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Religion. Christianity - христианство

Christianity - христианство

Orthodox - православие

Old Believers - старообрядцы

Catholicism - католичество

Protestantism - протестантство

Judaism - иудаизм

Jewish communities - еврейские общины

Hinduism - индуизм

Islam - ислам

Clergy - духовенство

World Council of Churches - всемирный совет церквей

Priest - священник

Rabbi - раввин

Mufti - муфтий

Muslim - мусульманин

Patriarch - Патриарх

Metropolitan - Митрополит

the Pope - Папа римский

Pilgrim - паломник

Old/ New Testament – Ветхий/ Новый Завет

the Commandments - Десять Заповедей

the Gospels - Евангелие

Koran - Коран

the Bible - Библия


A strike action (or simply a strike) is when a large number of workers stop working in protest. Strikes are usually done by a labor union to get better pay, hours, or working conditions. In many countries, it is against the law to strike. In other countries, people who strike are protected under certain conditions.

Strikes generally take the form of a picket line. The workers walk in front of where they work, chanting and holding signs. Workers on strike usually do not stop people from crossing the picket line. However, some people will not cross a picket line to buy something from the company. This is a way of showing solidarity (or support) for the union. Most unions will also not cross a picket line and do business with companies on strike.


Ex.1. Match the words with their definitions


1. Wildcat strike a) a method of non-violent resistance or pressure in which participants fast as an act of political protest, or to provoke feelings of guilt in others, usually with the objective to achieve a specific goal, such as a policy change.
2. Sympathy strike   b) a strike that is done to get the company to adopt more environmentally friendly practices.
3. Slowdown strike c) is a form of civil disobedience in which an organized group of workers, usually employed at a factory or other centralized location, take possession of the workplace by " sitting down" at their stations, effectively preventing their employers from replacing them with strikebreakers or, in some cases, moving production to other locations.
4. Green ban d) a strike when the workers are still working, but very slowly. It is usually done when workers are not allowed to have a full strike.
5. Sit-down strike   e) a strike that is not approved by the labor union
6. Hunger strike f) a strike that is done to support another group of workers on strike

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