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Упражнения. 1. He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him.
Заполните пропуски: 1. He gave his word that he would marry her and she had no cause to doubt him. 2. It's a secret, so don't give the game away, will you? 3. An Indian was following, but Boone gave him the slip by running down a hill. 4. Give me a bell sometime next week, won't you? 5. I've told Steve I'm not interested, but he keeps asking me out - he won't take no for an answer. 6. I know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on me! 7. The concert takes place in the club “Milk” next Thursday. 8. I think he isn’t very honest person you should be careful or he'll take you for a ride. 9. You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt, she does tend to exaggerate. 10. When the thieves saw the police coming, they took to their heels. 11. My doctor's told me to take things easy for a while because I have to relax. 12. The Beatles took the world by storm. 13. The audience gave a big hand when the bend appeared on stage. 14. He refused to give me a hand despite the fact that I had serious problems. 15. My sister didn’t want to work overtime that’s why she was given the sack. 16. After days of arguing, the peace talks are now at a dead end. Their final offer was 1 million- take it or leave it. Замените синонимами:
1. Our meeting will be held at the central square at 10 a.m. (take place) 2. The people had been clapping their hands for long time because the actors’ play was excellent. (give a big hand) 3. Some people think it isn’t polite not to call before your coming. (give a bell) 4. “ That’s my last word! ” my boss told to me yesterday. It means that I have to accept or refuse his offer completely. (take it or leave it) 5. Ann is really down in the dumps because her boyfriend cheated her and stole all her jewelry! (Take someone for a ride) 6. The results of the vote are quite predictable. If I were toy I wouldn’t believe everything you watch on television. (Take something with a pinch of salt) 7. Everyone will be better if tries to help other people. (Give a hand give/lend sb a helping hand) 8. Many office workers were fired during the financial crisis. (give the sack) 9. I wish I could run faster! Then the pickpocket won’t have escaped from me( give smb. the slip) 10. They promised that the debt would be repaid promptly. (Give your word) 11. “Stop working off your bad temper on your brother! ” The mother told to her son. (Take it out on someone) 12. Jane is so capricious and she never allows anyone to refuse what she wants. (not take no for an answer) 13. The new rock band had been on the top of the hit-parade very quick. They are very talented. (Take something by storm) 14. When they saw the soldiers coming, they started running. (take to their heels) 15. You should just relax and not work too hard. It’s the only way to avoid stress.(Take things easy) Переведите на английский: 1. Мероприятие пройдет на главной площади. (take place) 2. Мне кажется, что Вероника меня обманывала - она всегда была не честна с окружающими. (Take someone for a ride) 3. Не будь такой наивной! Не нужно верить всему, что тебе говорят. (Take something with a pinch of salt) 4. Услышав подъезжающую машину, воры бросились наутек. (Take to one’s heels) 5. Так просто он от тебя не отстанет - он не умеет мириться с отказом. ((not) take no for an answer) 6. У Тома был плохой день, и он сорвал всю злобу на родных.(Take it out on someone) 7. Эти ребята просто взорвали хит-парады! (Take something by storm) 8. Не принимай близко к сердцу! Все будет хорошо. (Take things easy) 9. Это мое последнее слово, решение за тобой. (Take it or leave it) 10. Они пообещали никогда не оставлять друг друга в беде. (Give your word) 11. Патрик был в шоке, когда узнал, что Лиан проболталась. (Give the game away) 12. Я не ходил на занятия уже месяц, поэтому я избегаю мистера Смита. (give smb. the slip) 13. Игра актеров была поразительна, зал взорвался от аплодисментов. (Give a big hand) 14. Нужно всегда помогать людям, которые нуждаются в нашей поддержке. (Give a hand) 15. Позвони мне перед тем, как зайдешь, хорошо? (give sb a bell) 16. Он был уволен за частые прогулы. (give the sack) Распределите слова по столбиками
Place, the sack, a bell, a hand, for a ride, word, by storm, a big hand, a game away, no for an answer, with a pinch of salt, to one’s heels, a slip, things easy
Упражнения Заполните пропуски: 1) If he keeps flying off the handle like that, he'll have problems with his heart. 2) Mary's friends were going to have a surprise birthday party for her, but Jack spilled the beans. (give away, blurt out a secret; let the cat out of the bag) 3) Every time Tom visits me, one of my ashtrays disappears. I'm beginning to smell a rat. ( To be suspicious; feel that something is wrong.) 4) He always loses his nerve when he has to make a speech in public.(to become tongue-tied, lose one's tongue) 5) The girl bought a box of candy and went halves with her roommate.(To share half, syn.: go snacks, go shares, go fifty-fifty) 6) He dropped down on one knee and popped the question (make a proposition) 7) The two men had been enemies for a long time, but after one case they buried the hatchet. (To settle a quarrel; make peace.) 8) Two physicists were talking shop, and I hardly understood what they said. (To talk about things in your work.) 9) You’ve been watching the TV-set for 2 hours! Let’s go out and stretch your legs (take a walk, promenade, go for a walk) 10) Harry was so startled that he nearly kicked the bucket. (KICK OFF, die) 11) He felt very embarrassing when he realized what he had said to her. He dropped a clanger ( drop a brick, put one's foot in it) 12) They fired the manager because he was cooking the books. ( 13) My mother couldn’t surf the Net that’s why she can’t download the “Big Bang Theory” by herself. (use the internet/web) Выберите правильный вариант When they say ‘go halves’ they mean a) to divide the cost of something with someone b) To stop at a place for a short time while going somewhere. c) To give up part of what you want or to do your share in reaching an agreement with someone. ‘Cook the books’ a) to change numbers dishonestly in the accounts (= financial records) of an organization, especially in order to steal money from it b) make the book for dinner c) read the book from cover to cover ‘Pop the question’ a) to get an understanding of the question b) make a proposal c) make a speech ‘Surf the net’ a) watch TV-set b) to spend time visiting a lot of websites c) to surf the waves ‘Bury the hatchet’ a) to drip the hatchet b) to stop an argument and become friends again c) to lay to rest friends or relatives ‘Talk shop’ a) to talk about shopping b) to talk briefly c) to talk about your job with those you work with when not at work ‘Stretch sb’s legs’ a) broke sb’s legs b) to go for a walk, especially after sitting in the same position for a long time c) to relax in front of TV ‘Drop a clanger’ a) write a letter b) to make a mistake c) to do or say something which makes you feel embarrassed ‘Kick the bucket’ a) to die b) to kick the habit c) to be alive and kicking ‘Lose sb’s nerve’ a) to become inpatient b) to lose courage to do smth c) to lose an expensive thing ‘Spill the beans’ a) to tell people the secret b) to scatter the beans c) to get into trouble ‘Fly off the handle’ a) to suddenly become very angry b) to lose your temper c) shout at sb ‘Smell a rat’ a) to feel stink b) to be afraid of the rats c) to recognize that something dishonest is happening