Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. ' 1. Legislators in the Philippines voted not to review a law restoring capital punishment, dealing a serious blow to efforts to halt a planned execution that
' 1. Legislators in the Philippines voted not to review a law restoring capital punishment, dealing a serious blow to efforts to halt a planned execution that would be the country's first in 23 years.
2. A lawsuit charging Merrill Lynch & Co with job discrimination on the basis of sex will include 900 women plaintiffs.
3. In practice, NATO's changes this year seemed to point toward a post-Cold War configuration enabling the alliance to cope with most foreseeable security contingencies, NATO officials said.
4. Not only will he introduce a new bottom rate of income tax of 10% this April, fulfilling a promise made before the general elections; but next year he will cut the basic rate from 23% to 22%.
5. Commission staff, having finally recognised that labour laws tend to increase rather than reduce unemployment, stress how mild these measures are compared with those once envisaged.
6. The National Foreign Trade Council, representing 550 of the na tion's top multinational companies and banks, warned in a report yester day that international provisions in the US tax code were seriously «out of step» with those of other big industrial countries.
7. Many immigrants give mafiosi running the refugee rackets their life savings to reach «Europe», (and the influx has been swollen by refugees from Kosovo).
8. Under the proposed tax, each of the European Union member countries would be required to impose a 20% withholding tax on all in terest payments made to an individual who resides in another EU state...
9. Brazil's new central banker hired to do the dirty work, had ill— advisedly declared that the devaluation was consistent with the IMF deal last October.
10. The string of disasters midwifed by the global money managers is reflective not only of misjudgements but of a fatal flaw in the existing «architecture» of the IMF.
11. A false sense of security has been added to the dangers faced by Asia's new nuclear powers and their neighbours.
12. Appeals to reason fall on deaf ears, because thinking and reason tend to get in the way of those who have plans for the rest of us. Agenda politics works much better in an environment of belief backed by emo tions.
13. Brazil finally gave in to the course followed by most of the world's major nations, allowing the currency it has long coddled to trade freely.
14. Roughly speaking, the Thacherites argued that the story of Britain since 1900 has been one of economic decline, followed by imperial and international decline.
15. India's oceanic research vessel Gaveshani has discovered a huge carpet of manganese nodules on the sea-bed located within India's eco nomic zone, the Press Trust of India said Wednesday.
16. Having refused to recognise the fact in time, Washington was forced to retreat, under the pressure of rather embarrassing circumstances, from the juridically sound but politically unrealistic position it had en joined on the United States delegation to the UN.
17. Barring further sharp increases in the price of crude oil — a de velopment which seems highly unlikely in the short run — there is room to believe that the Japanese economy will soon emerge from its current doldrums.
18. Having long considered a strong military unnecessary, Mexico suddenly decided to spend a portion of its oil earnings on armaments — and for the first time intended to buy supersonic jet fighters in the United States.
19. Coming on top of the splits within the Social Democratic Party, battles between the police and atomic energy protesters, and the worst
monthly trade deficit in 31 years, the poll seemed to suggest that the momentum in German politics was moving with the opposition parties.
20. All three governments, pleading national budget austerity, have re fused to permit any rise in over-all EU spending above a controversial fi nancial ceiling.
21. Tackled over the government's promise to maintain and improve the quality of education the Education Secretary admitted the cuts would leave gaps in schools timetables but hoped schools would help each other.
22. Most Turkish-Cypriots, seeing their slice of the island become ever poorer in contrast to the Greek south, think that joining the EU could dramatically improve living standards.
23. He said that the strike movement may turn into a national strike bringing about the downfall of the dictatorship.
24. Unfortunately the point of view of this politician is becoming in creasingly widespread in the Western press. This is why it seems expedi ent to review some of the arguments put forward by those opposing the idea of such talks.
25. Opening a new session of Parliament, he disclosed that the regime intends to introduce legislation providing for preventive detention even when there is no official State of Emergency.
26. Assuming that the second chamber of Britain continues to be ex cluded from debating financial measures, should it have a special role in other areas, for instance, on constitutional Bills or on issues affecting the developed legislature?
27. Being monopoly dominated the most powerful of all industrial countries, the United States pushed inevitably ahead for world mastery with every available means at its command.
28. Considering the complexity of the problem, the decision was reached at a rather early date.
29. Not satisfied with the plans for the creation of an independent anti- fraud office, which could take months or even years, the Chancellor of the Exchequer calls for the speedy appointment of an independent fraud- buster within the commission's existing antifraud squad.
