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Once upon a time there was a boy called Jim who disliked going halves with anybody because he was very greedy. One day he decided to stretch his legs and to go to the forest. It was a dark dark forest, the owls were hooting, the wolves were howling and it was going to storm, but nothing could stopped the boy. He didn’t smell a rat and went on his way. But suddenly Jim saw a strange man on his way. It was a wizard who decided to test the boy.

‘ Where are you going? ’ said he.

‘It is not your business’- snarled Jim. The wizard flew off the handle and said to the boy:

‘For your rudeness you’ll be punished! Until you pop the question to a beautiful girl who will fall in love with you, you’ll live in this forest alone! ’

Jim lost his nerve, he already wasn’t so courageous because he imagined that he won’t be able to surf the net and watch TV anymore. Jim was going to cry, but the wizard made up his mind and forgave the boy. And they buried the hatchet and became good friends.

The end.



Переведите с русского на английский:

1. Между братьями все должно делиться поровну (Go halves)

2. Ты допустил серьезный промах, сказав, что это платье ее полнит (Drop a clanger)

3. Ты ведь никому не проболтаешься, верно? (Spill the beans)

4. Если ты будешь все время сидеть в интернете, то скоро станешь самым плохим учеником в классе. (Surf the net)

5. Страны заключили мир, после окончания войны. (Bury the hatchet)

6. Перестаньте постоянно говорить о своей работе! (Talk shop)

7. На улице прекрасная погода, хватит сидеть у компьютера- пойдем прогуляемся! (Stretch sb’s legs)

8. Они встречаются всего лишь 2 месяца, а он уже сделал ей предложение. (Pop the question)

9. Джим всегда злится, если кто-то трогает его вещи. (Fly off the handle)

10. Она не может выступать на публике, т.к. волнуется и не может выловить ни слова. (Lose sb’s nerve)

11. Друзья Эрика кажутся мне подозрительными. Я подозреваю что-то недоброе(Smell a rat)

12. Шеф узнал, что его подчиненные подделывали бумаги и тут де всех уволил. (Cook the books)

Unit 51. (Алена Соколова: 51-54)



To be fighting fit Быть абсолютно здоровым From the boxing fraternity. Boxers train especially hard for big fights.
As right as rain Чувствовать себя прекрасно (после болезни) There have been expressions starting right as... since medieval times, always in the sense of something being satisfactory, safe, secure or comfortable. Right as rain is a latecomer to this illustrious collection of curious similes.
To feel run down Чувствовать себя усталым и больным  
To look the picture of health Иметь очень хорошее здоровье To be the best example of a healthy person.
To be given a clean bill of health Получить официальное подтверждение об идеальном состоянии здоровья This widely used term has its origins in the " Bill of Health", a document issued to a ship showing that the port it sailed from suffered from no epidemic or infection at the time of departure.
To look like death warmed up Выглядеть очень усталым или больным The person may look pale and drawn - as if dead - but is clearly still alive, like a 'corpse' being revived by the fire.
Not right in the head Сумасшедший  
Still going strong Все еще активный и здоровый  
To be up and about Быть в состоянии подняться с кровати после болезни  
To be on your last legs Быть смертельно больным “на грани жизни и смерти” When you run a great distance and you are about to crumple, the legs feel as if they are no longer part of the body. Those wobbly and exhausted legs could be described as your " last legs" as if they were something different and not just the normal ones in that state.
Hanging by a thread Быть в опасной ситуации, “жизнь на волоске висит” It’s going from the Ancient Greeks' legend about the three sisters in Hades that controlled all men's lives. One made the thread, the other spread it, and the third one, destiny, cut the thread at any time she pleased. Our lives are always hanging by a thread.
To take a turn for the worse/better Становится лучше/хуже This idiom employs turn in the sense of " a reversal".
To feel under the weather Неважно чувствовать себя This comes from a maritime source. In the old days, when a sailor was unwell, he was sent down below to help his recovery, under the deck and away from the weather.
To recharge your batteries Вернуться в привычное состояние You recharge your batteries if you do something to regain your energy after a period of hard work. Metaphorical, and related to the fact that batteries are used to power devices and can be recharged when necessary.
To feel below par / not to be up to par Чувствовать себя слабым, немного приболевшим «Par» - from Latin pā r " equal, that which is equal, equality". Meaning " average or usual amount" is first attested 1767. To feel below par or not to be up to par – not as good as the standard or average.
To catch a cold Подхватить простуду  
To feel out of sorts Плохо себя чувствовать Since at least the 17th century 'sorts' has been the name of the letters used by typographers. For sets of type blocks to be 'out of sorts' would clearly be unwelcome to a typesetter.
To have one foot in the grave Быть очень старым и больным Its meaning is fairly straightforward. Your 'grave' is where you are buried when you die, and if you have 'one foot' already in the grave, then you must be very close to the end of your life.
To lay someone to rest Похоронить кого-либо An expression meaning to bury someone, used when you want to avoid saying this directly. Literally you place someone in a grave or tomb, and he rests there forever.

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