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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. Private providers of social services should be on formal contracts with the government, and accountable to it.

1. Private providers of social services should be on formal contracts
with the government, and accountable to it.

2. To outsiders of all stripes, it has long been evident that Cypriots
should put aside their feud and create a federation that would amount to
double self-rule and single formal sovereignty.

3. But at least both sets of Cypriots, if they are not going to work seri-


ously to resolve differences, should keep them below the threshold of disturbance to others.

4. The main parties accept that the Commons should continue to be
the superior House, but how far should the second Chamber be formally
recognized as a check and balance?

5. The poll found 60 per cent of people thought the monarchy should
be modernised, while 49 per cent believed the Queen should relinquish
her political role, including the right to dissolve parliament

6. The Act of Supremacy of 1559, which makes the monarch the head
of the Church of England, should be repealed, the report suggests. A ref­
erendum should decide whether or not the heir should succeed to the

7. The other problem is constitutional. Should minority nations be
content with some special status within the host country, or should they
seek separation?

8. «We in America need to think harder about the urgencies and pit­
falls of intervening in a civil war over the government's protests and on
the rebels' side. If it sets a precedent, it should not set a rule,» — a US
official said.

9. As for the European parliament, its role as scrutineer and bringer to
book should grow.

10. Trade unionists should not be taken in by the blood-curdling
shrieks from the boardrooms.

11 The deal, once ratified by both sides, should take effect at the end
of the year.

12 The Council president added that the call should be backed by the
official bodies of the labour and trade union movement supported by
broad democratic and community organizations.


13. He said that this was not a temporary problem. Lasting arrange­
ments should be made.

14. It is important that the real situation should be examined because
anything which promotes irrational differences between earnings in an
industry is bound to cause trouble.

15. This news sums up the impact of inflation and economic crisis,
aggravated by policies pursued by successive governments, particularly
the present one.

It is odd, therefore, that the Chancellor should have chosen yesterday to tell an audience of French government business figures that Britain was «always a politically stable country.»

16. It was not without significance, he said, that people who were

connected at that level with the situation should be expressing grave disquiet.

17. The Premier admitted yesterday that it was natural that people
should be disturbed at food being thrown away when millions of people
were undernourished.

18. It can hardly be fortuitous that the Minister should have taken the
of the last meeting in Delhi to publicly summarize his plans
for the future of the three fighting services.

19. The voters are beginning, at last, to wonder whether it is right that
farming should absorb
almost half the EU's budget.

20. They insisted that the exact demands should be outlined so that the
European Union could be in no doubt about them.

21. It appears doubtful whether the formula will meet the Govern­
ment's insistence that the UN sanctions should not lead to economic con­
frontation with that country.

22 Three days later the Administration had served formal notice that it would insist that the General Assembly, on its opening day November 10, squarely face the decision of whether or not to invoke Article 19.

23. William Hague insisted that Tory peers reject the closed-list
provisions of the European elections Bill.

24. The paper also recommended that the eligibility age for retirement
benefits be raised gradually from 65 to 68 by the year 2012.

25. There should be considerable support for the demand that the
Minister of Justice act to invalidate the outrageous court decision
ordering two dedicated social workers to forfeit 300 bail sureties
following the failure of a youth to appear in court on charge.

26. The report suggests that the monarch's role [in Britain] should be
of head of state, but with «minimal connection with the executive,
the legislature or the judiciary.»

27. A report published by one of the largest housing associations
suggests that architects and planners should cater more considerately for
the ethnic tenants who rent roughly 14 per cent of their homes.

28. Models of democracy that have been consructed on the basis of
liberal individualism have usually proposed that democracy be restricted
to political life, with politics being narrowly defined

29. Because of Russian and French opposition, the UN Security
Council could not agree to a proposal from America and Britain that Iraq
be warned of «serious consequences» should it persist in thumbing its

30. «The moment requires that we be aware of our responsibility and

be austere in balancing our accounts,» President of Brazil said during in­auguration of a Volkswagen AG plant in southern Brazil.