30. The Belgrade Children's Hospital in South London now faces a threat to close all the beds, meaning that the only children's operating theatre in the district will shut down despite recent modernisation.
31. Looked at in the medium term, it is hard not to be more pessimistic about Hong Kong's prospects.
32. After announcing the new plan yesterday, he admitted that it was «the worst economic settlement we've ever made». Then, holding out the
spectre of total job loss, the $622 million in concessions agreed to by the top UAW (United Auto Workers' Union) officials will translate into a virtual wage freeze for auto workers until September, when the current union contract expires.
33. Even counting Britain's North Sea oil bonanza total industrial pro duction dropped 9 per cent— pulling the British economy back to levels of 1960s. Unemployment had burgeoned to 10 per cent of the British la bour force — another post-Depression record — and is rising rapidly.
34. The main reasons given were the large amount of work commis sioned by the Government and the need to be satisfied that future changes in fees were consistent with P.I.B. (Prices and Incomes Board) policy.
35. The president of the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce was speaking at the Chamber's annual general meeting after a luncheon at tended by the Russian Minister of Foreign Trade.
36. Taiwan's jobless rate fell to 2.97 per cent in January as economic growth remained strong enough to avoid the skyrocketing unemployment seen in most of Taiwan's neighbours.
37. This would also determine the agenda of the meeting referred to in a general way by him.
38. Taken in the early stages, these drugs prevent infirmity. Used sys tematically, they slowly but surely lead, to cure.
39. Iraqi armed forces, unprovoked according to an American report, engaged in a rare firing of surface-to-air missiles at American and British planes conducting a routine patrol on Monday to deny Iraqi planes use of airspace over large swaths of northern and southern Iraq.
40. Decisions have been taken at Brussels, which, if carried out, would lead straight to further controversies.
41. These criminal steps would be a menace to the British security, they would be preparation for aggression, which, if not halted, could only bring disaster.
42. When caught, the liar and his apologists attack the one who ex posed the lie and excuse the fabrication as being «in the interest of a «Higher good.»
43. In this «International Year of the Handicapped» the Manhattan Program for the Severely Handicapped is already losing some of its funding; if slashed by the threatened federal budget, especially by the block grants, the entire program could fold. Expansion has already been postponed.
44. President said in a message accompanying the document that it «will stop runaway inflation and revitalize the economy if given a
chance». He asked Congress to join him in a quest to «move America back toward economic sanity».
45. German federal structure devolved political power, to the relief of other Europeans, tapping a tradition long preceding Hitler's Reich.
46. Though dragging their feet to the last, Britain and America could not avoid agreeing to setting up a control system, faced by Russia readi ness to accept reasonable proposals.
47. Companies have flowed money raised from stock sales into com puters and new technologies that have accelerated productivity — thus increasing corporate profitability while allowing companies to give real raises.
48. They wanted a Government freely chosen by the will of the peo- pie.
49. During the work-to-rule campaign many saw their efforts -wasted because some were induced to work extra hours.
50. The peoples of all countries are vitally interested in seeing further steps taken at the Foreign Ministers' Conference in October.
51. All his criticisms were reserved for Labour backbenchers who want the British Forces withdrawn from that country.
52. Those who opposed the «showdown» in the State Department — a small and not very influential group at the time — saw their viewpoint being taken increasingly into account by the White House.
53. Over the famous «non-dissemination» draft treaty, harmony is to be expected — and a powerful attempt to get it signed by many nations.
54. The need for pressure from the Labour movement to get such de cisions taken is urgent.
55. We will not seek to frustrate that consensus, since it is not in the world interest to have the work of the General Assembly immobilized in those troubled days.
56. It is understood that the decision was taken against strongly ex pressed opposition to the T.U.C. plan, particularly in the light of the Gov ernment's intention to have permanent legislation holding up pay in creases without retrospective payment.
57. Almost daily, The Washington Post and other newspapers have their advertising revenues increased by full-page ads in which one corpo ration or another is telling Congress to quit dallying and pass the pro gram.
3. Абсолютная причастная конструкция (независимый причастный оборот) — сочетание причастия с существительным в об-
щем падеже, которое, не будучи подлежащим главного предложения, является субъектом действия, выраженного причастием. Конструкция может выполнять в предложении функцию обстоятельства времени, причины, условия или сопутствующего обстоятельства.
