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Завдання до теми

1. Прослуховування інтерв’ю міністра оборони США Дональда Рамсфілда телевізійному ведучому каналу ВВС Леррі Кінгу англійською мовою (Другий відеофрагмент). Завдання – зрозуміти сутність діалогу, його загальну тематику.

2. Прослуховування інтерв’ю з текстом англійською мовою. Розмітка тексту (паузи, тональність).

3. Повторювання тексту за мовцями, намагаючись копіювати інтонацію мовців.

4. Розпізнавання рекомендованої лексики та висловів у мові. Завдання – знайти англійські слова і вислови та записати їх українські еквіваленти, вивчити рекомендовану лексику.

5. Засвоєння лексики у мові.

8. Переклад інтерв’ю, спираючись на стенограму його запису.

9. Переклад інтерв’ю на слух без тексту, спочатку послідовно, потім синхронно.

Стенограма інтерв'ю:

KING: We're back with Secretary Rumsfeld. The public reaction to Iraq seems in all the polls to be kind of mixed, should we go, don't we go ~ I think it's running about the 58 percent to 42 percent. It changes. Hollywood celebrities have come — by the way, does that bother you, celebrities coming out against it?

RUMSFELD: I guess it doesn't. I think that people have a right in our country to say what they want to say and to think what they want to think.

KING: Do you think it's harmful for Sean Penn to go over to Baghdad and express feelings of support for them?

RUMSFELD: I was not. I didn't have enough free time to follow what he said or how he behaved himself. I just don't know. But it, net ~ net, I would say that the national dialogue on this subject has been a good one and an important one.

And the debate in the Congress and the discussion in the United Nations, and the discussions on television, in the press, we needed that.

This is a new century, with a new set of threats, and a new set of powerful, lethal weapons that threaten us. And we can't just go from the old world into this new world and not think that it doesn't take some time. It takes some thinking about it. We need to get our heads wrapped around these new concepts and these new dangers and these new ideas and these new problems, and new ways of dealing with problems.

So I think that the discussion has been generally pretty good, and I'm pleased that it's happened. Because I don't think you go from here to here in two minutes. You need to work yourself over there.

KING: It's also what a democracy is about.

RUMSFELD: You bet.

KING: I mean, you want — it has been reported — it has been reported...

RUMSFELD: There's the passive voice.

KING:... that you were upset with Bob Woodward's book " Bush at War."

RUMSFELD: Interesting.

KING: The word was that he got interviews with - certainly lengthy interviews with the president, two and a half hours, he got interviews with Powell, but that you didn't grant him that and therefore didn't come out as well. Anyway, your general comments on the book.

RUMSFELD: I've not read the book. I don't know what it said. I guess that wherever that came from - I'm - maybe I'm – let's just put it this way...

Рекомендована лексика (English)

1. public reaction

2. polls

3. celebrity

4. come out against

5. national dialogue

6. take time

7. take thinking

8. work oneself

9. be upset

10. the word is

Список рекомендованих виразів (English)

1. public reaction is kind of mixed

2. does that bother you?

3. celebrities are coming out against the war

4. We need to get our heads wrapped around these new concepts and these new dangers and these new ideas and these new problems, and new ways of dealing with problems.

5. It's what a democracy is about.

6. you bet

7. There's the passive voice.

8. wherever that came from

9. let's just put it this way...

Контрольні питання

1. Укажіть функціональне призначення текстів перекладу.

2. Схарактеризуйте основні етапи перекладу на слух.

3. Визначте вимоги до перекладу інформаційних повідомлень

Література: [1, с. 27–41; 2, c. 99–111; 3, c. 57–74; 10, с. 137–151]

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