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OD Упражнения
1. Вопросы к тексту. a) Why didn't Claire get round to writing to Susan? b) Why did she have to " take to the road herself"? c) How did she do out in the field? d) What has Claire been doing during the first week of her holiday? e) What has the weather been like? f) What sort of things have made the headlines in the last few days? g) How long has Susan been in Australia? h) What news does Claire have from Tracey? i) What's Claire planning to do during the next few days? 2. Вопросы к Вам. a) What month were you born in? b) Where do you live? c) How long have you been living in...? d) Where do you work? e) How г,,,. Sorry, m a stranger here myse f. long have you been working " a y for/with/at...? f) How long have you been learning English? g) What are you learning English for? h) Have you ever worked with a computer? (If so, where?) i) When did you last have a holiday, and where did you spend it? j) When is your next holiday, and where are you going to spend it? k) What's your idea of a perfect holiday? 3. Употребите соответствующую форму глагола. Claire Farrell (be) born in Adelaide, Australia, on May 17, 1951. She (go) to school in Australia. In 1975 she (come) to London, where she eventually (find) a job with a software company. After (sell) computer software successfully for several years she (become) one of the directors of the company. She (work) mainly in the office now. Her friend Susan (live) in Australia for the last two years. Claire (visit) her a year ago when she (be) in Australia on business. Susan (probably visit) Claire in London next year. 4. Вставьте соответствующую форму глагола. a) The weather (be) wonderful for the last ten days, b) The weather (be) wonderful when we (arrive), c) I (not feel) very well when I came back from 133 2 0 D Bangkok, d) I (not be) feeling very well since I came back from Bangkok. e) I (play) football since I was a boy. f) I (play) a lot of football when I was a boy. g) I (know) her since she (come) to work here about ten years ago. h) She (work) in an ice-cream parlour when I first (see) her. i) She (be) taken to the intensive-care unit of the London Hospital immediately after the accident. j) She (be) in intensive care since last Friday, k) Things (be) very hectic at the office for the last two weeks. 1) Things (be) rather hectic at the office last week, m) Alaska (be) a state of the U.S. since 1959. 5. Since или for? a) He lived in the United States ten years before he became naturalized. b) She has been a U.S. citizen 1983. c) We've had no rain the beginning of June, d) I've had this computer two years and it's always been absolutely reliable, e) she came back, she's been staying with friends. f) Do you see that man over there? He's been following me I left the station, g) I've been learning English three years, h) He's been unconscious 36 hours now. 6. Вставьте соответствующее возвратное местоимение -self (—> 20ВЗ). a) I saw on video the other day. I looked rather strange, b) He said he'd shoot, but I don't think he will, c) People like him don't love others, they only love d) I hope you'll all enjoy here, e) You can make some coffee if you like, Claire, f) I don't understand her. I don't think she understands ..... g) We're both over 80, but we can still look after h) We must help those who can't help i) Why don't you get something to drink, children? 7. Употребите соответствующее возвратное местоимение для усиления значе- ния. I didn't make the reservation. - I didn't make the reservation myself. a) I wouldn't wear a T-shirt like that, b) She didn't pack her bag. c) We redecorated the flat, d) He collected his passport, e) If you have the money, why don't you publish the book? f) I talked to him. g) The children can't < э that, h) Wouldn't it be best if you both went? i) The house is rather pretty but the neighbourhood isn't very nice. (Обратите внимание на порядок слов!) Дополните предложения примыкающими краткими вопросами (-> 14В5, 20С8). You've been in Australia for two years now. You've been in Australia for two years now, haven't you? a) You've been working mainly in the office during the last few years, b) The weather has been wonderful most of the time, c) Things have been very hectic at the office, d) You did very well, e) The forecast was £ 60, 000. f) You're taking it easy at the moment, g) You like to browse around in bookshops. h) You want to redecorate your living room, i) Tracey is in Bangkok at the moment, j) She has passed her exams, k) She wants to enjoy herself. 134 2 0 D / 2 1 A 9. Переведите. a) Я уже давно ([or some time) хотел тебе написать, но до сих пор (till now) не сделал этого. b) Я уже неделю в отпуске. c) (Последние) десять дней по- года стоит чудесная, d) Вчера на прогулке в саду Букин- гемского дворца многие гости потеряли сознание, е) Во многих пивных закончилось пиво, i) Недавно я получил открытку от Трэйси. g) Трэй- си сдала выпускные экзамены и теперь находится в круго- светном путешествии, h) Уже давно я намереваюсь оклеить обоями свою гостиную. " I'll tell you a little secret - I haven't polished my shoes for three years." 2 1 A T e x t