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Asya__karmano (function)

homa karmä ë i kå tä kå tavekñ ana rü pa brahma tvena bhavantaà ahaà vå ne

“On this day of ______, in the month of ______, in the lunar fortnight of ______, on the lunar day of ______, on the occasion of ______, I choose you as brahma for supervising the proper execution of the rituals.”

The brahma replies:

“oà vå to ’smi”

“I have been selected”

The groom says:

“oà yathä yatham brahma kä ma kuru”

“Please perform your activities in a befitting way”

The brahma should reply:

“oà yathä jï ä naà karavä à ”

“May I perform to the best of my abilities”

· The groom, taking the water vessel, should proceed to the South side of the fire and at a distance of one aratni (distance from elbow to tip of little finger) from the fire, sprinkle water towards the East, and over that he should place kuç a grass with tips facing East.

· Then facing West with the strewn kuç a in front of him, he should take one blade of that strewn kuç a in the thumb and ring finger of the left hand and throw it in the Southwest direction, saying:

oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré viñ ë uù devatä

tå ë anirasane viniyogaù

oà nirasthaù parä vasuù

“The depleter of fortune has been thrown away.”

· Facing North with the right foot pressing the left foot, the groom should sprinkle water on the strewn kuç a and then seat the brahma on the kuç a, facing him towards the North (in the case of a kuç amaya brahma, he should face the East). Touching water, he should say to the brahma:

oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù

triñ ö up chandaù

ç ré viñ ë uù devatä

vaiñ ë ava-brahmo-pareç ane viniyogaù

oà ä vasoù sadane sé da

“Sit on this seat of wealth.”

The brahma replies:

sé dä mi

“I sit.”

· The groom should offer the Brahma some mahä prasä da, candana, kum-kum, fruit, sweets, etc. to honor him. Retracing his steps to the East side of the fire he should sit.

· To nullify any mistakes during the sacrifice, the brahma says:

oà prajä patiù viñ ë u å ñ iù

gä yatré chandaù

ç ré viñ ë uù devatä

ayaï jiya vä g-vacanimita jape viniyogaù

oà idaà viñ ë uù vicakrame

tredhä nidadhe padaà

samudham asya pä gà ç ule

“Viñ ë u has stridden here. He has placed three pure steps on this earth.”

· Caru Sthä pana (Placing the caru or cooked grains):

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