31. The majority of people, be they politicians, trade unionists or em­
ployers, are now all in favour of East-West trade. The problem today is
how to break down the remaining barriers.

32. Mr. Gingrich, nobly taking responsibility for the Republicans'
election disappointment, has resigned as speaker of the House of Repre­
sentatives lest his presence be «an excuse for divisiveness and factional­

II. Can, may, must

1. Глагол CAN. Кроме своего основного значения, передающего
умение, способность или объективную возможность совершить дей­
ствие, глагол саn (в утвердительной форме) выражает предположе­
ние и переводится словами может быть, возможно, мог и т. п. или
сомнение (в вопросительной и отрицательной форме) и переводится
словами неужели, не может быть, чтобы и т. п. Форма could пере­
дает меньшую уверенность предположения или сомнения. Перфект­
ная форма инфинитива после саn и could относит действие к про­
шедшему времени или она означает, что действие могло состояться,
но не состоялось.

It could be true but it is advisable to find out first what has really happened there. Может быть, это и правда (что сомнительно), но лучше сначала выяснить, что же в действительности там про­изошло.

2. Глагол MAY. В языке газетных статей глагол may чаще всего
выступает в значении предположения и переводится словами мо­
жет быть, возможно
Форма might указывает на меньшую уверен­
ность предположения, на сомнение. Перфектная форма инфинитива
после may относит действие к прошедшему времени.

The Chancellor's measures might help towards an agreement on an incomes policy. But this still has to be proved. Мероприятия, пред­ложенные министром финансов, может быть, и помогут дос­тичь соглашения по политике доходов. Но это еще нужно доказать.

Two factors may temporarily have increased their caution. Воз­можно, два фактора временно усилили их осторожность.

Примечание. 1. Глагол may может выступать также в качестве вспо­могательного глагола, образуя форму сослагательного наклонения, главным образом в придаточных предложениях цели после that, so that, lest и в при­даточных уступительных после whatever, however и т. п В таких случаях may не переводится

They are determined to achieve this aim, however difficult it may seem Они полны решимости добиться этой цели, какой бы трудной она ни казалась

2 После глаголов саn и may слово well означает вполне, с успехом

The EU Commission's fate could well be decided by the tenor of the committee's report Вполне возможно, что судьба Комиссии Европейско­го Союза будет определена тональностью ее доклада

3. Глагол MUST. Основное значение глагола must — долженст­вование. Кроме того, глагол must (в утвердительной форме) часто употребляется в значении предположения со значительной долей уверенности и переводится словами должно быть, вероятно, по всей вероятности и т. п. Перфектная форма инфинитива после must означает, что предположение относится к прошедшему времени.

They must have known about it for a certain time. Они, должно быть, уже в течение некоторого времени знали об этом.

Примечание Предположение со значительной долей уверенности, относящееся к прошлому, может также передаваться глаголом will с пер­фектным инфинитивом

Some kind of decision will have been taken by now. К настоящему вре­мени какое-то решение уже по всей вероятности принято, (...вероятно, они уже приняли какое-то решение.)

They will have finished that discussion by now. К этому моменту (сей­час) они, наверняка, закончили это обсуждение.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

1. «Sooner or later the country [China] will have to come to under­
stand that society and the world we are living in simply cannot purchase
stability at the expense of freedom.»

2. By spurring inflation, some economists say, consumers and compa­
nies could be persuaded to spend more now.

3. To the U.S. nearly $100 million in equipment offered by Congress
to Iraqi opposition groups may seem like a gift horse for the Iraqi Kurds.
But the Iraqi Kurds themselves fear it may in fact be a Trojan horse that
could bring them fresh disasters.

4. To cope with regulations of different governments, Intel is consid­
ering building chips that can be electronically reprogrammed with differ­
ent encryption strengths after they are built.

5. A reformed second chamber could have powers to block constitu­
tional changes until after further general elections or a referendum. Such
a chamber might perform the «checking» role that the judges might oth­
erwise assume [Britain].

