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With the help of the adverbial subordinate clauses of time, purpose, manner, etc. which testifies to the existence of functional

discrepancies in the two languages at the level of syntactic struc­ture, function, and content. For example:

Я бачив його у вересні, коли він переходив майдан до бару в ресторані Континенталь... Я докладав зусиль, щоб каміння не зірвалося з-під ніг і не покотилося вниз.

/ had seen him last Septem­ber coming across the square towards the bar of the Continen­tal... (Greene)

I took pains not to send them (stones) tumbling down the slope. (S.O'Dell)

3. On rarer occasions a faithful translation of the object with the present participle construction may be achieved either with the help of an object subordinate clause or with the help of a semanti-cally equivalent substantival word-group:

Я чув, як хтось плакав/ чийсь плач. Потім я почув Пайлів

/ heard someone weeping. (G. Green)

шепіт/як шепнув «Томасе, Томасе.»

Then I heard Pyle whispering. «Thomas, Thomas.» (Ibid.)

4. With the help of the finite form of the verb, i.e., with the help of the simple verbal predicate:

«I can see you marrying after «Ти, бачу, як підіп'єш, то ще
a drink too many.» (Greene) станеш женихатися тут.»

Some objective with the present participle construction may be translated with the help of two object subordinate clauses, as in the following sentence:

He didn't care that they saw him crying. (Hemingway)

Йому було байдуже, 1) що вони бачать, 2) як він плаче.

The objective with the past participle constructions having actu­ally almost the same N/l/Ven structural pattern as the previously ana­lysed complexes are characterized by a stronger predicative motiva­tion and meaning. This is because these complexes are used to ex­press the state of an object/person, the meaning of someone's expe­rience in something, one's witness or that something is made/done for the benefit of someone other. As a result, some ways of translation of the objective with the past participle constructions sometimes differ from those employed for the translation of the objective with the present participle or the objective with the infinitive constructions. The main of these ways coincide, however, and are the following:



With the help of an object subordinate clause: / heard his name mentioned Я чув, що/як його ім'я in the crowd. (Saroyan) називали у натовпі.

This objective with the participle construction may also be trans­lated with the help of a metaphorical paraphrase: Я чув його ім'я на вустах натовпу.

2. By means of the finite form of the verb (simple predicate) plus the objective noun:

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