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Among other adverbial meanings expressed by these secondary predication complexes in semi-composite English sentence are
also conditional: The human condition being Якщо вже так складається what it was, let them fight, let людське життя, то хай собі them love (Greene) воюють і хай собі кохаються... The nominative absolute participial constructions can also express other meanings and relations in the sentence. Then they are translated into Ukrainian respectively as corresponding nominal (or adverbial) subordinate clauses. For example: «It's strange in a way, me be- «Воно якось аж дивно, що я It was Dr.Dornbergen, his Це був лікар Дорнберґен, Translation of the nominative absolute participial constructions may be influenced by the individual author's usage, because of which the aim of their employment is always stylistically predetermined. These constructions are mostly employed for the sake of economizing the speech efforts, for creating some dynamism or easiness in narration and for achieving the necessary expressiveness; etc. The last of these functions had been proved to exist in colloquial English and also in belles-lettres works of many British and American authors. This could also be observed in the translation of the above-cited nominative absolute participial construction, which may also be rendered with some ironic flavour: It was Dr.Dornbergen, his hands inevitably busy with his pipe. - Це був лікар Дорнберґен, руки якого мов прилипли до люльки /ні на мить не випускав з рук люльку, etc. STRUCTURAL TYPES OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE UNITS CONVEYING THE MEANING OF THE NOMINATIVE ABSOLUTE PARTICIPIAL CONSTRUCTIONS Translation of nominative absolute participial constructions is often connected with considerable difficulties. These are caused by the indistinct semantic and syntactic relations created between the constituent part of the sentence containing secondary predication construction on one hand and the introductory/matrix clause on the other. When the nominative absolute participial constructions express explicitly or implicitly the adverbial, objective or attributive relations/ meanings, they are usually translated, as has been shown already on the foregoing pages, with the help of the corresponding subordinate clauses. The logico-grammatical nature of the nominative absolute par- ticipial constructions in the sentence, however, is far from always clearly and exactly identifiable. This is because of the implicit meanings, which some of the nominative absolute participial constructions may have in a sentence. As a result, more than one Ukrainian version may be suggested for some of such constructions. For example, the meaning of the participial construction/syntaxeme Several of his letters being ignored in the sentence Several of his letters being ignored. Martin indited an angry one which drew a reply. (London) is not quite distinct. It may be considered as causal (Why did Martin indite an angry letter? - Because he did not receive any reply to his previously sent letters). It may also be temporal (When did Martin indite an angry letter? - When he received no reply to his previously sent letters). More obvious and more contextually substantiated seems to be the causal meaning, though the temporal meaning can not altogether be discarded either. Consequently, the translator guided by the requirements of his own presentation, may suggest two versions, giving respectively a stronger preference to causal meaning. Each of the two meanings in Ukrainian is explicitly indicated by the corresponding conjunction: 1) Оскільки на попередні 2) Після того, як газета не листи газета відмовчалася, відповіла на попередні листи,
Мартін надіслав їм сердитого листа, на який надійшла відповідь. One more identical example of the explicit and implicit meaning of the nominative absolute participial construction (the NAPC) is given below: The session drawing towards its close. Senator Dilworthy shook hands with his constituents and let them look at him. (Mark Twain) 1) Оскільки збори наближа- 2) Коли збори наближалися Far from all the NAPCs with different implicit meanings have always a more or less clearly distinguishable or transparent logico-grammatical meaning. In some cases the translator may be simply in dou^t ao m me semantic and functional meaning of the NAPC singled out of a contextual environment. For example: His try for a smile ignored. Stavros turns to Harry. The NAPC His try for a smile ignored clearly refers to present tense which can be seen from the simple verbal predicate (turns) in the matrix clause. This makes the choice of the lexico-grammatical meaning between causal and temporal more difficult. The question to the matrix clause includes an alteration - Does Stavros turn to Harry because his smile is ignored or he turns totally when his