6. Even in a panic-market, someone must buy the «damped» shares,
but stocks were dropping from 2 to 10 points... before a buyer could be
for them. Sound stocks at shrunk prices — and nobody to buy
them. It looked as if US Industries' little partners were in a fair way to
bankrupt the firm.

7. A single nuclear bomb exploding in the atmosphere over the United
States could lead to a nationwide power blackout because U.S. power
stations are too vulnerable, according to an official study.

8. Months of wrangling over fishing rights have led to tension be­
tween EU governments, and there are fears that this could spill over to
embitter discussion of a series of other problems at the two-day meeting
starting on Monday.

9. The foreign banks are launching a counterattack into markets for
domestic loans and services that until now have been dominated by the
Japanese banks They are also exploring some new fields that the Japa­
nese banks could not, or would not touch


10. The report noted that companies could claim back the entire cost
of investments in plant and machinery in tax relief— one of the most fa­
vorable tax benefits of any industrialized nation.

11. Berlin left open the possibility that its assistance program could be
paid for
through outright grants and that government-to-government lar­
gess might be arranged for other development projects.

12. Britain both could have and should have stayed out of the Second
World War, leaving Russia to crush Hitter's Germany.

13. People in Russia say that the former president could have been a
better president if he had been able to be elevated one degree above the
political combat he faced.

14. Now OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) will
begin to force employers to give workers their medical records and also

the records of air pollution inspections conducted by the company which could have caused poor health to the worker, declared the head of the OSHA Administration.

15. If Japan's population had been half its present level, or—more rea­
sonably — one-third, the country could have enjoyed a relatively high
level of industrialization while continuing to produce enough foodstuffs
to prevent disaster in the event of cutoffs in international trade.

16. Secret «briefings» were used to discredit the probe which is trying
to root out corruption in the London police. Ex-chief constable of Dorset
was bitterly assailed by Metropolitan Police Commissioner and City of
London police chief. Secret briefings followed yesterday in a shameless
attempt to discredit him. His view is that as many as 25 police officers
could be brought to trial.

17. Outlining circumstances in which Washington might use nuclear
weapons may seem a surreal exercise.

18. Situations in which America may have to choose between rival
policies advocated by her European partners are bound to arise.

19. Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so
many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken
that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.

20. In reality the Pope may not have been anxious to see his sugges­
tion, advanced from the marble rostrum of the General Assembly on Oc­
tober 4, enacted a bare six weeks later.

21. EU sources said France will favor protectionist measures in critical
sectors, but because of German resistance this may not be agreed to at the
EU level.


22. Some economic analysts predict that the tax-cutting and the
splurge in consumerism may backfire on the Likud [one of the Israeli

23. The relationship between Japan and the United States has been
evolving rapidly since Pear! Harbor. First, the two countries were bitter
enemies, then occupier and occupied, then big brother and eager emulator
and now it may have reached the, point of role reversal.

24. In the big cities, the contest may have generated too much enthu­
siasm, creating a fog of names, that voters may find hard to penetrate.

25. Cheap oil might merely aggravate the twin evils of corruption and
bad management in oil-producing countries.

26. Some excuse for the behaviour of Tory chieftains might be pro­
vided if it could be shown
that the leadership battle revolved round central
issues of public importance. But throughout, the dispute has been con­
cerned with personalities and patronage — gang warfare in all its sterility.

27. When the delegates are taken to see the outstanding work of the
Road Research Laboratory, and the examples of brilliant design and con­
struction of British technicians and workers, they will be able to compare
in their minds' eye what might be, with what is.

28. Finally, a new political balance in Europe, based on effective
unity, might turn out to be the precondition of disengagement.

29. The Prime Minister mentioned that a more radical stand on some
issues might have enabled the party to have avoided defeat.

30. There were signs that this tour might have marked a turning point.
.31. Discussions could explore the economic problems that might fol­
disarmament and the question of security.

32. Such problems, as a rule, may begin well before the trial and con­
tinue after the appeal.

33. Thus the Government appears to be sending conflicting signals to
the United States at a time when government officials and industrialists in
this country are expressing deep concern over the policies the American
administration might take both in the south Asia region and with regard to
aid to developing Third World nations.

