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Class assignments. XV. Explain the rules of reading:

XV. Explain the rules of reading:


ward, word, always, world, watch, fall, call, walk, worthy, war, whole, when, where, why

XVI. Form the adjectives by means of the suffix '-y' and translate them:


air, word, health, water, risk, sun, salt, chalk

XVII. Put the given adjectives and nouns in proper pairs:

adjectives: hard, several, successful, whole, human, deep, clear nouns: head, body, knowledge, work, subjects, day, examination

XVIII. Extend the sentences choosing the necessary word combination from those given below:


1.... each term the students have tests and examinations, a) at the beginning of; b) at the end of 2. The medical students study Therapy... a) in the first year; b) in the third year

XIX. Translate the following word combinations into Russian:


1. into the lecture hall; from the lecture hall; 2. at the window; to the window; between the windows; 3. among the students; 4. at the lesson; 5. at about 5 o'clock; 6. on the 8th of March; 7. from 10 a. m.' (ante meridiem) till 2 p. m. (post meridiem); 8. during the session; 9. in April; 10. on Tuesday

XX. Translate the following word combinations into English:


1. вниз по руке; 2. ниже сердца; 3. за (позади) нашим общежитием; 4. во время лекции; 5. в течение трех дней; 6. лекарство от кашля; 7. рядом (около) больницы; 8. внутри брюшной полости; 9. к пяти часам; 10. с ше­сти до семи часов; 11. на уроке; 12. в восемь часов вечера; 13. десятого декабря 1990 г.


XXI. Translate into English:


1. Мы будем слушать лекцию по физике в четверг в И часов. 2. Эта лекция по произведениям Маяковского была для нас очень полезна. 3. У нас бывает много занятий по различным предметам с начала до конца семестра. 4. Каждый из семестров на первом курсе длится около 16-19 недель. 5. Студентам-медикам необходимо хорошо изучать анатомию.

XXII. Translate into English:


1. Вы пишете карандашом или шариковой авторучкой? 2. Вы ездите в институт троллейбусом или трамваем? 3. Вы сдаете зачеты в середине или в конце семестра? 4. Кто дает глубокие знания студентам?

XXIII. Make the sentences negative and then interrogative:


1. There are foreign newspapers on the table. 2. There will be a lecture at our Institute tomorrow. 3. There was a concert in the hall yesterday.

XXIV. Make up questions using the words given in brackets:


1. There are different scientific societies at our Institute, (what) 2. There was an interesting meeting in our group, (where) 3. There are many articles in this journal, (how many)

XXV. Put in the proper form of the verb 'to be'. Define the type of each sentence. Translate the sentences:


1. It... Wednesday today. 2. It... Tuesday yesterday. 3. It... Thursday tomorrow. 4.... it cold or warm today?

XXVI. Answer the following questions:


1. Is it hard or easy to study at the Medical Institute? 2. Was it warm or cold yesterday? 3. Will it be possible for you to perform operations next year or in five years? 4. Is it time to finish or to begin our English lesson?

XXVII. Change the tense according to the adverbs given in brackets:

1. We have several lectures today, (yesterday, tomorrow) 2. Our doctors perform numerous experiments, (last' month, next week) 3. Medical students take several credit tests at the end of the term, (at the end of the last term, at the end of the next term)

XXVIII. Read Text В and say a) what educational institutions are described in it; b) in what country they are; c) what difference there is between the academic year in our country and in that country:

Text В


The academic year in Britain's universities has three terms which are from the beginning of October to the middle of December, from the middle of January to the end of March and from the middle of April to the end of June or the beginning of July, that is there are 10 weeks in each term.

In a Teacher's Training College students have examinations at the end of each term, i. e. (that is) at the end of the autumn, spring and summer terms. Final examinations are at the end of a course of studies.

XXIX. Read the passages and answer the questions:


1. They are students. They like Anatomy best of all. At the end of the first term they have a credit test in English. At the end of the academic year they have exams in Latin, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. На каком курсе учатся эти студенты?

2. My friends study, too. They want to become doctors. They like Anatomy, and Physiology best of all. They also have such subjects as Geography, Chemistry, Mathematics, Literature and others. В каком учебном заведении учатся его друзья?

XXX. Memorize the abbreviations used in a dictionary. Name the part of speech:


chill n, care v, born a, book n, according adv, since cj, sinceprp, sent p. p., ourselves pron

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