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He should perform Udicya Karma.
· Bhojana: The groom should take mahä prasä dam rice saying the following mantras: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä mahä prasä dä nna bhojane viniyogaù oà ç ré mahä prasä dä nnenä nena prä ë a sü treë a viñ ë unä badhnä mi satya granthinä manaç ca hå dayam ca te “By this mahä prasä dam, the thread of life, By Viñ ë u, by the knot of highest truth, I bind your mind and heart.” oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä ç ré viñ ë u-vaiñ ë ava-sevana-karmasu dampatyoù hå dayaikya-prä thane viniyogaù yad etad hå dayaà tava tad astu hå dayaà mama tad idaà hå dayaà mama tad astu hå dayaà tava “What is your heart, let that be my heart. What is my heart, let that be yours.” oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù dvipä jjagaté chandaù ç ré hariù devatä annasutoi viniyogaù oà annaà prä ë asya paì ktià ç aù tena badhnä mi tvä (wife’s name) asau “This is nourishment for the five airs of life. By this I bind you,........devé (wife’s name).” The groom should eat, then the bride should eat the remnants. For three nights the wife should take mahä prasä dam only and maintain brahmacä rya, sleeping on the ground, (not on a bed). · Yä nä rohaë a (mounting the vehicle): On the fourth morning after the wedding, the husband should lead the wife to a vehicle saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù triñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä yä nä rohaë e viniyogaù oà su kià ç ukaà ç ä lmalià viç varü paà suvarë a-varë aà sukå taà sucakraà ä roha sü rye amå tasya nä bhià syonaà patye vahatuà kå ë uñ va “Oh effulgent woman, mount this golden well-made carriage, with fine wheels, containing the whole universe, the source of immortality, bright as the sun. Make it carry you to your husband’s house.” At the crossing of four roads, while travelling he should say: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä catuñ pathä dyä -mantraë e viniyogaù oà mä vidan paripanthino yä sé danti dampaté sugebhir dü rgamaté tamp-adrä ntu rä tayaù “May those that oppose the couple not succeed. May we pass the hard journey pleasantly. May the foes melt away.” Stepping from the vehicle the groom should sing the Vä madevya Gä nam. He should lead the bride into his house. Some married women with children should seat the bride comfortably and the groom will say: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù anuñ ö up chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä ä sano-paveç ane viniyogaù oà iha gä vaù prajä yadhvam ihä ç vä iha puruñ aù iho premna samarcito ç ré vä sudevo virä jatä m “Here may the cows, the horses and the men multiply with offspring. Here may Viñ ë u, worshipped with love, remain glorious.” · Dhå ti Homa: Entering his house, the groom should perform Kuç andikä rites, establishing the fire named “dhå ti”, perform silent homa with ghee-soaked wood, and then Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyä hå ti Homa. He will then offer eight oblations of ghee saying: oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù bå haté chandaù ç ré viñ ë uù devatä dhå ti home viniyogaù oà iha dhå tiù svä hä “May constancy reign in this house” oà iha svadhå tiù svä hä “May self control reign in this house.” oà iha ratiù svä hä “May there be delight here.” oà iha ramasva svä hä “Please enjoy this house.” oà mayi dhå tiù svä hä “May constancy reign within me.” oà mayi svadhå tiù svä hä “May self control prevail within me.” oà mayi ramaù svä hä “May there be delight for me. “ oà mayi ramasva svä hä “May you find pleasure in me.” He should perform Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyä hå ti Homa, and offer ghee-soaked wood into the fire silently. The bride should give salutations to his family, stating her father’s gotra: (father’s gotra) gotrasya ç ré (her own name) ahaà bho bhavataù abhivä daye “I, named......, of........gotra, pay my respects to you.” He should perform Ñ ä ö yä yana Homa, recite the Vä madevya Gä ë am prayers, perform the other rites of Udicya Karma and give gifts to the priests and Vaiñ ë avas. · Caturthé Homa: After the Dhå ti Homa, on the fourth day after the marriage, the husband should perform Kuç andikä rites and call the fire named “Ç ikhi” After silently offering ghee soaked wood into the fire and performing Vyasta Samasta Mahä vyahrti Homa the husband should place his wife on his right side and place a pot of water mixed with tulasé, candana, flowers and kuç a on the South side of the fire. The husband should offer twenty oblations of ghee into the fire with the following mantras (as prä yaç citta to remove any elements in his wife that oppose faith in Lord Viñ ë u).