34. A senior research scientist said their requests for information were
met by delays of years and they had received no classified information
since November.

They state «one might as well ask whether the present Administration is as honest as the previous one.»

35. As a result, the government might try to close the gap by increas­
ing taxes. But in its turn that would also cut purchasing power.

36. The sinking of the Nissho Maru will be recorded as an accident
that might have been avoided

37. If cash-strapped producers cut expenditure faster than consumers
spend their windfall, the effect of lower oil prices might even be to slow
world economic growth.

38. He might have fallen into the trap but he understood the danger in

39. The victory of the Liberal Party with an overall majority over the
Progressive Conservatives and the New Democratic Party reduces the
bargaining position of the New Democratic Party. NDP, with growing
trade union support, might have been expected to do better.

40. Just as oil's scarcity seemed a fact of life in the 1970s, its abun­
dant flow might be too easily taken for granted to-day.

41. In a covering letter, the majority leader of Congress suggested that
members might use his analysis in preparing public comments about the
administration package.

42. Piracy in the harbor here, for years a petty annoyance, has reached
such an outrageous level that shipping agents representing lines from the
United States, Europe and the Far East are concerned that their maritime
unions might boycott the port.

43. He said he expected that a committee concerned with energy is­
sues would be set up. Although this Committee would not be empowered
to discuss the question of oil prices, which remains the prerogative of
OPEC, it seems that security of supplies, as well as energy sharing, and
the search for alternative energy sources, might be valid subjects for dis­

44. The prospect that exports might be boosted means that the meas­
ures announced Friday will be scrutinized closely in Europe and the
United States.

45. At the Mexico meeting, optimists at the Vienna talks declared it
might be possible to lay foundations for a deal about global energy sup­
plies. If the energy outlook can be stabilized it might be possible to strike
a new deal about aid that would open both OPEC and Western purses and

46. The impression that the Government and the G.P.O. [General Post
Office] are prepared to turn a blind eye on the operations of the radio pi­
rate stations has been encouraged by the delay in introducing legislation
to outlaw them. The legislation is more complex than might have been
The penalty clauses may well require requisition of the com­
pany's assets on land as well as the stations.

47. It was the sort of message for which the smaller members of the
alliance may well have been waiting.

48. In the opinion of some political connoisseurs, that measure may
well improve
the prospects of the Conservative party with the nation as a

49. The British Premier and the French President might well talk also
about the Middle East —a region which least of all has claims to being
called static.

50. The Norwegian Foreign Minister has said that the Security Coun­
cil might well be given greater powers over the financing of peacekeep­

51. What can the West do to increase the chances of success, however
defined? For a start, it can and should do its utmost to tell the Serb people
at large that the outside world bears no animus against them.

52. The Home Secretary told chief constables that they must recruit
thousands more officers from ethnic communities and should aim to make
their manpower mirror the communities they cover.

53. The U.S. government spends millions every year policing the
economy against agreements among competitors to restrict supply and
thereby raise prices. Such conspirators ordinarily must meet in darkest se­
crecy, and can go to jail if they get caught. Yet here is the administration
pressuring Japanese automakers to do precisely what it ordinarily forbids.

54. We must not assume that the free play of public opinion must reg­
itself in parliamentary forms.

55. The US President outlined a foreign policy of active involvement
overseas, saying Americans «must embrace the inexorable logic of

56. In the long run, if Brazil is to avoid foreign-exchange problems
and boost its growth rate, it must do more than just tinker with the current
policy mix.

57. In massive demonstrations in colleges all over the country yester­
day, students showed exactly what they thought of the Government's plan
to treble the fees of overseas students. If the Education Minister didn't get
the message three weeks ago, when more than 4, 000 students lobbied
their MPs, then it surely must have been rammed home on him yesterday.

58. It must have been hard for them to agree to this resolution, but at
that time there was no alternative course open to them.

59. Meanwhile it will not have escaped notice that some members (of
EU) seem to be contemplating just that sort of un-European behaviour.

60. The visit will have been a pleasant and useful excursion for the
State Secretary.

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