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Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения. 1. The International Court of Justice is expected to play an increas ingly important role in facilitating the peaceful settlement of international legal
1. The International Court of Justice is expected to play an increas 2. German nuclear plant operators will be expected to use the time to
3. The discussion is expected to focus on four broad subjects: raw 4. Apart from trade, the US President will focus on restructuring the 5. The U.S.Federal Reserve Chairman noted that the pace of economic 6. While offering no proposal of its own on how to salvage the current 7. The Home Secretary is expected to make a statement next week on 8. Treasury sources yesterday confirmed that the next 10-year deal 9. Domestically, the debt-ridden and poorly managed state-sector of
10. «...no government has ever backed demands for greater efficiency 11. Roads have been built, and by next year every village in Egypt 12. Foreign secretaries can be useful of course. They are supposed to 13. The US trade representative is said to have reported, in detail, on 14. True, the euro-group is likely to grow relatively strongly next year. 15. The US parliamentary revolt against the European Commission 16. The cutback in housing programmes has been so sharp that the 17. The Turkish economy, which had been growing at an average rate 18. Combine ethnic tensions on the fringes of the Chinese empire with 19. The report says that it appears that the building industry is unlikely 20. No one will refuse to pay less tax, but if they think that by this 21. The euro is likely to join the dollar as a reserve currency held by 22. The present fine spell is likely to be brief, predicted the meteoro 23. Decontrol alone does not constitute an adequate oil policy. It is not 24. Petty nations and their petty national demands are thought to be 25. The epitome of Tory sleaze was Neil Hamilton, a backbench MP 26. Another intricate problem likely to be reintroduced with the help 27. The three parties likely to take part in a coalition are the Republi 28. The Minister of Economic Affairs referred today to the statement 29. About 60 people were yesterday reported to have been arrested on 30. The remark, reported to have been made after the announcement 31. The strike, called by the region's main political parties and labor 32. While party leaders still say they support the goals of the program, 33. Turnout at the nation's 50.000 polling stations appeared to be 34. The Bank of England appeared to back off from threats of even 35. An official investigating the bribery allegations said payments 36. Just a few years ago, Aum's organization appeared to be wiped 37. Win or lose, the EU Commission appeared likely to emerge weak 38. Politics is a rough old trade, as Michael Howard, the former home 39. Hydrocarbons (oil) and political volatility seem to go together. 40. Disenchantment with the President appears to be growing The 41. Europe seems to be slowing down faster than most people ex 42. The most laudable aim of the Maastricht treaty was to knock the 43. A group of experts seemed to have solved a dispute about putting 44. Spanish authorities have confiscated copies of last month's edition lieved to have resulted from an article discussing sackings in a Madrid motor factory. 45. France had what was believed to be its coldest Christmas for 83 46. In Zurich there was a scramble to buy marks and the Federal Bank 47. The meeting, which lasted just over half an hour, is understood to 48. A Tory MP threatens to name a high-ranking diplomat mentioned 49. Japan's prime minister, is said to have taken bribes in return for 50. U.S. officials were said to consider that uncertainty was bound to 51. Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan, may be said to have been the 52. In matters of sleaze and waste, the EU parliament is commonly 53. The Secretary of State was said to have demanded written ground 54. The meeting which was said to have lasted several hours on 55. Turkey's rulers were said to fear that expulsion from the Council 56. The Titan 4A rocket was said to be carrying an eavesdropping 57. There are said to be indications that unless «new information» is 58. The police arrested a man who is stated to have been trying to sell stated to have kept it for more than two years in the hope that the theft would be forgotten. 59. His detention without trial is claimed to have been a violation of 60. The experts were felt to have little hope of reducing the differ 61. Mexico's worst mine disaster, which is feared to have killed 177 62. The warnings are now shown to have been fully justified thou 63. When the Bill reaches Tory peers next week they will either reject 64. The German Chancellor is known to feel that Germany has main 65. The shadow cabinet, most of it strongly opposed to the Brighton 66. Previously, scholars had believed that the forbidding interior of They found a wealth of different types of stone tools and weapons at the sites, including arrowheads, knives and scrapers. 