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D Упражнения. a) What titles had Everton already won when they came to Wembley for the FA

1. Дайте ответы.

a) What titles had Everton already won when they came to Wembley for the FA

Cup final? b) Who were Everton playing against for the FA Cup? c) Who

was Everton's goalkeeper, and who was United's? d) What shows that Everton's

goalkeeper had been very successful that season? e) Who was the captain

of the Manchester team? f) What was the score at the end of the first

half? g) Who did the referee send off in the 78th minute, and why? h) Why

was the sending off a " first" in English football history? i) Why was the referee's

decision much criticized after the match? j) What was the score after 90

minutes? k) When was the only goal scored, and who by? 1) Why is it surprising

that United won? m) Can you remember an important soccer match

that was won by a ten-man team?



2. Употребите соответствующую форму глагола в следующих условных предло-

жениях третьего типа (-≫ 19В1).

a) If Everton (win) against Manchester United, they would have been the first

English team ever to win three trophies in one season, b) Reid (score) if Gidman

had not diverted the ball against the foot of the post, c) If Hughes (not

hesitate), he might have scored, d) If the second half had been like the first, it

(be) a boring match, e) If the shot (not be) a few inches too high, it would

have been a beautiful goal, f) If Southall (not block) the shot so expertly,

Hughes would have scored, g) If the referee hadn't sent Moran off, United

(probably not win) the Cup.

m e n ≪ г! ЙеЫе ft

4 /



, Moran

: sent off

'" final


С или без -ly? (-Я9В2, 16B1-2).

a) Everton is one of England's most (successful) football clubs, b) If Everton

had been less (cautious), they might have won against Manchester United.

c) Stevens throw-in flew (surprising) (deep) into the United penalty area.

d) The goalkeeper stretched (desperate) to punch the ball (clear), e) They tried

(desperate) to stop the bleeding, f) The Manchester players (furious) criticized

the referee's decision to send Moran off. g) It was a (beautiful) shot but the

(excellent) goalkeeper blocked it (expert), h) In the evening we had a (quiet)

drink with friends at the pub. i) The old man (usual) spends the day working

(quiet) in the garden, j) My hotel is (delightful) (quiet), k) She (immediate)

noticed the difference. 1) If he has a (fast) car, he's likely to drive too (fast).


1 9 D

4. Вставьте соответствующую форму:

to + Infinitive,


или предлог (of, on, to, with + -mg-форма).

a) I managed (lose) eleven pounds during my holiday, b) Hughes was in an

excellent position (shoot) but he hesitated, c) Whiteside's goal destroyed Everton's

dream (take) three titles in one season, d) It must have been easy (take)

the bag with the cameras out of the car. e) I don't know if that would be the

best way (help) him. f) They hope (win) the championship this season,

g) Our dog loves (travel) by car. h) Wasn't it Henry Ford who started (massproduce)

cars? i) It's 25 times safer (travel) by air than by car. j) One person

in six is afraid (fly), k) The referee's decision (send) Moran off was much

criticized after the match. 1) We should concentrate (find) a place to sleep,

m) That sort of decision is likely (be) criticized, n) The man was charged

(shoot) an assistant who tried (stop) him. o) Everton came close (score) when

the ball dropped to Peter Reid and he volleyed back immediately.

5. Произнесите и запишите числа и номера.

a) My room number is 308. b) The number of the Clinton Hotel is 279-4017.

c) The Sea Shell is at 49 Lisson Grove, London NW1. d) London banks are

open from 9.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. e) She works 42 hours a week, f) Mrs

Turner is 37 years old and a freelance photographer, g) 2, 000 homes were destroyed

by the bushfires. h) The City of London has a day population of over

400, 000. i) The population of New York City is over 7, 000, 000. j) 35% of

America's blacks live in poverty, k) I arrive at Cannon Street at 8.53. 1) The

sand-coloured skirt costs £ 19, 99. m) The stolen equipment was worth £ 1, 000.

n) Today the temperature is -15°. o) The United States is the world's 4th

largest nation, p) Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, was

born on the 6th of February, 1911. q) United could have scored in the 11th,

20th and 50th minutes, r) The 2nd half was more dramatic than the 1st.

s) Whiteside was almost successful in the 63rd minute, t) United's winning

goal was scored in the 110th minute.

6. Переведите

а) Команда " Everton" уже дважды выиграла звание чемпиона, когда приехала

на (for the) финальный кубок в Уэмбли. Ь) Рейд забил бы гол, если бы

Гидман случайно не изменил направление (полета) мяча, с) Если бы Хьюз

не замешкался, Рейд не отобрал (steal) бы у него мяч. d) Первый тайм

был довольно скучным, е) На 50-й минуте Робсон мог забить гол, но его

удар был на несколько дюймов выше ворот, f) За 12 минут до окончания

официального времени игры Моран был удален (send off) с поля, g) Это

решение резко критиковалось после матча, h) Во втором тайме в дополни-

тельное время Уайтсайд забил решающий гол в пользу Юнайтид.








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