smile is ignored? Consequently, the NAPC may be translated with the help of the subordinate clause of cause: Оскільки/Тому що на його посмішку не реагують, Ставрос повертається до Гаррі. Neither can there be objections to this NAPC being translated with the help of a temporal clause: Якщо на його посмішку не реагують, він повертається до Гаррі. An analysis of the semantic relations between the main immediate constituents of the sentence induced the translator to suggest a third possible Ukrainian variant for this NAPC - a temporal subordinate clause: Коли на його усмішку не реагують. Ставрос повертається до Гаррі. The conditional meaning of the NAPC in this sentence seems to be the most fitting in the general content of this semi-composite sentence. It can also be proved by the corresponding transformation of the NAPC into a conditional subordinate clause: If his try for a smile is ignored. Stavros turns to Harry. This was not the last possible way of faithful rendering of the logico-grammatical meaning of this NAPC into Ukrainian. There may be one more, which at first sight may seem doubtful, though only at first sight. And this is by transforming the NAPC into a coordinate clause joined to the matrix clause by means of the copulative conjunction and: His try for a smile is ignored and he turns to Harry. -Його усмішка залишається поза увагою, і він звертається до Гаррі. Consequently, the NAPC, being a specifically English lexico-syntactic unit, may often be endowed with different meanings which require the employment of various means of rendering them into Ukrainian. The choice of these means may be predetermined, however, not only by the lexico-grammatical meaning of the NAPC, but also by its syntactic interconnection with the part of the matrix clause and also by the means, which are available in the target language to express their meanings and functions. Thus, when the secondary subject of the NAPC is in no logical interrelation with the action expressed by the predicate of the matrix clause, i.e., when the secondary subject functions as the agent in the NAPC, the latter is translated as a co-ordinate clause orsas an independent sentence. For example: There was a pause, Coleman listening. (Hailey) 1) Настала пауза, і Колман прислухався. 2) Настала пауза. Колман прислухався. Similarly translated into Ukrainian are many other NAPCs which are logically and grammatically not connected with any constitbent part of йіе matrix clause. For example: The two walked in silence, Обоє йшли мовчки, і Сомз Soames watching him out of the поглядав на нього краєчком corner of his eye. (Galsworthy) ока. She gritted her teeth, grabbed Вона скреготнула зубами, As can be noticed, the secondary subjects Soames and bridge function as independent subjects in both languages. Ukrainian co-ordinate clauses, which are equivalents of the NAPCs may often be joined by the conjunctions /, а, причому: We went out behind the Ми один по одному вийшли The feaction was immediate, Реакція була негайною. Tony, was staring at him, his Тоні дивився на нього, а The above-cited NAPCs may be translated into Ukrainian correspondingly as independent sentences or as clauses of a compound sentence: Ми один по одному вийшли за церквою. Попереду нас ішов лейтенант. Тоні подивився на нього. Той, розгубившися, не розумів його/Той розгублено дивився, не розуміючи його. The translator may sometimes transform the English sentence, turning the NAPC of this type into a Ukrainian simple sentence w\th homogeneous predicates: Він нашвидкуруч закінчив Matters pressed on. he made справи і пішов обідати на Ґрін- his way to Green Street for lunch, стріт/відклавши справи, він (Galsworthy). пішов обідати на Ґрін-стріт. The lexical and functional meanings of different NAPCs in simple and composite sentences may sometimes be rendered in Ukraifi-ian with the help of some other means too: 1. With the help of the participial (diyepryslivnyk) construction or by means of a single diyepryslivnyk: The two guards listened, their Обидва вартові слухали, faces turned to the rifle-slit, their пороззявлявши роти і mouths hanging open. (Greene) повернувшись обличчям до амбразури. \, «І felt compassion for him,» «Мені стало шкода його/я 2. With the help of a prepositional noun, a noun phrase or a participial/diyepryslivnyk construction: His head lowered, holding to Тримаючись за перила, з, This NAPC may also be translated with the help of the participial/diyepryslivnyk construction: Потупивши голову і тримаючись за перила, Ендрю почвалав до себе нагору. 3. As a participial (diyepryslivnyk) construction or a subordinate (mostly adverbial) clause: The champagne poured. Наливши шампанського^ The corresponding temporal clause for the NAPC may be Після того, як/Коли Ендрю налив шампанського, він знову сів. 4. With the help of a prepositional noun: He was watching her, his eyes Він з цікавістю спостерігав