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You are the worshippable absolute truth and the source of all pleasurable experience. Being strong, You break the opposition of the foes.
You are the protector of those who sing Your praises. You are affectionate to those who accept You as a friend. Be with us a hundred times, to give us protection, O.” oà svasti no govindaù svasti no ’cyutä nantau svasti no vä sudevo viñ ë ur dadhä tu svasti no nä rä yaë o naro vai svasti naù padmanä bhaù puruñ ottamo dadhä tu svasti no viç vakseno viç veç varaù svasti no hå ñ ikeç o harir dadhä tu svasti no vainateyo hariù svasti no ’njanä suto hanur bhä gavato dadhä tu svasti svasti sumaì galai keç o mahä n ç ré kå ñ ë aù saccidä nanda ghanaù sarveç vareç varo dadhä tu oà dyauù ç ä ntiù antarikñ ag¯ ç ä ntiù prithivé ç ä ntiù ä paù ç ä ntiù vä yuù ç ä ntiù tejaù ç ä ntiù oñ adhayaù ç ä ntiù lokä ù ç ä ntiù brä hmaë a ç ä ntiù vaiñ ë ava ç ä ntiù ç ä ntir astu dhå tir astu oà ç ä ntiù oà ç ä ntiù oà ç ä ntiù “May there be peace in the heavenly planets, in the ether, on the earth, in the water, in the air, in the light, in the herbs, in all the planetary systems, with the brä hmaë as, with the Vaiñ ë avas. Let there be peace, let there be satisfaction.” He should give dakñ ië ä to the Vaiñ ë avas that have paï carä trika initiation and to the brä hmaë as present, according to his ability. The hotå should chant the acchidra-vä cana and vaiguë yasamä daë a (to allay any faults) To the best of his abilitiy, he should serve all the elevated Vaiñ ë avas and other living entities with great care. The devotees should perform Kå ñ ë a-saà ké rtana as nicely as possible. The groom should pay daë ò avatas to all. This is the udicya karma. This ends the Vivä ha rites. Garbhä dhä nam (Impregnation): In the morning, the husband after performing ä camana and his daily sandhyä rites should chant the Puruñ a Sü kta and according to the scriptural rules, worship Lord Nä rä yaë a and His Vaiñ ë ava pä rñ adas. That same evening at an auspicious time, he should mix cow-urine, mud and water and smear it on the ground. He should face a Deity of the Lord or Ç ré Ç ä lä grä ma and after reciting the Viñ ë u Smaraë am and Svasti Vä canam, he should offer an arghya1 to the Ç ä lagrä ma or the Deity of the house in a conch or earthen vessel five times with the following mantras. oà jagannä tha mahä bä ho sarvopadrava nä ç ana nava puñ potsave me’rghyaà gå hä ë a jagadé ç vara etad-arghyaà - oà ç ré viñ ë ave namaù oà nä rä yaë a hare rä ma govinda garuò a-dhvaja navapuñ potsve me ’rghyaà gå hä ë a parameç vara etad-arghyam - oà ç ré viñ ë ave namaù oà dé nabandho kå pä sindho paramä nanda mä dhava navapuñ potsave me’rghyaà gå hä ë a madhusü dana etad-arghyaà - oà ç ré viñ ë ave namaù oà viç vä tman viç vabandho viç veç a viç valocana navapuñ potsave me’rghyaà gå hä ë a syä masundara etad-arghyaà - oà ç ré viñ ë ave namaù oà cidä nanda hå ñ ikeç a bhaktavaç ya janä rdana navapuñ potsave me’rghyaà gå hä ë a kamalä pate etad-arghyaà - oà ç ré viñ ë ave namaù “Oh Supreme Lord, at this festive occasion with fresh flowers please accept the arghya offered by me.” With the worship of Lord Viñ ë u and the Vaiñ ë avas completed, he should procede to the place where he will unite with his wife. Before offering the arghya, or just before the act of union, the husband should be clean and decorated with sandalwood pulp and wearing nice cloth. The husband facing East, should situate himself behind his seated wife. With his right hand reaching over her right shoulder he should touch her yoni saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë u acyuta hari jagadé ç ä devatä garbhä dhä ne viniyogaù oà viñ ë uù yonià kalpayatu acyuto rü pä ni pià ç atu ä siï catu hariù garbhaà jagadé ç o dadhä tu te “May Viñ ë u prepare the yoni; may Acyuta fashion the forms; may Hari carry out the fertilization; may Jagadé ç a present the child to you.” oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré garbhodaç ä yi nara-nä rä yaë o devatä garbhä dhä ne viniyogaù oà garbhaà dhehi garbhodaç ä yin garbhaà te naranä rä yaë au ä dhattä à puñ kara srajau “Garbhodaç ä yi Viñ ë u please bestow the child; Nara-Nä rä yaë a, bedecked with lotus garlands, please give her the child.” Touching her navel he should say: oà dé rghä yuñ aà kå ñ ë a bhaktaà putraà janaya suvrate “Oh virtuous wife, bear a long-living son, a devotee of Kå ñ ë a.”