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B) a catcall

c) a catnap


5) When they say …, they mean “a small mistake in a law that makes it possible to avoid doing something that the law is supposed to make you do”:

a) a loophole

b) an eyesore

c) a gimmick


6)“A top ten, chart-buster, favorite, hot item, hot seller, mover, number one, record-breaker, success, winner” are synonyms for:

a) a best-seller

b) a catcall

c) a windfall


7) When they say …, they mean “a short sleep in a chair (not in bed):

a) a blackout

b) a catnap

c) a snag


8)“Acme, culmination, height, high point, high spot, peak, pinnacle, prime time, salad days, time, zenith” are synonyms for:

a) a heyday

b) a windfall

c) an eye-opener


9) When they say …, they mean “a sudden clever thought or idea”:

a) a bottleneck

b) a perk

c) a brainwave


10) “Advantage, benediction, blessing, boon, good, manna, stroke of luck” are synonyms for:

a) a perk

b) a windfall

c) a best-seller


11) When they say …, they mean “something very unpleasant to look at”:

a) an eyesore

b) an eye-opener

c) a gimmick


12)“Advantage, bonus, dividend, extra, fringe benefit, gratuity, gravy, lagniappe, largess, perquisite, plus, tip” are synonyms for:

a ) a perk

b) a heyday

c) a loophole


13) When they say …, they mean “a situation or event from which you learn something surprising or something that you didn’t know before”:

a) a windfall

b) an eye-opener

c) an eye-sore


14) When they say …, they mean “a place where the road narrows so that a traffic jam is quickly formed”:

a) a snag

b) a bottleneck

c) a blackout


II. Rephrase following text using new idiom.


It was (1) the most successful period of our organization. Nowadays every white-collar worker has (2) some extra advantages on top of his regular salary. The main reason of this success was (3) a sudden clever idea of our boss. I suppose that if he decides to write a book about our job, it will be (4) a very successful book! (5) People will learn a lot of surprising from this book, I’m sure.



1) a heyday

2) a perk

3) a brainwave

4) a beat-seller

5) this book will be an eye-opener



1. When someone always gels up early, we call such person…:


a) an early bird

b) a guinea pig

c) a scapegoat


2. When they sat …, they mean someone who spoils the pleasure of other people:


a) a troublemaker

b) a skinflint

c) a killjoy


3. A worker who does an office job can be called:


a) a blue-collar worker

b) a white-collar worker

c) a pink-collar worker


4. “Paul Pry, busybody, gossip, inquisitive person, meddler, snoop, snooper, yenta” are synonyms for:


a) a rolling stone

b) a jailbird

c) a nosy parker


5. “Scrooge, hoarder, miser, moneygrubber, penny-pincher, pinch fist, pinchpenny, tightwad” are synonyms for:

a) a skinflint

b) a night owl

c) a jailbird


6. “Johnny-on-the-spot, early comer, early riser, first arrival, first comer, first on the scene” are synonyms for:


a) a scapegoat

b) an early bird

c) a troublemaker




1 – a

2 – c

3 – b

4 – c

5 – a

6 - b




Idiom Translation Original
A stone’s throw Рукой подать  
A stag party Мальчишник  
A busman’s holiday Отдых, проведённый за обычной работой  
A status symbol Показатель положения в обществе  
A dead-end job Бесперспективная работа  
(do) the donkey work Ишачить  
The shortlist Окончательный список  
(use) Elbow grease Отдраивать  
A traffic jam Пробка Jam is very sticky, so we usually say get stuck in a traffic jam.
(pay) chicken feed Очень мало платить  
A nest egg Деньги на черный день, заначка The allusion is to putting a real or china egg into a hen's nest to encourage her to lay. The connection between this and the 'savings' meaning isn't exactly clear. It may be that the idea was that the egg that was put into the nest could be later retrieved, after the hen had laid.
The last straw Последняя капля  
Teething problems Трудности на первых порах If a baby is teething, its first teeth are growing and it is often uncomfortable or unwell.
Child’s play Очень легко, проще пареной репы  
Hush money Взятка за молчание Hush is a slang word we use when we want someone to be silent.


I. Choose the right answer:


1. The Vicar of Surle, a tiny hamlet by the sea, was to be seen every evening in the public house… from his vicarage:

a) a stone's throw

b) the last straw

c) a traffic jam


2. She claimed that the minister had offered her … to keep their child a secret:

a) a stag party

b) a nest egg

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