67. It was unbearable to hear this man speak of friendship with Britain 68. About 1 million farmers flooded the capital to hear the prime 69. Some Western officials expected the toughest negotiations on dis 70. The Premier said he expected other delegations to support the 71. The analysts expect the next government in Turkey to continue 72. The rapidity with which people are arming themselves with tear thajt they expect the disabling spray to be used increasingly by criminals bent on robbery, rape or assault. 73. At the opening, OPEC's public information director told the jour 74. A private fund-raising group headed by close friends of the new 75. The crisis is hitting Western Europe several months later than the 76. The United Nations General Assembly, defeating all Western op 77. The Spanish prime minister wants Spain to throw off the sense of 78. The President now says he wants negotiations on trade to open 79. The prime minister says that he wants Britain to emerge from the 80. It seems that the Right Wing in the Labour and trade union move 81. In a document released today a Harvard University Professor dis 82. An association of lawyers says that many owners prefer their own 83. Polls repeatedly show that many Britons believe the EU to be re 84. Time and again the Prime Minister has assured them that the Gov 85. The Prime Minister has decided to get the Cabinet to make an ear 86. Public opinion compelled the Government to get the German 87. The issue is how to make the institutions of democracy work prop 88. The report calls for the monarchy in the UK to become profes 89. Classification of political systems allows for qualitative judge 90. A National Security Council official said last week that «the 91. «Whilst we read the report with interest, any issues of constitu 92. The United States and Britain on Friday set a month-long deadline 93. For the reform forces to pull off a. majority on council, all their in 94. Mr Tao says it would be «technically feasable» for the Hong 95. To say that the wages fight is not the only issue, or that higher pay 96. The President was closeted in the White House today preparing 97. Chips are harder for hackers to modify than software. 98. Elitists highlight the tendency for political power to be concen 99. In Japan, the ultimate way for a student to repay his teacher is to 100. For Europe to drive forward it needs leadership. 101. For Egypt to get anywhere near its growth target, it will have to 102. The rise of homeless emphasizes the desperate need for the Gov 103. Although the Minister of Health yesterday did not accept the
104. In these circumstances the party leaders had no plan for the 105. An Atomic Energy Authority spokesman said it was not unusual 106. And having made this guess, he thought it completely in order for 107. There is too much slackness in many key industries. Too many 108. A first group of more than 50 immigrants was freed from deten § 2. ГЕРУНДИИ I. Герундий в различных функциях 1. Герундий в функции обстоятельства всегда употребляется в сочетании с предлогом. Он может выступать в функции следующих обстоятельств: 1) времени, после предлогов on (upon), after, before, in. После предлогов before и in герундий переводится обычно на русский язык придаточным предложением; после on (upon) и after — деепричастием прошедшего времени. In trying to devise ways to improve the machinery of the United Nations the Foreign Secretary displayed real ingenuity. Когда министр иностранных дел пытался придумать новые способы улучшения аппарата ООН, он проявил подлинную изобретательность. (Пытаясь придумать...) After making this statement the minister said he was not going to reconsider his decision. Сделав это заявление, министр сказал, что он не собирается пересматривать свое решение. Но могут быть и другие варианты перевода герундия в функции обстоятельства времени в зависимости от сочетаемости слов в русском языке, например сочетанием предлога с существительным: after (on) arriving по прибытии, after checking после проверки. 2) сопутствующего обстоятельства, после предлогов besides Besides being extremely unpopular this policy may lead to a complete failure of all their efforts. He говоря уже о том, что эта политика не пользуется популярностью, она может привести к тому, что все их усилия окажутся напрасными. 3) обстоятельства образа действия, с предлогами in, by, with It can be done by sending deputations to MPs. Это можно сделать, послав депутации к членам парламента. Не admitted that he had made a mistake in not supporting this proposal earlier. Он признал, что допустил ошибку, не поддержав этого предложения раньше (тем, что не поддержал...). 