1) Препозитивный независимый причастный оборот, т. е. прича стный оборот, стоящий перед главным составом предложения, мо жет иметь как временное, так и причинное значение. Какое из них имеется в виду, определяется контекстом.
В функции обстоятельства условия этот оборот выступает обычно в тех случаях, когда предложение относится к будущему времени; на русский язык переводится соответствующим придаточным предложением.
Whole cities (being) razed to the ground during the war, the building of houses was priority number one. Так как во время войны целые города были стерты с лица земли (разрушены до основания), строительство домов стало первоочередной задачей.
2) Значение сопутствующего обстоятельства эта конструкция имеет в постпозиции, т. е. когда она стоит после главного состава предложения, отделяется от главного предложения запятой и пере водится на русский язык самостоятельным простым предложением или простым предложением, входящим в состав сложносочиненного предложения и вводимым союзами а, и или причем.
The cargo was badly damaged by the fire, the owners suffering great losses. Груз был сильно поврежден пожаром, и владельцы понесли большие потери.
Независимый причастный оборот часто вводится предлогом with, который на русский язык обычно не переводится.
With the prices going higher and higher and the wages frozen, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the British housewife to make both ends meet. Так как цены продолжают расти, а зарплата заморожена, английским хозяйкам становится все труднее сводить концы с концами.
Примечание. Причастие being, обычно в функции связки, может быть опущено. Такая «беспричастная» абсолютная конструкция также переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением.
With unemployment now a crisis issue in many areas, the Labour movement is stepping up its 'right to work' campaign. Теперь, когда вопрос о безработице стоит очень остро во многих районах страны, рабочие активизируют кампанию за «право на работу».
Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.
1. With everyone asking «What sort of European Commission do we want?», it was hard not to ask simultaneously «What sort of Europe do we want?»
2. With his impeachment trial over, the US President has found him self more easily able to involve himself in foreign policy.
3. With the economy booming and incomes finally beginning to climb for those on the middle and lower rungs of the ladder, a «national culture of upscale spending» has emerged.
4. With state pension systems being stretched by the ageing of Europe's population and with returns on traditional savings instruments shrinking, investors are turning increasingly to mutual funds.
5. In 1980s with their profits falling as viewers turned increasingly to the choice offered by cable TV and VCRs, the networks (ABC, CBS and NBC) were taken over by Wall street deal makers, who thought they couid be run more efficiently.
6. «With many bonds trading above par, any uncertainty about the implications of the European tax on sayings will have an impact on the trading of these securities,» said Managing director and Head of Euro pean debt capital markets.
7. With the Conservative Party as deeply divided as ever on Europe, its young leader can stamp his little foot as much as he likes and still not end the debate.
8. With the tricky enlargement negotiations ahead, the last thing the EU needs is a prolonged bout of budget bickering.
9. Its economy crumbling, America struggled to escape the global De pression and find its place in a violently changing world.
10. Their worst fears about the national election realized, leaders of the trade union movement now expect an assault against many of organ ized labor's most cherished programs and interests.
11. With sales of automobiles on the domestic market sagging, and many dealers in deficit, the pressure to export autos last year was acute.
12. With $40 billion of Brazilian dollar reserves having evaporated since Russia's debt default last summer, the move to a floating currency was increasingly favored by officials at the International Monetary Fund and the US Treasury.
13. With 70 per cent of Japan's land area mountainous and a small percentage devoted to farmland, two-thirds of Japan's urban population resides and works in less than 5 per cent of the total land area.
14. With their profits siphoned off by the central government bonds, some production units will undoubtedly have to curtail expansion plans, profit-sharing and other incentives to workers.
15. With German industry pressing for lower interest rates to stimulate investment, the Bundesbank's capacity to defend the mark by hiking rates is extremely limited.
16. With old-age pensions starting at 60 for both men and women, French workers already down tools several years before their counterparts in other rich countries.
17. With the Government doing its utmost to keep wages down, and with price increases due to the EU membership coming on top of price increases arising from the Government policy, the standard of living in this country would be given an extremely serious setback.
18. The rebellion in Mexico is over four years old. Two years ago peace negotiators reached a series of agreements. But the deals broke down later that year, with the rebels claiming that the government did not really mean to act upon them.
19. With an ever-widening band of economic and trade issues ap pearing in the spectrum of U N. activities, Western meetings began to follow a pattern of economic rather than political alliances.
