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The use of the Participle

The participle is a non-finite form of the verb that has properties of the verb, adjective and adverb. There are two Participles in English: Present Participle (Participle I) and Past Participle (Participle II), having three forms.

Forms of the Participle Transitive verbs Intransitive verbs
Active Voice Passive Voice Active Voice
Present Participle declaring being declared going
Past Participle --------------- declared gone
Perfect Participle having declared having been declared having gone
PRESENT PARTICIPLE is used to express an action:
rules examples
1. simultaneous with the action expressed by the finite verb Cooperating with this Intergovernmental Organization the country feels more secure. Cooperating with this Intergovernmental Organization the country felt more secure. Cooperating with this Intergovernmental Organization the country will feel more secure.
2. referring to the present irrespective of the time of the action expressed by the finite verb The spacialists working in our ambassy, graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University.
3. having no reference to any particular time Terrorists are the criminals acting against innocent people, property, or other criminals, inducing panic, fear, and alarm in the general population.
4. preceding thу action expressed by the finite verb if these actions closely follow each other: to enter, to open, to arrive, to see, to hear Entering the meeting room he greeted everybody. Opening the envelope, I found two documents.
PERFECT PARTICIPLE is used to express an action:
1. preceding the action expressed by the finite verb Having nothing left to do, they signed the treaty.
PAST PARTICIPLE is used to express an action:
1. preceding the action expres­sed by the finite verb We looked at the destroyedcity.
Noun in the Common Case: Politician + Participle Him + Participle
Personal Pronoun in the Objective Case:
the first part (i.e. the noun or pronoun) denotes the subject or the object of the action expressed by the Participle.The Objective Participle complex is used with the verbs denoting:
sense perceptions: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to observe, to notice We saw him communicatingwith the partners. We noticed the program breaking down.
wish and mental activity: to want, to wish, to desire, to hate, to intend, to like, to consider, to believe, to think, to find, to know, to expect, to suppose(only Past Participle) She wanted themdiscussing her problem immediately.
to have, to get(only Past Participle) She wanted the personnel changed. I must have my computer repaired.
Noun in the Common Case: Partner + Participle We + Participle
Personal Pronoun in the Nominative Case:
which stands in predicate relation to the Noun or Pronoun. The Subjective Participle complex is used with the verbs denoting:
sense perceptions: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch, to observe, to notice Progressive countries were observed usingdemocratic style of governance.
to consider, to believe, to find(only Past Participle) The meeting was considered finished.
Noun in the Common Case: Leader + Participle They + Participle
Personal Pronoun in the Nominative Case:
and they perform the function of the Participle subject. The Absolute Participle complex is used as adverbial modifiers of:
time The conversation having stopped, everybody went home.
cause The presentation being very informative, he called to minister.
manner or attending circumstances and condition His eyes smiling, he informed us about the system of rewards.

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