4) обстоятельства условия, с составными предлогами in case of, причастия, сочетанием предлога без с существительным или словосочетанием без того чтобы и отрицательной формой инфинитива. В остальных случаях — обычно личной формой глагола или существительным. They promised not to undertake any actions without consulting their partners Они обещали не предпринимать никаких действий, не проконсультировавшись (без консультации; без того чтобы не проконсультироваться) со своими партнерами 5) обстоятельства причины, с составными предлогами owing to из-за, вследствие, for fear of из опасения и др.; переводится личной формой глагола, существительным или деепричастием. Не did not dare to make public announcements about this plan for fear of being criticized Он не осмелился открыто объявлять об этом плане из опасения, что его подвергнут критике (опасаясь, как бы его не подвергли...). Примечание. В сочетании с предлогом without герундий может выступать в функции обстоятельства условия, образа действия и сопутствующего обстоятельства. Функция его определяется контекстом предложения. Their policy is based upon the conviction that they cannot possibly win without smashing by military force the resistance.of the nationalistic movement Их политика основывается на твердом убеждении, что они не смогут победить, не сломив (если они не сломят) военной силой сопротивления националистического движения (обстоятельство условия) They can organize their work without being interfered with and controlled by big business. Они могут организовать свою работу без вмешательства и контроля со стороны крупного бизнеса (без того, чтобы крупный бизнес вмешивался в нее и осуществлял над ней контроль) (обстоятельство образа действия) On the opening day a new president was elected without anyone objecting В день открытия без каких-либо возражений (единогласно) был избран новый председатель (сопутствующее обстоятельство) 2. Герундий в функции определения обычно следует за предлогом of и переводится инфинитивом или существительным. Since he became Britain's Foreign Secretary, he has been insisting on the importance of negotiating on limited practical questions. С тех пор как он стал министром иностранных дел Англии, он все время на- стаивает на необходимости ведения переговоров по ограниченному кругу практических вопросов. Иногда герундий встречается в сочетании с предлогом for, часто с указанием на назначение предмета, что сближает его с обстоятельством цели. At that time he intends to seek ways for improving cooperation with France. В это время он намеревается искать пути для улучшения (расширения, чтобы улучшить) сотрудничества с Францией. 3. В функции дополнения (предложного и беспредложного) к They succeeded in removing all the obstacles. Им удалось устранить все препятствия. This curious episode merits being inserted in a survey of the activities of the Security Council during that period. Этот любопытный эпизод заслуживает того, чтобы его включили в обзор деятельности Совета Безопасности за этот период. 4. В функции подлежащего, предикативного члена и части Solving Britain's economic difficulties, said the Prime Minister, is a question not so much of political doctrine as of practical judgement. Разрешение экономических трудностей Англии, сказал премьер-министр, это вопрос не столько политической доктрины, сколько практической целесообразности. If the Minister wants to avert a dock strike he had better stop attacking the dockers and start twisting the arms of the mean and stubborn employers. Если министр хочет избежать забастовки докеров, ему лучше прекратить нападки (наступление) на докеров и начать оказывать серьезный нажим на эгоистичных и упрямых предпринимателей. Примечание. 1. Сочетание there is no с герундием в функции подлежащего переводится на русский язык неопределенно-личным предложением. There is no denying that danger may be averted by this move. Нельзя отрицать, что этим шагом можно избежать опасности. 2. После выражения far from герундий переводится следующим обра Far from averting this threat, this surrender will only bring about still tougher action later. Отнюдь не устраняя самой угрозы, эта капитуляция приведет в будущем к еще более жестким мерам. Far from being a triumph, it was the most ignominious surrender in modern diplomacy. Это не только не было триумфом, но было самой позорной капитуляцией за всю историю современной дипломатии. 3. Простые формы герундия в различных функциях могут пере Пассивная и перфектная формы герундия переводятся почти всегда придаточным предложением. They made their decision after being told of the terms contained in a joint union-management statement. Они приняли решение после того, как им сообщили об условиях, содержащихся в совместном заявлении, подписанном профсоюзом и администрацией.