20. The European Parliament is coming under sharp criticism with al legations made by members of inflated expenses — too much money spent on overseas trips, expensive quarters, and office cleaners.
21. Japanese diplomats said their government's approach is that the lead in opening up new markets should come from industry and com merce, with banks following.
22. A second round of wage talks for insurance and metal workers broke off Wednesday, with employers and unions still far apart on pay increases.
23. The US's leading maker of tires for trucks and buses, has em braced globalization, with factories and dealers stretching from Brazil to Europe to Indonesia.
24. The Italian media have carried reports of tragedy as makeshift boats capsize, with many would-be immigrants from North Africa, Asia and Albania drowning before they can reach shore.
25. He is likely, though not yet certain, to continue as prime minister, with Finland continuing on its course of gradual liberalisation on the eco-
nomic front and faster integration into the rest of Europe in foreign affairs.
26. The annual US report on human rights frequently provokes an an gry reaction from targeted countries. They accuse the sole superpower of lecturing the world to adopt its own standards and of hypocrisy, with critics pointing to the US use of death penalty and reports of police bru tality.
27. Poland's ruling coalition has run into trouble over health service reforms, with parties both inside and outside the coalition calling for the health minister to resign.
28. Absorbed by Africa, tried by immigration, with the imperial feel ing ebbing, India and Pakistan no longer hold the place in the British imagination that they once had.
29. The rapidly expanding Israeli arms industry now ranks seventh among the world's exporters of weapons and defense-related equipment, with sales for the year ending April 1 amounting to about $1.3 billion, a 40 per cent increase over those of the previous year, according to a Brit ish military publication.
30. He declared that at the next sitting of the peace conference the proposal should be made to conclude peace, all theoretical questions being excluded.
31. The magnificence of Mughal India was built on conquest and plunder, with between one-third and one-half of India's entire GNP finding its way into the hands of 8, 000 imperial officers.
32. England emerged from the war only a formal 'victor', its economy shaken and entering a period of permanent stagnation and decline.
33. Rescue helicopters evacuated thousands of shocked tourists from an Austrian valley Friday as the death toll from a double avalanche rose to 37, with only one victim still buried.
34. Almost all councils are putting up their rents, the reason being the heavy burden of interest for housing.
35. The previous president of the European commission to come from the Grand Duchy (Luxembourg), was widely judged as a flop, with the commission run, in practice, by Belgium's Viscount Etienne Davignon and Italy's Lorenzo Natati.
36. As there is a natural limit to the capacity of consumption of necessities of life (food, etc.), particular attention must be paid to industrialization, consumption prospects in this sphere being particularly unlimited for a long time to come.
37. Government can be understood to include any mechanism through
which ordered rule is maintained, its central features being the ability to make collective decisions and the capacity to enforce them.
38. Stupendous storms of terrifying proportions can rage in these un- reported areas, with no one knowing of them until the effects of the at mospheric disturbances they cause are felt in local weather days later.
39. Yet never were the problems confronting the country so acute, with the electorate in fact divided on policy issues to a greater degree than for years past.
III. Причастия в функции союзов и предлогов
1. Причастия в функции союзов вводят условные, причинно- следственные и уступительные придаточные предложения. На рус ский язык они переводятся следующим образом: provided/pro viding, granted/granting при условии, принимая во внимание, sup posing, assuming, если, допустим, предположим, что, seeing по скольку, принимая во внимание, учитывая, ввиду того что
A wider association of this kind would be feasible, provided that the methods adopted are in line with those proposed at the conference. Более широкая организация (ассоциация) такого рода была бы возможна, при условии, что применяемые методы будут соответствовать методам, предложенным на конференции.
2. Причастия в функции предлогов стоят перед существитель ными и переводятся на русский язык следующим образом: given при наличии, если учесть, failing при отсутствии, regarding, consider ing, respecting относительно, pending до, в ожидании, following вслед за, barring кроме, за исключением
Given, failing с относящимися к ним словами могут переводиться условным придаточным предложением, например: failing (given) good will... при отсутствии (наличии) доброй воли /если отсутствует (имеется) добрая воля...
Given good will on the part of other states, this proposal of Russia could be carried into effect without any further delay. При наличии доброй воли со стороны других государств это предложение России можно было бы осуществить без дальнейшего промедления
Анализ предложения дает возможность точно установить, в какой функции выступает причастие.