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Categorial meanings in the paradigm of the participle, only the nucleus of it (the past participle) is usually used.
The number of components/elements in the paradigm of the participle has actually no influence on the expression of meaning and translation of this predicative construction, which can be seen from the sentence below: This duty done, we unfilled Оскільки з иим було вирішено, our glasses, lit our pipes, and re- ми осушили келихи, запалили sumed the discussion upon our люльки й знову стали бідкатись state of health. (J.K.Jerome) про своє здоров'я. The syntactic/functional meaning of the participial construction in this isolated sentence may be considered temporal as well. Then its Ukrainian traslation wil be respectively Після того, як із иим було вирішено, ми... It should be pointed out that only the analytical paradigms, which contain the constituent elements of the passive and perfect participles of some verbs may be condensed. When the participial paradigm is represented in the nominative absolute participial constructions through a single present participle expressing an action of the secondary subject, it can not be transformed into an extended paradigm or contracted. Thus, the present participle opening in the sentence James' face protruded naively, his mouth opening. (Galsworthy) can not undergo any complete transformation through reduction. 2. The second structural type constitute the nominative absolute participial constructions that contain no participle component at all. The relation of the predication in complexes of this type is implicitly inherent in and is realized through a prepositional (usually with a noun or pronoun) or a substantival word-group. Cf.: Now, with this visit to Cardiff Тепер, лаштуючись до in prospect, he wished her to ас- поїздки доКардіффа. він хотів, company him. (Cronin) щоб Крістін супроводжувала Його. Не sat down, his face serious Він сів серйозний і and intent, and his fingers began зосереджений за рояль, і його to race across the keyboard, пальці швидко забігали по (S.Sheldon) клавішах. With so much at stake, he did Коли стільки ставилося на not want to appear inhospitable, карту, він хотів здаватися (Ibid.) якомога гостиннішим. 3. The third structural type form subjectless nominative absolute participial complexes. Their secondary subject may have a clearly addressed or an indistinctly addressed reference to the subject of the introductory clause. An illustration to the first subtype of such nominative absolute participial constructions may be the following example: Though being left out all night in the rain, the metal had not rusted. (Maugham) The secondary predicate (being left out) of the nominative absolute participial construction clearly refers to the noun of the matrix clause «metal». Consequently, its translation is easy: Метал хоч і пролежав цілу ніч під дощем, (він) не поіржавів. In opposition to this, in the second type of subjectless nominative absolute participial constructions the addressed referent in the introductory/matrix part of the sentence is not clearly indicated by the secondary predicate: Bobbing and bounding upon the spring cushions, silent, swaying to each motion of their chariot. Old Jolyon watched them drive away under the sunlight. (Galsworthy) The actions expressed by the participles of the nominative absolute participial constructions here refer to the pronoun they. Therefore, it is the secondary subject to the participles in this syntactic construction, which should be translated with the orientation on this pronoun: Старий Джоліон дивився як вони, мовчки похитуючись і підгуцаючи на пружинистих сидіннях брички, віддалялися в яскравому сонячному світлі. 4. The fourth structural type constitute nominative absolute participial constructions whose semantic reference to a part of the introductory clause (or to the clause as a whole) is quite vague and scarcely traced. As a result, such nominative absolute participial constructions function together with their secondary subjects as regular clauses of a semi-composite sentence. Though semantically not completely independent, these quasi-clauses are difficult to incorporate semantically and syntactically into Ukrainian sentences, which can be seen from the following sentence: She reached the lake and stood there staring at it, the wind whipping the thin night-gown around her body. (S.Sheldon) Neither the secondary subject (the wind) nor the secondary predicate (whipping the thin night-gown...) has any explicit syntactic and semantic connection with the introductory clause She reached the lake and stood there staring at it. The vague, almost untraced semantic connection of the quasi- clause with the introductory clause can be guessed, naturally, on the basis of the contextual environment from which some temporal sequence of actions can be seen: the wind whipped her nightgown after she had reached the lake. Hence, one of the translation versions may be as follows: Коли вона підішла до озера й стала, вдивляючись у нього, вітер затріпотів тонесенькою нічною сорочкою, що тісно облягала її тіло. Because of the vague temporal reference of actions expressed by the predicative complex/quasi-clause, which is actually independent syntactically, it can also be translated as a separate sentence: Вона підійшла до озера й стала, вдивляючись у нього. Шугнув вітер і затріпотів тоненькою нічною сорочкою, що тісно облягала її тіло. Therefore, translation of these secondary predication constructions is predetermined by some semantic and syntactic factors, the main of which are as follows: