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C) the odd one out



1 – c

2 – b

3 – b

4 – a

5 – b

6 – c

II. Translate following text using new idiom (there are eight of them here):


Хочу раскрыть тебе некоторые секреты этой профессии. Во-первых, политику очень помогает подвешенный язык. Если у тебя есть этот талант и ты не делаешь оговорок, то для тебя будет проще пареной репы выигрывать любые споры. Во-вторых, ты должен быть уверен, что у тебя не спрятаны скелеты в шкафу, иначе твой успех рискует стать однодневкой. Тебе следует знать всё наверняка, не тыкать пальцем в небо. Помни, что твоя работа – всего лишь капля в море, но море не существовало бы без таких капель.


I want to show you some tricks of the trade. Firstly, to be a politician it helps if you have the gift of the tongue. If you have this talent and don’t do any slips of tongue, it will be a piece of cake for to win all the discussions. Secondly, you should be sure that you haven’t got any skeletons in the cupboard or your success risks become a flash on the pan. You should know everything for sure, without shots in the dark. Remember, that your job is just a drop in the ocean, but ocean doesn’t exist without such drops.


Рословцева Кристина 23-27


Come to nothing кончиться ничем; не иметь последствий    
Come a cropper а) упасть вниз головой б) потерпеть крах   Cropper-падение; провал
Come clean признаваться, говорить правду      
Go ballistic прийти в ярость   ballistic -баллистический
Come down in the world потерять состояние, положение в обществе; опуститься, деградировать  
Come into force вступать в силу  
Come to a head дойти до критической точки    
Come to light обнаружиться  
Go bust Обанкротиться Bust- неудача, провал; банкротство
Go Dutch " по-голландски" — это означает, что на вечеринке каждый платит за себя The phrase " going Dutch" originates from the concept of a Dutch door(half door). Previously on farmhouses this consisted of two equal parts. Another school of thought is that it may be related to Dutch etiquette. In the Netherlands, it was not unusual to pay separately when going out as a group. When dating in a one-on-one situation, however, the man will most commonly pay for meals and drinks. English rivalry with the Netherlands especially during the period of the Anglo-Dutch Wars gave rise to several phrases including Dutch that promote certain negative stereotypes. Examples include Dutch oven, Dutch courage, Dutch uncle and Dutch wife.


Переведите на английский:

1. Арестованный долгие часы запирался, но потом всё-таки раскололся и признался, что это он украл драгоценности. (come clean)

2. Мирные переговоры дошли до критической точки: завтра они либо увенчаются успехом либо будут прекращены. (Come to a head)

3. Футбольная команда потерпела крах. (Come a cropper)

4. Все наши планы кончились ничем. ( Come to nothing)

5. Многие компании обанкротились за последние три месяца. (Go bust)

6. После того, как Энн и Роберт расстались, многие факты стали известны. (Come to light)

7. Закон вступит в силу через три дня. (Come into force)

8. После того случая, когда он потерял свое состояние, он так и не смог оправиться. (Come down in the world)

9. Он был просто в ярости из-за её отказа. (Go ballistic)

10. Они договорились, что каждый платит сам за себя. (Go Dutch)


a) не иметь последствий b) узнать, обнаружить что-то c) стать банкротом, потерять все сбережения d) Делить расходы поровну e) достичь апогея f) вступить в силу g) потерять статус в обществе h) признаться i) прийти в ярость j) потерпеть полную неудачу


1. Come to nothing

2. Come a cropper

3. Come clean

4. Go ballistic

5. Come down in the world

6. Come into force

7. Come to a head

8. Come to light

9. Go bust

10. Go Dutch




1-a, 2-j, 3-h, 4-I, 5-g, 6-f, 7-e, 8-b, 9-c, 10-d


Вставьте идиому:

1. to fail badly, or to fall from a horse or have a bad accident in a vehicle: (Come a cropper)

2. If plans come to nothing, they fail: (Come to nothing)

3. to become extremely angry: (Go ballistic)

4. to tell the truth about something that you have been keeping secret: (come clean)

5. when laws, rules, or system start being used: (Come into force)

6. to lose the money and high social rank that you had in the past: (Come down in the world)

7. when something becomes known: (Come to light)

8. when a situation reaches a point where something must be done about it: (Come to a head)

9. to agree to share the cost of something, especially a meal: (Go Dutch)

10. when company is forced to close because it is financially unsuccessful: (Go bust)

Выберите правильный вариант:

1. Fancy her taking a job like that - she's certainly come down/under at/in the world/earth!

2. So much effort and planning and it's all come at/to/for anything/nothing/lost.

3. She came an almighty cropper when her back wheels hit an icy patch.

4. You need to come clean/clear/honest of/about contacting the police.

5. If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic/rage/out

6. More than twenty companies in the district went dust/bust during the last three months.

7. Fresh evidence has recently come in/to/up to light which suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.

8. We accept your invitation, — But I think we’ll go French/Dutch/ English.

9. Things hadn't been good between us for a while and this incident just brought it of/ to/in a mind/head/thought.

10. The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force/ strength/power tomorrow.


Break even не приносить ни прибыли, ни убытка; покрывать расходы; достигать уровня безубыточности  
Break one’s word нарушить обещание  
break smb.'s heart разбить чьё-л. сердце    
Break the news осторожно сообщать, неприятную новость сообщать известия  
Make a mountain out of molehill Делать из мухи слона The metaphor is an old one. Horace wrote " Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus"; " the mountains will labour, a ridiculous mouse will be born." Horace here meant to poke fun at heroic labours producing meager results; his line is also an allusion to one of Æ sop's fables, " ". The title to Shakespeare's play, " Much Ado about Nothing", expresses a similar sentiment.   Similar idioms exist in other European languages; a German equivalent is " aus einer Mü cke einen Elefanten machen", " to make an elephant out of a mosquito. Another idiom of this kind is the Romanian " a face din tantar, armasar", i.e. " to make a stallion out of a mosquito".   molehill -кротовина
Make a scene закатывать сцену  
make fun of someone высмеивать кого-то  
Make one’s blood boil приводить кого-л. в бешенство  
make short work of something быстро управляться с чем-л  
Have a bee in one’s bonnet быть с причудами; быть помешанным на чем-л. Bonnet- дамская шляпа
Have a bone to pick with someone предъявлять кому-л. претензии; иметь зуб на кого-л.; спорить, пикироваться с кем-л. Why does it mean this?   This saying may refer to dogs squabbling over a bone that more than one of them wants to eat.
Have a chip on one’s shoulder быть готовым к драке; искать повода к ссоре; держаться вызывающе  
have a lump in one’s throat Комок в горле Lump-глыба, ком; крупный кусок

Переведите на английский:

1. Наше предприятие не приносит ни прибыли ни дохода. (Break even)

2. У матери был комок в горле во время выпускного бала дочери. (have a lump in one’s throat)

3. Он ведет себя так агрессивно. Мне кажется, что он специально держится вызывающе. (Have a chip on one’s shoulder)

4. Извини, что я предъявлял тебе претензии. Я был не прав. (Have a bone to pick with someone)

5. Моя подруга просто помешана на «Сумерках»! Последний фильм она смотрела уже 3 раза. (Have a bee in one’s bonnet)

6. Я всегда стараюсь быстро управиться с домашним заданием, чтобы пойти гулять. (make short work of something)

7. Когда меня назвали лжецом, я пришел в бешенство. (Make one’s blood boil)

8. Ученики высмеивали девочку с короткими волосами. (make fun of someone)

9. Женщина устроила сцену в супермаркете, чтобы заставить мужа купить ей пальто. (Make a scene)

10. Не делай из мухи слона! Ты не умрешь от того, что порезал палец. (Make a mountain out of molehill)

11. Он собирается рассказать о своем переводе завтра. (Break the news)

12. Когда она сказала, что не любит меня, она разбила мне сердце! (break smb.'s heart)

13. Джеймс старался никогда большене нарушать свое слово. (Break one’s word)


Заполните пропуски:

1. We need to take $5, 000 each performance just to break even.

2. CNN is breaking the news right now.

3. The news of her death broke his heart.

4. You're making a mountain out of a molehill. You wrote one bad essay - it doesn't mean you're going to fail your exam.

5. Jane is so jealous. Yesterday she saw me with my sister and made me a scene again.

6. You’re always making fun of me! Stop laughing!

7. The way they have treated those people makes my blood boil. I’m very angry!

8. We made short work of the food that was put in front of us.

9. She never stops talking about dieting - she's got a real bee in her bonnet about it.

10. He's got a chip on his shoulder about not having been to university.

11. All during her husband's funeral, Aunt May had a lump in her throat.

12. I' ve got a bone to pick with you; - you've been using my shaver again.

13. When Jake broke his word that he would marry Sarah, she became very depressed.


Подчеркните правильный вариант:

1. After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even /ever/never.

2. I was devastated when the doctor broke the data/information/ news to me.

3. She really broke her mother's soul/legs/ heart when she left home.

4. The team made short job/ work/ play of their biggest rival last night.

5. John's mother had a lump / clot in her throat/ neck at his college graduation.

6. When someone calls me a liar it makes my blood boil / seethe/ bubble

7. Grandmother has some bee in her bonnet / hat/ night cap about going to the dance.

8. Jim often gets into fights because he has a chip on /at/out his shoulder.

9. James made fun of / laughs of/ joy at the new pupil because her speech was not like the other pupils.

10. The young child promised his parents that he would not break his promise/ word /speech

11. I didn't want Kate to make a scene / concert/ performance in front of all of those people, so I gave her the money she wanted.

12. Sarah laughed at a mistake Betty made in class, and Betty won't speak to her; Betty is making a mountain out of /from/at a fly /molehill.

Выберите правильный вариант

1. When they say ‘Break even’ they mean:

a) to have no profit or loss at the end of especially a business activity

b) To stop suddenly

c) To be successful after overcoming a difficulty to success.

2. ‘Break one’s word’

a) To renege on a promise

b) To stop short

c) To be clumsy

3. ‘break smb.'s heart’

a) To do all you possibly can

b) you feel very sad or to make someone who loves you very sad, usually by telling them you have stopped loving them

c) to be impolite

4. “Break the news”

a) to tell someone about something bad which has just happened and which has an effect on them

b) To start a new activity previously neglected by others; do pioneering work.

c) to spoil a surprise or a joke by telling someone something that should have been kept secret

5. “Make a mountain out of molehill”

a) To create something

b) To earn one's livelihood

c) to make a slight difficulty seem like a serious problem

6. “Make a scene”

a) To make a movie

b) To act hysterically; attract unfavorable attention

c) To cause a sensation

7. “make fun of someone”

a) to be unkind to someone and laugh at or cause others to laugh at the person

b) to throw a party

c) to have a good time

8. “Make one’s blood boil”

a) to make you extremely angry

b) To look or smell very good; make you want very much to eat or drink something you see or smell

c) To insult

9. “Have a bee in one’s bonnet”

a) To keep talking about something again and again because you think it is very important

b) to look for a needle in a haystack

c) to be very annoying

10. “make short work of something”

a) To be of no importance

b) To deal with someone or something quickly and effectively

c) To have a little work

11. “Have a bone to pick with someone”

a) To be greedy (to want a lot more food, money, etc. than you need)

b) To be angry (with) sb

c) A reason for dispute; something to complain of or argue about. - Often used jokingly.

12. “Have a chip on one’s shoulder”

a) to seem angry all the time because you think you have been treated unfairly or feel you are not as good as other people

b) to be a lot better than everyone

c) to tell someone about something bad which has just happened and which has an effect on them

13. “have a lump in one’s throat”

a) A feeling (as of grief or pride) so strong that you almost sob.

b) To choke with coughing

c) To fall ill


Get a move on поторапливаться  
Get on sb’s nerve действовать кому-л. на нервы  
Get the hang of Понимать (жарг.-усекать)  
Get out of bed on the wrong side встать с левой ноги In the past people believed that the left was unlucky and the right was lucky. That’s why they believed if you put the left leg out of bed first the day would be unlucky.
Get your goat раздражать, сердить, злить кого-л. It comes from the time when it was common to keep a goat at the same stable as a racehorse to come its nerves before a big race. And if someone stole the goat the horse would become agitated and perform badly. So the owner would probably be angry.
Keep a stiff upper lip 1)проявлять твердость характера 2) сохранять присутствие духа  
keep one's head above water 1)держаться на поверхности, держаться на плаву 2) справляться с трудностями  
Keep one's fingers crossed складывать, держать пальцы крест-накрест (чтобы не сглазить, в знак пожелания удачи)  
Get smth off one's chest чистосердечно признаться в чём-л.; облегчить душу  
Get wind of пронюхивать; разузнавать  
keep a straight face сохранять бесстрастное лицо, стараться не улыбнуться или не засмеяться  
Get the sack быть уволенным Why does it mean this?   Workers used to carry the tools of their trade in a bag, which they would leave with their employer while they worked for him. When the job was finished, they would be given the bag back. The saying originated in France, where “sac” is the word for bag.
Get for a song очень дёшево, за бесценок        


a) отдать даром, почти за бесценок b) пронюхать c) раздражать, сердить, злить d) Скрестить пальцы наудачу e) быть уволенным f) держаться молодцом g) Торопиться, спешить h) стараться не улыбнуться или не засмеяться i) Понять в чем дело, уловить суть, усвоить j) Преодолевать трудности k) Доставать, бесить кого-либо l) Облегчить духу, признаться в чем-то m) встать не с той ноги

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