, not yet explicitly stated, for a 38. The coalition began campaigning for a tax to get at excessive oil 39. It is time for a decision: without it, in the end, there will be no 40. Twenty-four American political figures, most of them of Irish an 41. The conference produced what's been described as the most prob 42. This is indeed a new world. But not one that needs a new Colum 43. The disclosure that a Pulitzer Prize-winning account had been fab 44. Justice Department officials are developing a package of legisla
45. A German Jewish leader stepped into the nationality dispute, 46. A bacterial outbreak linked to a Michigan meat processing plant 47. Taiwan's central bank has been considering lending to the central banks of Indonesia and Thailand. A negotiating team from Indonesia is expected in Taipei soon. 48. While the break-up of old fixed-wire monopolies preoccupied 49. The immediate cause [of the violent riots in Harare] was a steep 50. An array of cheap government loans and services was made avail 51. An IMF team will visit Brazil «promptly» to set new economic 52. Although few expect a quick upturn for the Chinese economy, the 53. The merger trend is roaring full steam ahead in the world auto in 54. Few diseases have been as politicised as AIDS. And in few other 55. To the average housewife, who can see for herself that the prices But few housewives or their husbands either, were aware of another, «invisible» form of inflation — namely, reductions in the size of packages that are not accompanied by reduction in price. 56. Few industries can boast such rapid growth as this one. 57. Few other international problems have such a complex structure or 58. That in turn has left him with little immediate choice but to be
59. The Labour leaders never faced up to what was involved in 60. Yesterday's proceedings were an antiquated farce, enjoyed by no one, and serving little purpose. The sensible way to wrap up a parliamentary session would surely be to vote a closure on the last day of the summer term. 61. Certainly there was little evidence that he would be able to shift 62. In his address on the House floor Mr. Levigston said Thursday: 63. After the sense of drift during John Major's years in power, it is a 64. The government has begun a program in which people aged 18 to 65. The rise of East Asia in the late twentieth century may ultimately § 8. ЧЕТЫРЕХЧЛЕННАЯ КАУЗАТИВНАЯ КОНСТРУКЦИЯ Перевод конструкции глагол (герундий) + имя + into (out of) + герундий! существительное приобретает каузативное, побудительное значение и представляет известную трудность, так как в русском языке нет грамматических средств для передачи каузативности. В этой конструкции первый член, выраженный глаголом (например: force, frighten, pressure, coerce, bully, talk, draw), передает действие, при помощи которого удается добиться цели; цель передается четвертым чченом конструкции, который выражается герундием или существительным. Второй член конструкции — имя (существительное/местоимение или субстантивированное прилагательное) показывает объект, на который направлено действие; третий член — предлог показывает направление действия. Каузативность при переводе на русский язык в каждом отдельном случае передается лексическими средствами. The President is almost certainly going to talk Congress into giving him the trade-negotiating authority. Президент почти навер- няка будет уговаривать Конгресс предоставить ему полномочия для ведения торговых переговоров.