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He should throw ghee-soaked wood into the fire silently.
He should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyä hå ti Homa: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù gä yatré chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä vyasta samasta mahä vyä hrti home viniyogaù oà bhü r svä hä - idam viñ ë ave idam na mama oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù uñ ë ik chandaù ç ré acyuto devatä vyasta samasta mahä vyä hrti home viniyogaù oà bhuvaù svä hä - idam acyutä ya idam na mama oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré nä rä yaë o devatä vyasta samasta mahä vyä hrti home viniyogaù oà svaù svä hä - idam nä rä yaë ä ya idam na mama oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù bå hati chandaù ç ré ananto devatä vyasta samasta mahä vyä hrti home viniyogaù oà bhü r bhuvaù svaù svä hä - idam anantä ya idam na mama He should offer ghee, Viñ ë u caraë ä må ta and prasä dam into the fire saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù paì ktiù chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä ç oñ yanté home viniyogaù oà viñ ë o yä tiraç cé nipadyate ahaà vidharané iti tä à ghå tasya dhä rayä yaje saà rä dhané m ahaà saà rä dhanyai devyai deñ ö ryai idaà tvat prasä dä må taà svä hä “O Viñ ë u, I worship with streams of ghee the Lord’s consort, who is pleased by our worship and who brings forth the child. I offer this nectarean prasä dam to the merciful consort of the Lord.” oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré vipaç cin-mahä -viñ ë uù devatä ç oñ yanté home viniyogaù oà vipaç cit mahä viñ ë uù puccham abharat tat dhä tä punaù ä harat pare ehi tvaà vipaç cit mahä viñ ë uù pumä n ayaà janiñ yate (name of future child).dä sa ç arma nä ma svä hä “Lord, perform this sacred rite in the future. My son, named.........., will be born.” @footnote: It is mentioned in små ti that the name given at this time is a secret name only known to the parents, as a matter of protection for the child. The official name is given at the time of the Nä ma Kä raë a saà skä ra. He should them perform Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyä hå ti Homa and should throw wood into the fire without mantra. He should perform Ñ ä ö yä yana Homa, Vä madevya Gä ë am and the other rites of Udicya Karma. He should give dakñ ië ä to the initiated Vaiñ ë avas and brä hmaë as. This is the Ç oñ yanté Homa according to the followers of the Sä ma Veda. Jä ta Karma (Ceremony at Birth): @footnote: Jä ta karma is performed immediately upon the birth of the child, within the sutika gå ha. This ceremony is also called medha janana, a ceremony to produce intelligence in the child. When the child emerges from the womb the covering should be removed and the child should be cleaned. The father should say: mä nä bhià kå ntata stanyaï ca mä datta “Do not cut the umbilical cord. Do not give the breast milk.” The father should bathe, and then recite prayers to guru paramparä and viñ ë u smaraë am(see the maì galä caraë a at the beginning of the book). A brahmacä ri, young girl, pregnant mother, Vaiñ ë ava scholar or initiated Vaiñ ë ava should, on a washed stone slab, grind rice and barely into a powder using an unused stone. The father should take the powder using the thumb and ring finger of his right hand, saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré ananto devatä bré hiyavacü rë ena jihvä -mä rjjane viniyogaù oà iyaà ä jï ä idaà annaà idaà ä yuù idaà ghå tam “Here is the order. Here is rice (sustenance). Here is long life. Here is ghee.” He should place the powder and some ghee on the tongue of the newborn child, using a golden spoon, saying: @footnote: Ghee is used because, according to Ä yurveda it produces beauty, memory, intellect, talent, lustre, strong semen and long life. oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré mä dhava-hari-vä manä cyutä nantä devatä ù kumä rasya sarpiù prä ç ane viniyogaù oà medhä à te mä dhava vä manau medhä à hariù dadhä tu medhä à te acyutä nantau ä dhattä à puñ kara srajau svä hä “May Mä dhava, Vä mana, and Hari give you intelligence. May Acyuta and Ananta, wearing lotus garlands, bestow intelligence to you.” He should give ghee again saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù gä yatré chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä kumä rasya sarpiù prä ç ane viniyogaù oà sadasi ati priyaà kå ñ ë asya kä myaà sanià medhä à ayä siñ am svä hä “At this place I have attained the most precious boon, intelligence for understanding Kå ñ ë a.” He should give permission to cut the cord by saying: nä bhià kå ntata stanyaï ca datta “Cut the cord, give milk.”